My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1084: Look, the handsome guy is here!

So, there is the following beautiful style.

Xia Yunxi's hands and feet were twined with pink ropes, and a pair of snow-colored jade feet was held up by Su Jin. The state of her lying down showed her perfect figure.

Su Jin looked at her blankly, except for two pink faints on her cheeks caused by being too shy, her body was still trembling slightly.

I have to compliment! Still sighing Yunxi's small waist--

"Brother Doctor, keep your face away from my feet, thank you..." Xia Yunxi glanced at Su Jin who was intoxicated, but he immediately entered the plot state, and his tone was a bit righteous.

"The patient has no say." Su Jin said with a smile.

"Brother Doctor, what are you going to do next?" Xia Yunxi seemed to have plucked up the courage and stared at Su Jin.

"you guess."

"Can't guess it."

"What is guessed, how is it called guessing?"

"Damn it, don't remind people, how do they know what you do--"

"Sister patient, do you have a mask?"

"Yes, **** it! You wouldn't be... you want to say that people's feet have... smell..."

Xia Yunxi is really hard to tell, her feet don't taste like, okay? Brother Su must be teasing her, so he proposed to wear a mask!

Damn it.

"Not really, the patient's sister's feet are clean, the skin is also very good, the size is also very moderate, it is superb." Su Jin is telling the truth, and there is no falsehood!

"That's it?" Xia Yunxi asked very puzzled.

"Do you know why the doctor needs to wear a mask for the operation?" Su Jin looked at her calmly.

"do not know."

"Because of fear of unsuccessful surgery, I was recognized."

"Haha..." Xia Yunxi couldn't help laughing. It was too funny. It was clearly not like this, but Young Master Su said it was like this. She knew it was a joke. She couldn't refute it because it might be really funny. It makes sense, after all, doctor-patient disputes are already serious.

"I'm going to start treatment. If I can't bear it, look at the handsome guy. Look, the handsome guy is here!" Su Jin pointed to his face, and then gently pressed his thumb on the'Yongquan Point' on the forefoot .

With a physique like Su Jin, he never knew what a cold was. He didn't care much about this kind of illness. It was nothing more than using heat to get rid of the dampness in Xia Yunxi's body, as long as he exerted a little strength. Entering Xia Yunxi's body, she yelled when she was guaranteed to be hot for a while, not to mention that she is now in a tied state, and it can be said that she is desperate by then.

Really, Su Jin's first ray of power entered from the "Yongquan" under Xia Yunxi's feet, and almost instantly caused her physical reaction.

In just a few seconds, Xia Yunxi, who was dressed thinly, had a skin color that looked like cooked prawns!

"It's so hot." Xia Yunxi sweated frequently and said something unbearably.

Just like a water snake, Xia Yunxi twisted. It was more uncomfortable than the treadmill she had been running for a long time in the gym. No wonder Su Jin agreed to tie her up, otherwise she would definitely not be able to resist it!

"Hold it!" Su Jin had no pressure and was relaxed to death, looking at Xia Yunxi who was twisting, watching with admiration.

The ups and downs are really beautiful.

"I can't help it..." Xia Yunxi looked at Su Jin with a plea for help, "Let go of me, Big Brother Su, it won't be cured tomorrow."

"Just a few minutes, just start like this. I think you still need to seriously understand what perseverance is." Seeing her face flushed, Su Jin even had the urge to pinch her face a few times.

"What a hot comprehension! It's too hot, please let my brother let me go--"

The claim is invalid!

In the subsequent room, the atmosphere was as hot as a sauna, and even a thin layer of mist condensed a foot below the ceiling.

A few minutes is neither short nor long nor long. If Xia Yunxi is asked to choose whether to treat the illness again, she will definitely say'no' to Su Jin, even if it is to let her catch a cold for ten days and eight days, she does not want to After these few minutes of heat, she didn't know how she persisted.

She yelled straight and hot, although she was beautiful in Su Jin's ear, but she was uncomfortable! People who have not tried it have no idea what kind of torture it is.

"All right, doctor brother..." Xia Yunxi felt that the heat was lowering, and Su Jin did not have any extra movements, looking at Young Master Su very poorly.

Now her hair is soaking wet, and her body is no different from taking a bath. The key point is that she is still very weak, as if all her strength is discharged with sweat, and she speaks quietly, not deliberately.

"Well, your illness is cured, and you will be alive and kicking in a while." Su Jin smiled.

"Thank you, can you please loosen me up?" Xia Yunxi still asked pitifully.

"How easy is it, your computer?" Su Jin scanned the room and finally found the laptop on the table.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

"Selling beautiful women, ten percent new." Su Jin said with a weird expression, pointing at Xia Yunxi with both fingers.

"Hey, hello!" Xia Yunxi was furious.

But then Xia Yunxi knew that Su Jin was joking, because he had already stepped forward and got closer to him, and his eyes were scary.

It seems that Su Jin intends to do something very bad and makes Xia Yunxi very scared.

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