My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1103: Arithmetic numbers!

Without being on the scene, he would never understand how Su Jin felt at this moment.

Wearing a two-piece emerald green swimsuit, Park Yoona clearly appeared on the water. She hadn't experienced this kind of novel feeling before, and she naturally forgot to play. Anyway, she had already seen Master Su's greatness, and safety should not be a problem. .

Su Jin looked at the snow-like delicate skin in front of her, stretched out her hand to embrace her waist, and felt a little stiff body, and whispered: "I feel this will be safer, do you think?"

"I don't think so~" Park Yoona responded in a not very familiar tone.

Of course, accompanied by the other two women, she would not worry about Su Jin's actions against him. What she cared about was the experience before her, which was beyond her imagination.

Behind Su Jin, Miss Han Enjing also easily clamped the dolphin's abdomen with her jade legs without any help. The soft and smooth skin of the dolphin would not worry at all when sitting, after all, the water is still very shallow. , I don’t know where Su Da’s boss will take them.

Turning his head, Su Jin smiled slightly when the two women had been seated.

"I don't want to sail the boat, but the wind and rain rely on the waves! Go~"

The officials took the lead, not knowing if it was because they were in the front, a large group of dolphins followed slowly, including the two dolphins under the constellation Lanyan and the female.

Despite this, Han Enjing and the two daughters, who had never experienced this state, still screamed in fear, for fear of falling into the water.

Park Yoona, who is surrounded by Su Jin, is really too delicate now. Even because of the swimsuits, Yoona’s flat abdomen is covered. It’s amazing. What's more, at such a close distance, Su Jin is almost at zero distance from her.

Very close.

"Brother Boss~How did you do it?" Park Yoona asked Su Jin when she was excited.

"Can it be said that it is a secret?" Su Jin asked back.

"No, no—"

"Well, this is probably natural magic, and nothing special." Su Jin hesitated, still not planning to tell the truth.

"It's really amazing, Eun Jung said I want to cooperate with you~" Park Yoona lifted some sea water with her hand.

Su Jin smiled slightly. Since he came to see Han Enjing, he naturally has this preparation. If the beauty is really for money, it is normal not to cooperate with him. If she is a person who really wants to make music, she would choose him. Not surprisingly, this time riding a dolphin is his killer!

Of course, if such strength and sincerity can't move Han Enjing, he has nothing to say.

"The cooperation is very good, and you will have more opportunities to meet in the future, don't you?" Su Jin was happy in his heart and gently hugged her to his side.

Park Yoona's face was hot, but she didn't say anything to Su Jin's move. She seemed to have acquiesced to his actions, and then said: "She is more famous than me~"

"But you are more beautiful--" Su Jin said quietly.

"Oh? Really? The boss thinks so?" Park Yoona felt that Su Jin's aesthetics seemed to be problematic.

"Of course, I'm talking about a combination. For example, your legs, your waist, and every part of your body have reached the highest level. This is this swimsuit. I have to take a closer look, or your back is facing How about sitting here for me?" Su Jin asked.

"Boss, big wolf~" Park Yoona said in a lame tone, not very clear.

In this state, he was surrounded by him and next to each other. If you face each other...not what you want to see, you can do whatever you want.

Su Jin freed up a hand and placed it naturally on the long leg in the water——

The sea breeze is getting stronger, and the sky is getting darker and darker. Not far away, a lighthouse on Horseshoe Island is lit, and the waves are bursting and beautiful.


After riding the dolphins in the shallow water for nearly an hour, Su Jin led the three girls ashore. This experience can be seen from the faces of the three beauties. It is definitely an unforgettable experience in life.

Due to work reasons, Han Enjing took the time to participate in this meeting. If it weren't for the staff to call out several times anxiously, she would not come up yet, but after coming up, she bid farewell to Su Jin and three people and said that she would send someone during the day Going to Luan Yan to discuss cooperation matters, this also made Lan Yan a stone in his heart.

After Han Enjing changed clothes, Su Jin and the three watched them leave, and the outside of the huge hotel was empty.

"Boss, when are you leaving?" Lan Yan was a little cold, and the goose bumps appeared on her skin. After all, after soaking in the sea for so long, even at home, she would never touch cold water in the bath. Not very well.

"Go? Did I say I'm leaving?" Su Jin asked curiously, turning around to look at the blue face whose hair was still dripping.

"The boss wants to live here? It's okay." Lan Yan nodded.

During this period, Park Yoona had not spoken, her face would be red from time to time. During the second half of riding the dolphin for nearly an hour, only she and Su Jin knew what happened.

From the look she looked at Su Jin's grotesquely from time to time, she could get some information... When the black wind was high just now, Su Jin was not very honest--

"Sister Yan, does the bet you just made with me count?" Su Jin said in a weird tone, peering back and forth at the two women.

Lan Yan felt a roar in his brain.

Oh my God!

Su Jin's memory is really good. At this time and this place, he chose to say this! It's really bad enough, you can't pretend not to know!

Lan Yan secretly gritted her teeth.

"It doesn't count~ Boss!" Park Yoona came out at this moment. Although her tone was exotic, she still felt that she couldn't pay for the joke. Just now, she had already lost a lot of money and Su Jin's hands were so bad.

"I didn't ask you." Su Jin glanced at her.

Lan Yan's face was very complicated, with her snow-white teeth biting one of her lips, staring at Young Master Su in a daze. When her eyes met again, she lowered her head and said two words softly:


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