My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1091: Five words floating in the sky!


Little Caiqi stopped and stomped her feet, pressed two pink fists on her cheeks, and said with a shame: "You are necrotic, you are bullying a little girl who doesn't understand anything."

"Really don't understand? I don't understand why I'm necrotic again?" Su Jin hit the spot.

What Su Jin said made Xiao Caiqi speechless.

"I know something more or less." Xiao Caiqi thought for a while, blushing and immediately said: "However, I don't know the process..."

"I don't know if the teacher teaches you, I am the second Olympic, otherwise, what do you want the teacher to do? The teacher must have a set of—"

Su Jin is such a serious bullying girl...

The little colorful banner has been overwhelmed by Su Jin's shamelessness. He put his head on his head and said weakly: "Lord ~ ​​there is a generation gap between our ages. I am still too young and can't beat your old man!"

She is silent and choked. What she describes is the performance of Little Bunting at this moment. As the cutest, most pleasing and obedient girl in the family, she is the youngest and most eccentric young lady in her direct bloodline. It's almost a princess-like treatment, and one of them is well protected. Where is it possible to come into contact with some bad things?

Even Xiao Caiqi has never seen a man like Su Jin who burns gas in the world, reaching such a level of shamelessness and admiration.

"You don't understand, I'm just thinking about you." Su Jin said lightly.

"For my sake? What the hell." Little Caiqi asked, biting her silver teeth.

"The worries of adolescence must be liberated at once. Normal people are relieved once a day. You have been holding back for more than ten years..." Su Jin shrugged.

Small flags:...

No Bilian!

The embarrassment eased slightly, the two continued to move forward, talking and walking, and formally entered the Haoran Villa in a short while. After some exchanges, Xiao Caiqi felt warm. Perhaps it was Young Master Su who explained something about her I don’t know if the posture I’ve learned is shy or something else. Anyway, her heart beats very fast during this period! Fortunately, the destination had appeared in front of her, she was relieved and relieved.

Night Ching Pavilion.

There were a lot of servants standing in front of the door. Everyone dared not speak out. They were worried, and the atmosphere was very depressing and solemn.

The eldest lady Tang Yuxun is very kind to the servants he hires, regardless of age, sex, and age. She always gives benefits and never loses her temper. Everyone's worries are inevitable.

In front of the'Wanqing Pavilion', there was a young man pacing back and forth in a hurry. His face was handsome, like a niche with a white face, dressed in a brand-name suit, and he looked like he was in his early twenties. Very glamorous.

"Colorful flag, who did you bring over?" The young man found the little colored flag and Su Jin walking by and asked immediately.

"Who would you please come over?" Xiao Caiqi said dissatisfied, seeming to have some opinions on this young man.

"Cousin Yu Xun hasn't woken up yet. If you don't find a way, go to the doctor at the big hospital and bring a stranger home. I can't talk about it yet!" The young man said sharply, his eyes still calm. Su Jin in the state.

"Liang Haoyu, who is a stranger, are you more familiar than you, get out!" said the little colorful flag angrily.

"Cousin can't be disturbed by outsiders now. When she wakes up, I am willing to see him again." Liang Haoyu seemed to have considerable opinions hidden in his heart, especially when Xiao Caiqi valued Su Jin and wanted to go in to see Tang Yuxun. This move made him even more so. It was very uncomfortable because he knew that there was no one inside, and the Patriarch Tang Linzhe personally didn't know who he was going to invite, and it was also for Tang Yuxun to run around.

Little Caiqi wanted to say something, but Su Jin held Xiuli's shoulder with one hand.

"I'm here to reason with him." Su Jin calmly said to Xiao Caiqi.

"Do you reason with him?" Xiao Caiqi should know Liang Haoyu very well, and then said to Su Jin: "He is the son of a famous barrister. Have you ever talked about it."

"Come, read it out loud with me!" Su Jin smiled, strode towards Liang Haoyu, and continued to the small colorful flag behind him: "Five words floating in the sky!"

"Five words are floating in the sky!" Little Caiqi felt that Su Jin was about to do something, and even cried out happily.

"Did I go to you--" Su Jin raised his extremely handsome right leg while Liang Haoyu was vigilant, and kicked it over.

Mid Abdomen...


Liang Haoyu watched as he was kicked by Su Jin. He immediately fell like a tortoise and fell ten meters away, with his face and plate on the ground first!

The classic reappearance, the small color flag likes Su Jin's way of reasoning with his fists and feet, and feels very domineering and handsome...

"Cough, you dare to hit me." Liang Haoyu was so painful that he was thrown all over, and his face on the ground was swollen.

"You are so ugly, I won't beat you?" Su Jin asked back.

Little Caiqi looked at him dumbly, and saw Su Jin questioning like that, but he had some thoughts in his heart. In fact, Young Master Su was not handsome, Liang Haoyu, but Liang Haoyu was not likable in any way. It's hypocritical.

"You all criticize, who is the uglier--" Liang Haoyu almost wanted to cry without tears. It's fine to be handsome than him. The key is not to tell the truth, and to beat people unreasonably.

Everyone was in a daze, and then some people were whispering, but most of them were afraid to speak. Some of them had met Su Jin and knew that his identity was not simple.

"Just judge the reason." Su Jin came to Liang Haoyu again and made a move that made everyone look stupid.

Su Jin raised his foot condescendingly, and started to step on Liang Haoyu's upturned face!

With more than a dozen feet on his face, Su Jin looked at it and said to himself like no one else, "It's almost done now."

After the words were over, Su Jin stretched out his hand to lift Liang Haoyu up.

"You give a comment, who is the most handsome of us? Don't force you, let's talk about conscience, reason, and facts." Su Jin asked lightly, scanning the audience.

Everyone was speechless.

They were all beaten up like this, and they were no better than pigs.

"Su Jin is the most handsome!" Little Caiqi exclaimed excitedly.

Then everyone shouted, "Su Jin is the most handsome."

Facing everyone's cheers, Su Jin felt well deserved. He also believed that he was worthy of his looks, and he was worthy of everyone's evaluation of him.

As a result, Su Jin threw Liang Haoyu on the ground without even looking at him. He walked to the door of the "Wanqing Pavilion" with his hands, pushed open the door, and walked in.

But when Xiao Caiqi wanted to come in, Su Jin plugged in the door bolt from the inside, and immediately tickled the teeth of Xiao Caiqi, knowing that she shouldn't be popular with Su Jinla and voted for him!

Antique room, quiet.

Su Jin did not smile at all, and walked to the bed...

There is a beautiful woman on the bed!

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