My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1081: Still familiar taste

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My wife doesn't give much face, so she said she would give her a face outside!

Su Jin took a deep look at Xia Yuyan, the threatening scent in his eyes was very strong, as smart as Xia Yuyan would definitely understand the meaning of his eyes.

That is to go home and clean up you.

As expected, Xia Yuyan was panicked. She is now openly challenging and countering the ‘President Su’. Using the methods of a high official, will they get along with each other after returning home?

The key is what he wants to do when he goes back!

"Okay, we also need to separate occasions... Don't let those single dogs abuse us." Mu Fei sighed and began to order: "Go back to each house, Xiao Zhanyun, you send Miss Tang Back to Haoran Villa, no questions are allowed during the period, otherwise you will only ask."

"Yes." Xiao Zhanyun tried his best to avoid Su Jin's vision along the way, and now he was behind a few people who were in obscurity. After hearing the voice, he immediately took the task.

"Miss Ying'er, your master Tian Cailin will be a guest in Beijing in the near future. She has maintained a very good relationship with us. You can stay here for the time being, and then go to the capital with me." Mu Fei said with a smile.

Ying'er was puzzled along the way and didn't say much, but when she heard Concubine Mu say that, she nodded and quietly glanced at Young Master Su by the way.

Su Jin looked at Tang Yuxun, watched her look at herself, and nodded gently, and his gaze stayed on Ling Baobao, who was still reluctant after getting off the boat.

Ling Baobao is really angry.

She is currently being dragged by her father Ling Tailai. From last night to today, she has used various methods, but she still failed to make her dad compromise. The apprentice plan announced she was stranded, and she has even died!

"Brother..." Su Jin's eyes flickered as he looked at Ling Tailai and asked.

"Brother Su, we are in a hurry to go to the train station. Thank you yesterday! If there is a chance in the future, Ling will definitely pay this kindness back!" Ling Tailai's face is not very good, but he is a good news report. People who were at Zhiyan Mountain Pass yesterday, but Su Jin broke the Shimen and saved them, which he must not forget.

"If you have any difficulties, you can come to Qincheng to find me." Su Jin nodded.

Then Ling Tailai took her daughter, took his disciple Guo Daguang, and left in a hurry. Ling Baobao was pulled and said an address loudly, so that the master would find her some time later...

Su Jin had no choice but to respond.

"The car is in place, let's get on the car!" Mu Fei reminded.

Sure enough, a few extra-long luxury cars drove over, and everyone went up one by one, and then left Qincheng Wharf.


The sunset is dim and the place to live.

A car stopped and left, Su Jin and Xia Yuyan already appeared at the door of the residence.

While in the car, Su Jin learned that Concubine Mu had already arranged the accommodation for Ying'er and the others. In the end, the special car took the two directly home. It was almost the limit, and the young master didn't have to worry about other things.

However, seeing the supercar'Reaper' stopped at the door, Su Jin had the urge to touch it!

The two entered the living room.

"Sister, brother-in-law!" Xia Yunxi jumped up from the sofa and walked over happily.

"Did you not go to work?" Xia Yuyan asked with a frown.


As a result, Xia Yunxi held her small mouth, with a very weak and cute appearance, and said, "I just took the medicine. Maybe the air conditioner cooled down last night."

"Well, before I get off work, I'll go to the company to take a look." Xia Yuyan didn't even have the idea of ​​sitting down, after all, God knows if there is any problem with the company after she leaves.

Su Jin:...

Wife, so she works if she doesn't agree! Second Olympics——

"Tomorrow." Su Jin stopped Xia Yuyan and said, "Don't worry about this day."

"Anyway, you are not in a hurry. By the way, you have promised me that you are not allowed to run around." Xia Yuyan gave him a white look, then entered the bedroom and changed his dress as the president of the workplace, and walked away from the residence.

I have to say that Su Jin looked at Xia Yuyan's back dressed as the president and hurriedly left. His familiar feeling came back again. It was really good.

In the room, the atmosphere is a bit quiet.

Su Jin sat on the sofa, staring at Xia Yunxi in a dazed manner, staring unabashedly. For a while, the unnatural feeling in the living room was rising rapidly.

Xia Yunxi wore a strapless white silk shirt with stripes and an open-top reddish brown fabric short skirt. A pair of thin round legs spread out from the skirt. She was white and beautiful, and she felt like a beautiful sister next door.

"Big Brother Su, my sister was right, did you just get hurt?" Xia Yunxi picked up a strand of hair behind her ear, walked to Su Jin and sat down.

The scent of a young girl is coming!

"It's just a little injury." Su Jin shook his head, keeping his eyes on her long white legs.

"Where is the injury? You are so handsome, and there are still people who have the heart to do it. It's really hateful!" Xia Yunxi said worriedly.

"The injury is not important. It only matters when you have a cold. Why are you so careless?" Su Jin put his hand on her knee and patted, his tone a little bit humbling.

Xia Yunxi blushed, as if she was frightened by Su Jin's actions, but she did not dodge, she shrank her neck and shook her head and said, "No, nothing serious."

"You have to pay attention." Su Jin said again: "Is it hard to get a cold?"

"Yeah." Xia Yunxi nodded, as shy as a big white rabbit, afraid to look at Big Brother Su.

"Come on, Brother Su will make you comfortable." Su Jin said seriously.

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