My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1093: Zhang Tianshi

"It shouldn't be too late. I'll leave now and go to Meng Meng first. If it is too difficult to find the'Resurrection Grass', I will find the'King of Ksitigarbha' again."

Su Jin's expression was a little solemn, because he didn't know how rare the'Resurrection Grass' was in hell. If it is everywhere, it is natural to say that if it is extremely rare, he may not be able to obtain it. Tang Yuxun must wake up, he must!

"Do you know where the ghost door is closed?" Xiao Umbrella asked.

"Naturally know!" Su Jin said.

"It's useless to know. The'Ghost Gate' is closed day and night. It opens at the moment of sunset, and closes at dawn. It is morning and the time is wrong." Xiao Umbrella's voice continued in Su Jin's mind.

"Is there any way to open it during the day?"

"No. Even if you bombarded with brute force in your heyday, you wouldn't be able to shake the gate of the ghost."

Su Jin was embarrassed by the words of the umbrella.

This is so embarrassing! Su Jin never thought of this, thinking that if he enters the Guimen Pass and walks straight along Huangquan Road, he will find Mengmeng soon after having the previous experience, but ignores that he is injured now, and that he might be even bigger if he enters. Trouble.

"Yu Xun is not life-threatening now, go back after sunset, Miss Meng may also be resting at the moment, and may not meet me." Su Jin thought for a while, thinking that their work and rest are contrary to the human world, even if they have a way to enter the gate of ghosts. It's awkward to see the dream girl herself.

"Smart." Xiao Umbrella's voice fell silent, as if he had fallen asleep again.

Su Jin sat down gently and stroked the back of Tang Yuxun’s hand. He planned to stay away from anywhere during the day. He stayed with Miss Tang until the sunset passed and set off for hell. This time it must be easier than last time. At most, one of the methods can be found within a few hours to wake Tang Yuxun.

Su Jin is still curious now, what is Tang Yuxun dreaming about at this moment——

Silently accompanied by Tang Yuxun's bed for an hour, there was noisy outside the door, not knowing what happened.

Su Jin listened carefully, his expression was slightly strange, then he got up and walked to the door to open it.

Outside the door, Liang Haoyu, the son of Xiao Caiqi and a barrister, stood aside with a swollen nose and swollen nose. Many people worried about Tang Yuxun were still there. But just now, the sixty-one-year-old Tang Linzhe took a middle-aged man with a blue and white hair and left. come.

The middle-aged man was thin, dressed in a Taoist robe, with two small eyes turning around randomly, and carrying a tan mahogany sword on his back, more than two feet long.

Since Patriarch Tang treats his servants very well on weekdays and rushes around in the mall, most of the servants are not very afraid. They surrounded the two people sitting on the stone table and stone bench and looked closely. Tang Linzhe didn’t notice it, Su Jin. Also quietly appeared among the servants.

"This is Zhang Tianyi and Zhang Zhenren from Longhushan. He is a well-known real person of Dedao. This time the little girl suffered a lot of calamity, Zhang Tianshi is very sure that she will be rescued, but Tang does not know what method Daoist intends to use. What about salvation?" Tang Linzhe first introduced, then looked at Zhang Tianshi, and began to ask humbly.

"Naturally it is the supreme method of'five ghosts carrying a sedan chair.'" Zhang Tian, ​​who was over half a hundred years old, grew up together, looked at a pair of round eyes, stroked the green goatee, and said lightly.

"Five ghosts carrying a sedan chair?" Tang Linzhe was confused, and other people didn't understand what this term meant, as it seemed to sound extraordinary.

"That's right, the mystery is a secret that I don't pass on. It's better for me to demonstrate it. If you see it truly, you should know what I said is true." Zhang Tianshi knew that Tang Linzhe still had doubts, and immediately straightened his body. From the wide pocket of the Taoist robe, his hand took out a few pieces of yellow paper people burned for the dead.

Afterwards, a gray paper sedan that was three-finger-wide and square, tied with vegetation, was also taken out of his pocket and placed on the stone table.

Su Jin in the crowd looked at him coldly.

Zhang Tianshi's face was stern, and he rolled up his long sleeves, his right fingers were brought together suddenly, then he bit his fingertips with his teeth, and quickly spotted blood on the heads of five yellow paper people!

Then he put his **** together flat, and he didn't know what he was talking about, everyone couldn't understand it!

Then, Zhang Tianshi finally pointed to the five yellow paper men lying horizontally and shouted: "The Taoism is boundless! Get up!"

In the eyes of ordinary people, a very magical scene appeared. A few paper figures immediately stood up and began to run around the round table in a manner!

Everyone was stunned, and after a short period of sluggishness, some servants exclaimed and talked.

"Wow... That's amazing! How could it be possible!"

"I have never seen such a miraculous thing, the paper man can run!"

"How exactly did it do it, incredible!"

"Sure enough, the Taoism is profound, the eldest lady is saved—"

"God bless my lady!"

Zhang Tianshi seemed to be very popular with everyone's praise, and then calmly shouted: "Queue!"

So among the five paper men, four paper men carried the gray paper sedan, and the other paper man led the way and began to lift the sedan chair and ran on the stone table.

About a minute later, Zhang Tianshi seemed to have had enough, received his'supernatural powers', and looked at Tang Linzhe indifferently.

"Master, when will you start to treat the little girl?" Tang Linzhe was already convinced.

"Better right away." Zhang Tianshi said: "Miss Tang's soul is out of the body. There must be an evil nightmare in her body, which prevents her soul from approaching. I used the method of'five ghosts to lift a sedan chair' to attract Miss Tang. Give birth to a soul, keep her from being captured by ghost officials, and then use special methods to kill the nightmare that harass Miss Tang, and then send the soul of Miss Tang into her body, and she will naturally wake up."

"Good!" Tang Linzhe got up.

Zhang Tianshi raised his hand and said: "Don't worry, the soul is most afraid of the yang energy of living people. The so-called yin and yang conflict, although you are her father, you can't be there, otherwise it may cause the spell to fail in the end, Miss Tang It will also be frightened."

"This...well, everything depends on Master Zhang." Tang Linzhe had no better way, so he nodded and agreed.

An imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Tianshi's mouth, and then stood up gently.

However, just before Zhang Tianshi got up and had not left the table.

A faint voice appeared:

"Wait. These little tricks, I still want to deceive everyone in an attempt to mislead Miss Tang."

The talented Su, who had been watching for a long time, finally shot!

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