My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1074: Too handsome and too strong


Xia Yuyan pouted her small mouth and stared at Su Jin with enthusiasm. She was so embarrassed, how could the humiliation of people compare to Su Jin's worthless mention!

"I mean it's not necessary." Su Jin's tone was helpless, "wrap me like a mummy, it's airtight, and it has a bad effect on the body..."

"This is to prevent you from moving." Xia Yuyan sat beside him, "You don't move, so I can rest assured."

"Isn't it a **** to be motionless? My second Olympics, you scold me..." Su Jin was ashamed, his nose moved, a scent of fragrance penetrated, and immediately changed the subject and asked: "Wife, what's the smell of you? It smells so good?"

"It should be the smell of shower gel." Xia Yuyan's small mouth moved slightly, the corners of her mouth curled up, and he stared at Su Jin and said: "You said you are so uneasy, telling you not to come and watch. It depends on how you were beaten up, and how well you recover later, if you can't stand up..."

"True love, if you can't stand up, you will serve me forever, right?"

To be honest, Su Jin is really moved now, and his wife still cares about herself.

"Hehe, what's so stinky? If you can't stand up, this lady will dump you!" Xia Yuyan said irritably.

Su Jin:...

"Below the waist, the function is normal and nothing is broken! Dare to check with the instrument!" Su Jin said straightforwardly. Why didn't he understand Xia Yuyan? If he really became like that, he would rather let her go without delay. People.

"Did you have a broken brain and dare to be **** your lips?" Xia Yuyan scolded, with a soft voice, and said: "When you get home, you will stay at home honestly and heal your injuries. You are not allowed to go anywhere, listen to it. Yet?"

"What my wife said is very true~" What about Su Jin, he will be cut off if he doesn't listen, not to mention that he is on the cusp of being on the cusp now, no matter if he listens or not, he agrees first.

Xia Yuyan was helpless. Don't look at Su Jin's promise. With her understanding of this guy, she would never be honest and obedient. For example, now, she just watched...Looking at Young Master Su put her hand on her head. On her lap, ashamed, she almost wanted to get up from the bed. If it hadn't taken care of his severely injured body, she would definitely not forgive him.

Su Jin sniffed deeply the scent next to her. Xia Yuyan loves to be clean, and she has to take a bath at least two or three times a day. Maybe it's the eldest lady, all of them~

Xia Yuyan, who changed her clothes after taking a shower, was very charming. She was able to see a drunk man sober. Perhaps it was not cold in the cabin. She was wearing a snow-white shirt with a waist A dark blue skirt that can hide the clothes, combined with the face on the jade neck that eclipses all women, the charming temperament is simply beautiful...

Seeing Su Jin's restless obsession, Xia Yuyan couldn't help it, and took his big hand away from his lap with his hand. The cabin was small and narrow. The more so, the more nervous she became, even though this guy was seriously injured.

"It's a pity." Su Jin sighed.

"What a pity?" Xia Yuyan was puzzled.

"These long socks are a bit thick, just black. I like black long thin socks."

"You, what do you know, this is for keeping warm."

Xia Yuyan bit his heart to death. If you don’t understand, you can pretend to understand. The weather outside is so cold, it’s strange that you don’t wear thin clothes to freeze to death. Besides, you can’t all follow his requirements. In that case, should it be cheaper for others?

"My wife, I made a cruel decision." Su Jin suddenly became serious.

"What decision?"

"When you come home, if you wear those two-finger-wide fishnet socks every day, I won't be fussing anymore, and take care of your injuries at home to accompany you." Su Jin said.

"That's it." Xia Yuyan didn't hesitate at all, and immediately followed Su Jin's words.

"It's settled..." Su Jin couldn't help laughing triumphantly. Now that his wife has agreed to such a good thing, what else can the young master say? Isn't it good enough?

Xia Yuyan rolled her eyes, and immediately thought of it, pointed her slender finger to the hatch, and said: "There is a girl outside, saying that you are her master, and you have to come in, you..."

"Tell her." Su Jin has changed his posture, turned sideways and rested his chin, "No."

"Not so good, she is very clingy." Xia Yuyan was also entangled and lost her temper.

"Then see you."

Su Jin raised his eyebrows and blinked when he met Xia Yuyan.

This, this **** it.

Discharge to me!

Xia Yuyan's cheeks were so hot that she almost had the urge to act. Fortunately, her years of workplace experience calmed her down and got up to open the door.

"He's awake, let's talk." Xia Yuyan said to Ling Baobao.

Ling Baobao's face showed joy, he couldn't wait to walk in, and turned his head to find that his sister-in-law had closed the door.

However, Xia Yuyan didn't think much about it. What could a guy like Su Jin, whose body was completely covered by bandages, do? Let them talk, and she went to Concubine Mu.

When Ling Baobao came in and saw Su Jin's first glance, he endured the beating heart and screamed in his heart. Even though he was seriously injured, Brother Su was still very handsome and stylish——

So how did Su Jin do it?

It turned out that when Ling Baobao came in, Su Jin had already lifted Erlang's legs from a lying position, with one leg resting on the other, with his arms resting on the back of his head, and he was quite leisurely...

"Brother Su, I'm coming to see you." Ling Baobao held his hot cheeks with both hands, and looked at Young Master Su with embarrassment.

"Just come to see me simply?" Su Jin glanced at her.

"I, I..." Ling Baobao blushed before saying, "I want to worship you as a teacher..."

"No." Su Jin shook his head flatly.

"Why?" Ling Baobao was obviously anxious and asked quickly.

"I'm too handsome and strong."

"This is also the reason?"

"Dan Chai Li Huo, handsome men and beauties, handsome masters and beautiful apprentices..." Su Jin clicked his lips, "It's like a godfather, it's not decent on the face, you have to steal it from the back, and you have to be behind you. Poke the spine."

"I... also ask the master to accept me, I can wash and cook, rub my feet and back, and I can..."

"There will be so many, but I still won't accept it. Didn't you hear how determined I am?" Su Jin looked at her helplessly, "Did you grow up on fake milk powder?"

Ling Baobao bulged her cheeks, and the water vapor quickly filled her eyes. His breath was unstable and he was a little unstable. He was obviously very angry, "You don't know the baby at all, goodbye!"

"Wait. Young people, don't be too impetuous." Su Jin said earnestly and stopped Ling Baobao who had turned around and was still crying, and then said, "Can you drive a car?"

"Me?" Ling Baobao listened to the drama, turned around to face Young Master Su, as if thinking of something that was not easy to export, he hesitated and refused to express his position.

"Answer me, would you?" Su Jin said again.

"Yes, but my driver's license points are all deducted..." Ling Baobao's face suddenly became red like a big apple.

"I wipe it. What's the situation?" Su Jin was dumbfounded.

So, Ling Baobao said something that made Young Master Su ridicule. She said: "Since I was driving, I have only been favored by the traffic police~ So I persuaded the traffic police uncle to get the rain and the dew! But the traffic police uncle never listened. Well, just punish me! Just punish me!"

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