My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1092: Wake-up method

Knee-high sauce-colored wooden bed.

Tang Yuxun lay on it quietly, with slightly curved'air bangs' on the top of her forehead, and placed her little hands comfortably in the middle of her lower abdomen. She was wearing a thin snow-white dress with a pair of milky white long skirts. The legs stretched out from the knees, bare feet.

Su Jin heard her breathing evenly, but ordinary people couldn't wake up or shout.

Gently separated her little hand from her lower abdomen, a soft touch came to the bottom of her heart, and Su Jin slowly frowned her sword eyebrows.

He felt that Tang Yuxun did not have any health problems!

"Yu Xun?" Su Jin called out.

Su Jin was delighted to find that Tang Yuxun's eyelashes moved twice, but that was all, then he shouted a few times.

No effect!

"Don't shout, it's useless."

A voice appeared in Su Jin's mind, it was a small umbrella.

"You appeared just right, do you have any good ideas?" When Su Jin heard it, his eyes lit up and he thought of a way, and said: "I remember, when you were in Huishan Town, you used'Soul Fish' once. The method can raise a person’s soul. If you use the same method to hook her out, I call her name again, will it make her wake up?"

The more Su Jin continued, the more he realized that the plan was feasible, but then Xiao Umbrella's words almost ruthlessly refuted his idea.

"That would kill her." Xiao Umbrella said lightly.

"Why?" Su Jin didn't understand what Xiao Umbrella meant.

Xiao Umbrella said: "Although the soul fish is a small trick, it is effortless to use it. I can do it easily, but it is a killer trick, which means that if I use this little sister now, it will eventually kill her. Because of chronic death. Just like the last few miners, don’t look at the end you asked me to save them, but in fact their life span is not long. If you are lucky, you can live for three to five years."

"What's the situation? At that time, I asked you if you could save the five people. You said yes, and you did it!" Su Jin didn't stretch his brows, it seemed a little puzzled.

"Mortals are too compassionate, don't I want to worry about your feelings? Besides, they were indeed not dead at the time." Xiao Umbrella said coldly: "Raising soul fish will consume their soul power all the time. The mortal’s soul will be greatly damaged if it grows for a long time, and it will eventually lead to annihilation of the soul, which does not exist anywhere, in fact, this is not the point."

"Pick the important ones." Su Jin was obviously not very happy.

"The main reason is to use this method. Even if the soul is returned, the soul injured by the soul fish will not fit her body perfectly. It is tantamount to touching the fundamentals of the person. For example, you pick up the teacup on the table and put it back. Can you still be there with a slight difference? The consequences of this will range from the night to the night and be captured by the ghost whistle, and the spirit power will dissipate, and you will die in a few days." Xiao Umbrella said.

"Is there no other way?" Su Jin asked back.


"Ciao, you, speak quickly." Su Jin was very angry.

"There are only a few ways to make up for it, the easiest one." Xiao Umbrella thought for a while, and continued: "Some evil places in the emperor's era, there is a strange medicine called'Resurrection Grass'. It has the effect of the flesh and bones of the living dead, resurrecting the dead, bringing the user's state to perfection, and increasing the lifespan. If you can find this treasure and use it, even if the soul of this little sister is cultivated into a soul fish, tell When she wakes up, it will not hurt her even if her soul is beaten into her body."

"Simple!" Su Jin nodded.


"Yes, someone I know in hell, since you said that the'Resurrection Grass' grows in a place of evil, then this place will definitely have it! If it doesn't, it will be impossible to appear in other places." Su Jin is very rational. analysis.

"Who do you know?" Ji Mie Long Umbrella was a little surprised.

"Dream girl." Su Jin said lightly.

"It's amazing, but the "Resurrection Grass" from her will probably owe a very big favor. Since your netherworld knows her, there is another best way, and it doesn't need to be so troublesome." Tao.


"There is an extremely powerful guy in the underworld. He is very low-key. With the power of one person, he takes a seat and listens to the beast. He guards the boundary between the Huaxia World and the Jiuyou Jedi all the year round. Familiar, he was a very famous master in the time of the emperor. It is said that he has the deepest Buddhism. He began to practice in the realm of mortal'little novices' and continued to the realm of the'early stage of the Lord of Buddha'. "

Xiao Umbrella continued: "If you can invite him and recite a Buddhist scripture for Tang Yuxun, you can do everything."

"Is it a bit overkill?" Su Jin looked puzzled.

Ksitigarbha, he is a great man!

"No, the Ksitigarbha King is a very good person and good at getting along with him. If you meet him, you will surely succeed, almost responsive to any request!" The Dragon Umbrella of Jixi encouraged Su Jin.

In fact, Xiao Umbrella is really a dog in his heart. People like Ksitigarbha can hardly find their advantages, let alone talk to people who are happy!

The reason for encouraging Su Jin to go, Xiao Umbrella wanted to urgently resolve a doubt in his heart, is Su Jin the emperor who has been reincarnated for thousands of years?

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