My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1083: Long pain is worse than short pain

Lin Yueru heard this:...

In-depth discussion in the room, will things happen to orphans? But the boss doesn’t look like that kind of person!

For a while, the beautiful nanny fell into conflict.

"It's actually very simple." Lin Yueru said weakly on an embarrassed face.

"You are afraid of this boss." Su Jin stared at Lin Yueru and said.

"No way, I was afraid of ghosts when I was young, and people when I grew up..." Lin Yueru hurriedly changed the subject and continued to express her own opinions: "I think they can ask their teacher to adjust their seats. Can they not sit with Wang Liangliang?"

"Awesome, why are you so smart? Just do it." Su Jin nodded in agreement immediately when he saw that the inducing beauty nanny failed.

There is no other way. If the red apricot can't get out of the wall, can it be pulled out forcibly?

Officials are not such strong people. Anyway, the day will be long and the frogs will be boiled in warm water. Let's take your time. When there is really no solution, let's force it. It's especially the mouse that catches the cat in a hurry. Wit!

"The problem is that I told Xiaomei, she just didn't agree to go to class, she was looking for you when she couldn't help..." Lin Yueru said with shame.

Hearing that Lin Yueru was still talking about herself, Xiaomei pouted Lao Gao with a very unconvinced expression.

Su Jin turned his head, looked at Xiaomei, and said in a very serious tone: "Take me to class tomorrow morning, can you do it?"

"Okay." Seeing that her elder brother was a little angry, Xiaomei knew that she couldn't make the trouble anymore, so she agreed.

"That's a good boy. I have to listen to your sister Yueru every day and strive to improve her ranking." Su Jin touched her small face and said with a smile.

"It's already the top three, okay." Xiaomei looked at Su Jin unhappy.

"Only the first three, this is starting to swell? What is there to show off? If you don't be the first, you will lose!" Su Jin pulled his face.

"Big brother, when you were as old as me, what was your grade?"

Sister Xiaomei is very curious.


There seemed to be a cold wind blowing in front of Su Jin. It was embarrassing to ask this question, so he sighed and said: "The age is too old, it has long been forgotten, but I seem to remember that I still won a few firsts."

"What are they all?" Lin Yueru was startled. Could it be that the boss has been a master of learning since he was a child? How else can you have such a strong background?

"Five firsts: pit, deceive, abduct, cheat, and rob." Su Jin preached confidently.

"Go go, teach the kid." Lin Yueru stared blankly, but she didn't expect the boss to say that. She stayed with Xiaomei every day, knowing that this little sister admired the boss Su Da, if he was told by Xiaomei Write it down carefully and put it into practice, that's it! Absolutely not!

Su Jin waved his hand very stylishly, "Retreat to me and teach her well."

"Big brother goodbye." Xiaomei stuck her tongue out at Su Jin.

Lin Yueru also nodded, and then took Xiaomei, who was bouncing around, into their residence.

Random task: Raiders nanny, failed.

Su Jin held the trouser pocket of the beach shorts, smiled slightly, looked back, returned to the living room, and found that Xia Yunxi was no longer on the sofa.

At the position of his side, Xia Yunxi's room door quietly closed, it seems that she is ready, just waiting for him to appear! This is a very good opportunity, and the officials will never lose it!

Su Jin's heart is hot, and the opportunity can't wait the least, otherwise he won't lose too much! Seeing it was almost five o'clock, who knows when his wife will come back.

Without any hesitation, Su Jin strode towards Xia Yunxi's bedroom door and knocked three times.

"The door, the door is not locked~" Xia Yunxi's faint voice faintly heard.

Su Jin opened the door and walked in.

Sure enough, Xia Yunxi had given Su Jin the perfect back at this moment. She was sitting on the bed with her back facing the door of the room. She couldn't see her expression clearly and couldn't guess what she was thinking at the moment.

"Let's get started!" Su Jin didn't want to waste time at all, walked up to her and said calmly.

"Brother Su...will it be uncomfortable?" Xia Yunxi asked in a low voice. Anyway, she had had so many experiences with Young Master Su, but it was the first time she was treated. She thought that since it was a treatment, she would definitely not So much better.

"Maybe, it's easy to persist. You have to have confidence in yourself." Su Jin nodded.

"You said it would be very comfortable and comfortable, but how do I feel now...I have been fooled by a devil——" Xia Yunxi communicated with Su Jin in a soft voice.

"Long pain is not as good as short pain. It will only take a while, just bear it." Su Jin bent down and lifted the knees of Xia Yunxi who was sitting with her hands, put her long thin white legs on the bed and let her lie down.

Xia Yunxi blushed slightly, took out a half-centimeter thick pink hair rope under the pillow, and handed it to Su Jin's eyes and said, "I'm afraid I can't help it. I'm most afraid of treating illness. Do you want to use this to treat my hands and feet? Tied it up to prevent me from moving!"

Su Jin stared at the pink headband blankly.

In the next moment, he has a decision.

With a heavy focus, Su Jin said: "Okay!"

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