My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1087: She is yours

"Lord ~ ​​all!"

Su Jin looked at the two women with a smile.

"Too greedy--" Tao Ji's eyes widened, surprised.

Only Yao Qiaoyuan blushed and didn’t know what to say. She didn’t have much affection for Su Jin. Apart from sincerely admiring his talent and calligraphy, as for other styles and behaviors, this guy was undoubtedly called a scumbag. Two words.

"Knowing that it's impossible, it's a good thing to do in dreams, why not swell it up?" Su Jin had some of his own reasons.

It was originally Tao Ji's joke, but she lost if she was serious. It would be better to be domineering and show the charm of Jin Ye's personality.

"Just kidding, Qiaoyuan is still young, but she can't stand the toss of Jin Ye." Tao Ji said, suddenly clapped her hands.

A good-looking girl appeared one by one, holding a tray in their hands and starting to serve food.

Su Jin smiled upon seeing this, and asked when the various delicacies were off the table: "Can Lord Yao Jiu be healthy?"

"Everything is fine." Tao Ji held the chopsticks to help Su Jin put an order in Su Jin's bowl, smiled and said, "Jin Ye, please have dinner."

"Please also two ladies."

Su Jin originally wanted to say that this was not what he wanted to eat, but after thinking about it, he didn’t say it. Maybe someone just invited him to a meal. Of course, with Momohime’s personality, she must have said something after the reception. Don't worry, just wait for her to speak out.

"The Lord Jin said just now that you can't be drunk enough. If the slave family gets you drunk, what should you do? Don't you have to run at night and return to the slave family." Momoji's slender body seemed to be swaying in the air, full of charm, her small hands Cup, "Do it first--"

Drunk Master Su? Try emptying out your wine cellar?

Su Jin didn't click on it, seeing Tao Ji refreshingly drank the scarlet wine liquid, and also finished drinking with the glass.

Seeing that Yao Qiaoyuan couldn't help it, she frowned and had a drink.

"Ms. Tao Ji doesn't have to sell her. It shouldn't be as simple as just drinking and eating meat?" Su Jin put down her wine glass and looked at Tao Ji.

"Of course it was for the last incident, but you promised the slave family to be a big backer for the slave family." Tao Ji said straightforwardly.

"Let’s be honest, I’m really incapable. I think with Ms. Momohime’s relationship, I should be able to find a backer that can cover you. I have prepared a golden basin to wash my hands and run my company exclusively. I don’t plan to be a quack "Su Jin said solemnly.

"Hehe, once I was from the rivers and lakes, I was from the rivers and lakes all my life." Tao Ji smiled and shook her head. "Jin Ye is young and promising, and everything he has done is shocking to the world. As long as Jin Ye has a word, there will be no People can move a little girl, such a simple thing, it would be too much if the master doesn't agree to..."

"What else do you know." Su Jin narrowed his eyes.

"On the trip to Sacred City, Lord Jin earned enough eyeballs. First he cut several masters in a row, then defeated the demon, and then cut the gods' residence. The three big gods' residences died in two deaths and escaped. There was no resistance, completely defeated and crushed. "Heaven's conspiracy plan. After this, Jin Ye actually said that he would retire, and the slave family didn't believe it." Tao Ji whispered.

Su Jin's brows lightly condensed, looking at Tao Ji, secretly saying that this woman is really not easy, no wonder she has been able to cross Southeast Asia these years, and she has been well informed.

"Ms. Tao Ji knows a lot, but since you can know this, it shows that you are not small. What do you mean by letting me cover you? Su is very puzzled." Su Jin asked.

"Oh, I didn't need to do this, but I, Li Zhuyun, is now a bereaved dog, and I am worried about my life at any time... Please also Jin Ye agree to Zhuyun's request.

Tao Ji's words strongly implied that her "Zhuyun Village" had a big problem in Southeast Asia, so she had to return home and find a big backer to deal with it.

"Haha! I'm happy to drink my master, maybe I will promise you." Su Jin filled a cup with himself, and said freely.

"Okay, Qiaoyu and I will offer a glass to Lord Jin." Tao Ji's eyes lit up, and she felt that when she really talked about things, Su Jin's words meant to soften. Even if Yao Qiaoyu was pulled up, she was still proud. In front of him, finish a toast and drink.

Drinking is nothing at all to Tao Ji, who wanders around the rivers and lakes, compared to Yao Qiaoyu, she is a huge amount!

Two cups, three cups, four cups...

"No, I can't, you guys are too good..." Yao Qiaoyu begged for mercy first. After a few cups, she was already blushing, and she was about to reach the limit. If she drinks it, she may not be able to walk smoothly.

"Qiaoyu, Lord Jin is a rare one, and another drink...just one." Tao Jiyin filled her with a smile.

Yao Qiaoyu was forced to take another drink. The drink was so fierce that she suddenly felt like the world was spinning when Jiujin came up. She lay on the table in less than a minute. She was drunk without knowing the personnel!

The atmosphere seemed to sink into mystery, Tao Ji had no smile on her face, she glanced at Yao Qiaoyu, slowly took out two slender white cigarettes from her arms, put them in her small mouth and lit them together, and then slightly With a smile, he got up and placed a cigarette at the corner of Su Jin's mouth, "Master Jin, she is yours, as for will be here on call from now on."

Su Jin clamped the cigarette with his two fingers, and the refreshing smell made the corners of his mouth outline a bad curve. He felt in his heart that this woman was really snake-hearted, even his own person was so cruel, he could imagine the enemy, maybe Promise her to let her be her partner in Qincheng.

"You can let your words go, I'll cover you, but I don't want my own person to cause me to cause a moth, understand?" Su Jin got up, squinted at Tao Ji and said.

"Master, the slave understands~" Tao Ji showed her tender eyes, and even sipped her mouth.

The transaction was successfully concluded——

Su Jin looked at the already drunk girl lying on the stone table.

Immediately without any hesitation, he walked over to her and picked up Yao Qiaoyu's slender body in one hand!

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