My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1080: Qincheng is here

"what happened?"

Xia Yuyan was puzzled. When she went back to the room with Su Jin, it was still sunny outside, but it was definitely not normal for the hull to shake at this level.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon——

"You stay in the room, I'll go out and have a look." Su Jin embraced the beautiful woman and comforted Xia Yuyan, who had changed her appearance, and wanted to know in his heart the same.

"Either together, or you stay in the room." How could Xia Yuyan stay alone, not to mention Su Jin was seriously injured and has not recovered. If he encounters a master who came to attack them, I am afraid that he can't deal with it.


Su Jin naturally chose the former, righted his wife, dragged her to the deck.

After arriving on the deck, Concubine Mu and other women were all there, but they all had ugly faces, standing on the deck, whispering to each other, or looking into the distance, looking at the black sky covering the sky thousands of meters away.

The whole audience was attracted by the strange weather.

"Sister Mu!" Xia Yuyan and Su Jin walked to Concubine Mu's side, "What happened?"

"It's just a chance encounter, but the matter is quite serious." Mu Fei furrowed her eyebrows, looked sideways at Su and Jin and continued: "We are now on the high seas, just entering the border between China and the Sea of ​​Japan. In the sea, I was a little surprised at first. Why didn’t I see a Japanese master going there because of such a big event of the Goddess Sacrament, because I had information in advance and I heard that there was a young Japanese master who was most likely to kill Su Jin to participate. But I didn't see it."

"What then? What does it have to do with that large black barrier?" Xia Yuyan asked.

"That person is breaking through. If I'm not mistaken, it should be the genius master." Mu Fei said solemnly.

"Who?" Su Jin wanted to hear too.

The Silvermoon Wolf on the side took the conversation and said, "Kappa Hasegawa Kaede."

"That's right." Mu Fei said: "This person was salvaged from the river at half an hour after being reported. He was not dead, and he was terrifying and terrifying. At first he couldn't speak human language, but his speed was so fast that someone caught him as a disciple. Later, he had been hiding in the snow for more than ten years. The last time he appeared was three years ago. Three years ago, he was seventeen years old. He killed a hundred people at a night beach banquet on the coast of'Kolkata' in India with cruel methods."

"Why do you see him?" Su Jin asked.

"On those shady scenes, there are miserable screams and heavy ghost images, which is evidence." Mu Fei raised her eyebrows and said firmly.

Su Jin raised his head and took a closer look. Sure enough, he saw all kinds of ghosts dodge above the black screen, and the miserable voice seemed to freeze at the moment before death, very evil.

Yinyue's face also looked worried, and looked at Su Jin, and said: "This person is unknown. After slaughtering a hundred people three years ago, we collected relevant information. At present, he is likely to be breaking through the'Infant Fairy Period.' 'At the moment, if you break through, I'm afraid you will have a lot of trouble in the future."

"It's so amazing..." Su Jin slapped up, and said nonchalantly: "Drink a glass of red wine to be shocked, and fill it with him."


They all said in their hearts, pretending to be paralyzed, I only serve Su Jin!

As the boat gradually moved away, Fei Mu and the Queen of Silver Moon Wolf reminded Su Jin that they hadn't forgotten that if he returned to his peak state now, no matter how strong a master came, he would have a mentality of doing nothing.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the boring life on board finally ushered in a turning point.

Not far away, rows of merchant ships full of containers sail out from time to time, and there are many white luxury cruise ships, docked in exclusive locations. Some luxury cruise ships gallop on the blue water against the sea breeze. Accompanied by flocks of seagulls, they pass a snow-white wave. The city of Qin, also known as the "Ghost City", is like a supernatural craftsmanship, located on the edge of the coastline of China.

The sunset is no longer as hot as noon. Through the gaps of skyscrapers, the body is comfortable. This is one of the most prosperous ports in Qincheng's trade and the most important port for Qincheng's foreign economy!

Su Jin smiled, feeling the incomparable kindness and familiarity.

Qincheng has finally arrived!

If these things did not happen, perhaps the life in the metropolis would make people linger, but in the rivers and lakes, the secretly unknown things are particularly intoxicating. Although Su Jin's injury is not healed, he still does not regret it!

"The contrast is quite big, don't you think it’s my husband?" Xia Yuyan stepped off the big boat, carrying a package in her hand. Inside was Su Jin’s blood coat dyed yesterday. In such a strong contrast, this journey is like Dreaming.

Su Jin didn't speak at all.

Let him pretend to be deep for a while. Several people are paying attention to Su Jin, and they are a little curious to see him without saying anything.

Su Jin put his hands in the trouser pockets of the brightly colored beach pants, walked a few steps, and scanned the audience, then with a serious tone, pointed to his face and said: "Your emperor, came back!"

"100 points." Mu Fei scored without hesitation.

"My eyes shine brightly in front of me, I admire you with full marks." The Silver Moon Wolf Queen was panicked by Su Jin's aura, and immediately gave points.

Su Jin will be proud of everything!

Xia Yuyan watched everyone slap Su Jin flattering, and immediately became anxious, and turned her mouth up to be dissatisfied, "As far as pretending to be paralysis, you are too pretending to be too much to impress me, so I can't give you points... "

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