My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1104: The boss is bad!


Su Jin's heart heated up fiercely.

When I first met Lan Yan, he discovered that this woman is not like a slutty woman with his extraordinary vision. She is talented and can easily take a leadership role in a large company and earn a lot of salary, but now she does not regret it. Make a joking bet with him.

This spirit of contract-

To be honest, she is so easy to be pitted.

Of course, Park Yoona's repentance was what he expected, and he didn't expect the two girls to be with him at night.

"Don't move..." Su Jin said with a serious expression. Both women looked at the boss instinctively, not knowing why they were asked to do this.

Lan Yan showed puzzled and questioning eyes, and she said what Su Jin wanted to do after all?

Then, Su Jin took a step closer to Lan Yan by two steps. Before she had time to dodge, she quickly moved her big mouth over with lightning speed.

It was too unexpected. Lan Yan looked in a panic, her body seemed to be filled with lead, but she wanted to move but couldn't move, so she was kissed by Master Su.

A sweet scent that only belonged to Lan Yan came out, and Su Jin controlled her body very aggressively. Time seemed to be frozen at this moment, unable to flow away.

Two minutes passed, Su Jin quickly separated from Lan Yan, turned around and caught Park Yoona——

"Oh, oh..." Park Yoona reacted immediately, and she panicked from her small mouth and said two words, and her heartbeat accelerated and she was kissed by the young master. Young Master Su's hand was naturally light on her back and waist. With a light push, the two of them were extremely close.

Unlike Lan Yan, Park Yoona gave Su Jin a special and wonderful feeling. Maybe she is wearing a superstar halo! Of course, the president of Lan Da is also good, he himself has the temperament of a half-baked president, which is endless aftertaste.

It will be separated from Park Yoona.

Su Jin held his trouser pockets and looked at Liangmei who was bullied by him. He didn't feel any embarrassment himself. After all, he deserved it!

"This kiss, even if it's a gambling appointment! The melon I was forced to do is not sweet, plus this young master still has an urgent business, I will let you go today." Su Jin looked at the two women with a smile and said softly.


Let it go?

Lan Yan looked at Su Jin quite unexpectedly. It didn't look like his style. He had already planned for the worst. Whoever wanted to reverse the situation and be let go by the boss was simply unbelievable. She is willing to bet and lose. She is not easy to bet with people. If you bet, you have to admit it. The price of a kiss is too low and can't offset anything. After all, so converted, which one can't kiss 50 million?

Too extravagant!

"The boss is good or bad--" Park Yoona looked at Su Jin weirdly, wondering if she could understand what "the melon is not sweet" means.

"That's it. I'll go one step ahead. You'd better go back and live in a safe place. If Han Enjing sends someone to talk tomorrow, Sister Yan will take the initiative to entertain you and ask if you have any requirements. I think her conditions should not be high. Call me again if you have any questions."

Su Jin returned to the businessman's tone and explained to Lan Yan.

"Got it." Lan Yan nodded gently.

"Goodbye, Miss Yoona. Isn't it okay to live in my house?"

Su Jin said goodbye to Park Yoona. He actually wanted to know the current situation of his younger sister Long Han and Miss Yoona, but everyone was busy. He didn't have time to visit the new home he bought, but it should be good to think about it.

"Yes~" Park Yoona's tone was a little fluttering.

"it is good."

Su Jin nodded, and under the gaze of the two women, he walked quickly to his parking position, looked at the two people who were still standing in place and did not move, then smiled and sat in the car and quickly disappeared between them. Under the watchful eye.

On the spot, Park Yoona blinked those big eyes and stared at the recovered Lan Yan.

"Unexpectedly, the boss? Is it such a boss?" Park Yoona seemed to be thinking how to describe it in her big smart eyes.

Lan Yan adjusted back in this short time and said with a smile, "Ms. Yoona, what kind of boss does the boss be?"

"Very bad! Very bad boss?" Park Yoona can only say this after thinking about it. Although she speaks Chinese every day, she still finds it difficult sometimes, and only simple words can be said.

"As a boss, he's already considered good." Lan Yan understands the worldliness, and changes to the other people to face the two big beauties. They must not be embarrassed at night, and Su Jin is young and energetic, and can have this kind of control. , And definitely not an extraordinary person in the future.

"Really?" Park Yoona didn't understand.

"Let's go Miss Yoona, I'll take you back." Lan Yanjue's lack of security may be because that man left.

"Okay." Park Yoona nodded and agreed.


The night is dark and the moonlight is bright.

Temple of Yama.

Su Jin is familiar with the road. After putting the car in, it took a few minutes to come here. Now at 8 o'clock in the evening, the ghost gate should be opened. He didn't choose to find Lan Yan and the two girls to roll the sheets. Naturally, there was someone who was worried...

That is Tang Yuxun.

The old girl is still living in her dream, and she can't be easily awakened without special methods. This is all a sin. How can you sit back and watch if you are in charge of Young Master Su?

When he came here again and revisited his old place, he felt that it was necessary, just like walking with relatives. Whether it was a lively relationship, he also wanted to ask Meng Sister why he didn’t go in person not long ago, but instead sent a relative. Next, of course, the mysterious girl who wore a black cloak and was mistaken for Miss Meng by him, he also wanted to know the identity this time, so he just happened to ask.

Going forward is the ghost gate.

According to legend, two feet stepped into the ghost gate and never returned. Su Jin had gone in and out, so naturally he was not afraid. He flipped his hands gently, and he held a scroll of notes.

The red and white rays of light were shaken by him from the "Huangquan Notes". When the two female ghosts appeared, they were already kneeling on the ground.

"Meet the emperor--"

The two daughters, Mrs. Qingshan and Baishuang, shouted together.

Su Jin:...

Speechless, very embarrassing.

The key point is that Lao Tzu is not the emperor, so there can be no personal worship!

Su Jin didn't know that his strong posture of fighting against the "Scattered Ghost King" has been reflected in the hearts of the two women. Whether he is the emperor or not, at least he has a very big tendency. Her two women occasionally wake up in Huangquan's notes. At that time, what he saw and heard, and even secretly communicated with the Nimbling Dragon Umbrella, all confirmed the fact that he was the Great Emperor in his heart.

Even in the worst case, Su Jin is not the emperor.

But so what?

The emperor's posture, Mrs. Qingshan and Baishuang have never seen, but Su Jin is a real powerhouse, and even **** can withstand three in and three out!

"Get up, follow me and enter the ghost gate." Su Jin originally wanted to ask them something, but seeing them admiring themselves so much, he didn't ask.

"Yes!" The two women were quite heroic and immediately got up.

"Go." Su Jin scratched his head and walked past the two girls.

The two women followed him in reverence, and in a short while they walked to the ghost gate.

But in the next scene, even Su Jin feels his head is big, unexpectedly--

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