My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1086: Lord Jin, please sit down

The sky is getting late, a full moon hangs on the branches, the moonlight is sultry.

The entire Luoxia Town seemed to be shrouded and wrapped in a soft white mist. The summer breeze is very big, and the blowing branches and leaves sway, blowing away a lot of hot air.

The summer luoxia manor.

There is a garden on the east side. The ground is paved with gray rough rocks. It is surrounded by a special tree with yellow flowers. There is a space in the middle. A stone table and several high-quality wooden chairs are placed. , There are two people sitting.

"It's getting dark, will Master Su come or not?" Yao Qiaoyu asked with a slightly impatient tone of a woman who exudes a mature temperament.

Here, the two women have been waiting for 1 hour. If it weren’t for Yao Qiaoyu who couldn’t wait halfway, she went to take a shower and changed her clothes Meimei. I’m afraid she was even more impatient. She changed into a pink striped vest. Er is very close to the body, tightly wrapped around the thin waist, wearing a gray-blue short skirt under the waist, the thin white legs are strong and eye-catching under the stone table, announcing its existence, and the end of the long legs is Goose yellow sandals with five toes.

"The distinguished guests will never come first. If you let the guests wait for us, what would it be like—"

Tao Ji laughed. She was not in a hurry. She was dressed in a jumpsuit and a luxurious sarong, which extended her figure to the extreme. However, any girl with a slightly bad figure would not dare to wear this kind of clothes. The requirements are too high, but she can wear the most beautiful effect.

"Aunt Tao Ji, I have a question for you." Yao Qiaoyuan blinked. "Don't you think Master Su is too arrogant?"

Tao Ji always seemed to smile at the corners of her mouth. When Yao Qiaoyu asked this question, she showed a stunned expression, and then asked, "Why do you feel that way?"

"I love showing off, hitting people, and being arrogant. I feel that way anyway."

Yao Qiaoyuan's evaluation of Su Jin is a bit low. If Tao Ji hadn't sent someone to ask her to come and accompany her, she would not come...

"Illusion." Tao Ji immediately pointed out her problem.

"Illusion?" Yao Qiaoyu was a little frantic, wondering why Tao Ji would speak for Su Jin.

"In your opinion, Master Su is a bit arrogant, arrogant is a derogatory term, but I don't think so." Tao Ji smiled.

"What do you think is..."

"Confident, very confident. It can even be called a model of a good man." Tao Ji expressed her opinion.

"Damn." Yao Qiaoyu was stunned, and then went on to say: "The more my aunt says that, the more I want to hit him, what should I do?"

Just as she was speaking, an indifferent word came in her ear.

"To be honest, a self-confident and outstanding man can no longer describe me." Su Jin was still wearing those beach shorts, wearing the mad and cool blue glasses, and came with his hands. When the two women were in a daze, they continued: "I'm sorry, it's late."

If you didn’t come, you would hear Tao Ji praise him, I’m afraid he’s not in the mood anymore, he could have come early, but official Su wanted to bring a person to come, that person is Nangong...

When he took a lot of effort to find Nangong Jun and explained his intentions, Young Master Nangong actually ignored everyone's surprised eyes and knelt down on the spot, begging Su Jin to let him go with his nose and tears. Ma, said it was because Miss Yao Er's lethality had broken through imagination, and because she had lost ten pounds, she really didn't want to see her again.

Tao Jifen pressed her fist on her cheek, with an expression of appreciation on her face, and said with a smile: "Jin Ye, please sit down, a woman who is unemployed, waiting for a man like Jin Ye will never be annoying~"

Yao Qiaoyu was embarrassed holding a slender goblet, the egg white liquor inside was sipped by her, and she kept peeking at them.

"The scenery here is very interesting." Su Jin sat down and praised when he saw the trees with yellow flowers.

"The ruta tree has an excellent repellent effect on mosquitoes. The principle is to evaporate a substance contained in the leaves into the air through high temperature. The mosquitoes dare not get close. Even if the flowers bloom too much, they are not beautiful..." Miss Tao Ji laughed. Said.

Su Jin thoughtfully said, "It's so simple--"

Immediately, Su Jin patted the stone table lightly with his right hand, and a wave that was invisible to the naked eye but could be felt by the body appeared instantly. If a master could see it here, he would find a circular wave suddenly spreading, and the surroundings were ruined. The flowers of the tree rustle and fall, falling on the ground, on the stone table, beside the three of them~

From this, the scene is also a little more beautiful.

"Good skill." Miss Tao Ji clapped her hands gently, Su Jin's trick is very eye-catching, and it is definitely a skill to pick up girls——

"How to do it..." Yao Qiaoyu stared blankly at the flowers falling, turning his head to look at Su Jin's indifferent expression.

"Little tricks of carving insects, not enough." Su Jin slowly shook his head, took a glass of red wine poured by Miss Tao Ji, and deliberately said: "Is it really sure you want to drink? What should I do if I can't beat the wine?"

"Simple." Tao Ji said profoundly: "My bed you haven't seen before... It's very big. If you look down on my sister, Qiao Yuan is very quiet, just because this Nizi doesn't study. Well, you are so talented, you can use this to point her to her. Tell me, who do you choose?"

pick one of two.

A green fragrance, a ripe peach.

Really embarrassed.

But the next moment Su Jin made a choice.

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