My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1105: Fight the ghost gate!

Drafting is not.

The ghost gate is not opened, it is closed!

Su Jin looked dumbfounded and was in a daze——

I'm so angry, why is it different from usual? To be reasonable, it is difficult for ordinary strangers to find out, let alone go in, and now it is time for ghosts to go to work, what does it mean for the door to be closed? This is Chi Guoguo's aim at him!

My sister-in-law can bear it, but my uncle can't bear it!

"What do you think?" Su Jin wiped his face deeply, tilted his head and glanced at Mrs. Qingshan and Baishuang.

"There has never been such a strange thing for hundreds of years outside the Guan." Mrs. Qingshan was wearing a red dress, and the tone of her speech was obviously very surprised.

Bai Shuang also nodded, agreeing with Mrs. Qingshan's words, and said, "Yes, I have seen it for the first time in these years. However, although we occasionally peeped at the conditions inside the pass, we did not dare to enter for fear that the ghost would catch it. You can never live beyond birth."

"Is there any way?" Su Jin pondered.

"Wait, the ghosts who go out to work will definitely come back, and the door will naturally open at that time." Mrs. Qingshan said.

It's a place, when the **** crows and dawn, that is tomorrow morning, the young master can't wait!

Even if Su Jin can wait, but he goes back a step late, the Tang family will be even more anxious. He told the old girl Caiqi that he must wait for him at night. Now he doesn’t believe it. What is the difference between a salted fish?

"Can't wait." Su Jin shook his head, then he said as if to himself, "Hello? Call for Umbrella, call Umbrella, is Umbrella here?"

"Well, you don't need to call my name all the time." The voice of Jixi Dragon Umbrella emerged.

"Important questions, I have to ask three times, tell me what to do?"

Su Jin is also quite helpless. Who knows that he would come to my relatives in enthusiasm and step on a horse to give Lao Tzu a close-up. That's okay. I look down on Lao Tzu. He is a bear. Please pray that Lao Tzu is not the emperor. Hang up and fight.

"It's very simple, you are still too weak to ask such a question." Nirvana Dragon Umbrella said jokingly.

"What do you mean?" Su Jin seemed to understand what he said.

"Attack Guimenguan!" The tone of Ji Mie Long Umbrella suddenly became majestic.

Second Olympics——


What the **** is at the gate of the attack? We are not the enemy.

"Small Umbrella, this is not the era of the emperor. Your hostility should be restrained. We are here with peace and friendship. You are so violent at every turn, what if you want to break the gates of others and frighten the children?"

Su Jin held the emperor’s treasure "Huangquan Notes" in his hand, with the other hand behind his back, and while snarling the small umbrella, under the embarrassed expressions of the two ghosts, he said calmly: "Let's talk, how to fight How does the violence come?"

The Umbrella first had an obvious stop, and then said: "In fact, it is very simple. The material of this ghost gate is average, but it is just a magic weapon. The evil spirits and mortals under the thousand years of Taoism can't attack, but it is very easy for me, you Maybe you don’t know how bullish you are now, as long as you draw the soul of the six-clawed black dragon, you can easily break this gate."

"Just do it!" Su Jin made up his mind.

Putting away the "Huangquan Notes", Su Jin opened his hands, his five fingers up to the sky——

"Woo, woo~"

The dragon chants brought out by the strange You Jin burst out from Su Jin, and at the moment he opened his arms, his head was vaguely wrapped by a huge black dragon head.

It is the head of the true dragon of China!

For Mrs. Qingshan and Baishuang, these scenes were too shocking. They knelt to the ground in a moment of excitement and shouted: "The Great Emperor will never die for generations to come!"

Su Jin naturally felt the movements of the two women, moved his thoughts, and put them away. Although he recovered only about 30% of his strength, he was not using his power this time. He wanted to be broken at the moment when the ghost gate was broken. Brought in by the soul of the black dragon!

Obviously, the soul of the black dragon has already charged up, and Su Jin stared at the ghost gate, and shook it hard toward the gate!

However, the original scene of flying rocks and breaking the city gate did not appear...

The waves are calm, yes, that's how Su Jin's feelings are now described. He is like a stone thrown into the water, with a few ripples.

When he was puzzled, bursts of wind crying like ghosts appeared in his ears, and a gray and desolate scene appeared before his eyes.

Ten meters away from Su Jin, there was a girl who seemed to have maintained a permanent face. She was standing with a smile, staring at him, but did not speak. The young master was also very familiar with this girl, which was exactly what he wanted to see...Dream girl!

And beside Miss Meng, a handsome guy with extraordinary temperament was sitting on the floor. There was a case table in front of her. There was a Buddha lamp on it. The wick was like a bean. It was strange that she could remain immortal under such a strong wind. Next to the handsome guy was a pug-like creature, staring at Su Jin very smartly. When Master Su saw it, the ‘pug’ even blinked at him.

My time-

Su Jin pointed to the so-called "Pug" and was speechless. He remembered that he fought against the "Sand Ghost King" when he suddenly jumped out of Naihani a giant beast, and suddenly swallowed the Sand Ghost King and helped him relieve him. The crisis at that time seemed a lot like this'dog'.

"Su Jin, this is the King of Jizo, don't come to see you soon." Miss Meng said with a wink at Su Jin.

"I won't worship!" Su Jin shook his head flatly.

Yeah, before I figured out what happened, I brought Lao Tzu over to worship people. He didn't ruin it to such a degree. Even though the opponent was the "Ksitigarbha" as Xiao Umbrella said, he didn't want to have an extraordinary status.

"Very spineless little guy." The Ksitigarbha king remained calm and continued: "Your intention, I already know, it is nothing more than to save a girl who has a "fate for a hundred times" with you, and now she is in the dream of a hundred generations. , Can't be sober, you are very anxious."

"That's right." Su Jin nodded, "I also hope that the King Ksitigarbha can help."

"I can't make a move." The Ksitigarbha king shook his head, looked at Su Jin, and then raised his finger to the whirring vent, "But I know, there is something you want there."

"Resurrection grass?"

Su Jin was quite surprised. Ksitigarbha and he have never known each other, and he helped him for no reason. It is not realistic. He has done a good job in pointing out where the "Resurrection Grass" is.

"Yes, out of the wind, it is the'Nine Nether Jedi'." Ksitigarbha nodded slowly, "If you are not afraid, go all the way to the west, and you will enter the'Bone Forest' after three miles, and there will be a pass. On the way to the abandoned inn, next to a well in the backyard of the inn, a'resurrection grass' grew."

"Thanks!" Su Jin didn't doubt that he had it. The Ksitigarbha has a high status, so he won't lie to him. Now it is important to rescue Tang Yuxun. He has no time to think about it. Then he looked at Miss Meng and said, "Sister Meng, If I have time later, I would like to ask you something."

"I'll wait for you here." Dream girl nodded.

"Yeah!" Su Jin felt relieved, said goodbye to the two, slowly began to leave their sights, and began to walk towards the whirring mountain pass.

Wait for Su Jin to go away.

Meng girl looked at the Ksitigarbha King with an unpleasant expression, and said, "What the **** are you doing? Do you still have any doubts about him?"

"Yes, through this verification, I can determine if he is the reincarnation of the great emperor. You also know what kind of well is in the backyard of the White Bone Inn. I don't need to say more." Ksitigarbha King looked lightly. Miss Meng gave a glance.

"If, if you find out that he is not the emperor, what will he do?" Meng girl began to stare at the Ksitigarbha king nervously.

The Ksitigarbha king closed his eyes lightly, "He will die."

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