My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1106: Bone Inn

will die!

"If he really isn't, just let him go." Meng Girl frowned and said.

"What are you doing so nervously?" The Jizo King didn't even look at Meng Girl, and said slowly: "He has the origin of the Great Emperor, and there are two other treasures of the Great Emperor in his body, although he can't exert one of the billions of them. But this also indicates that he is most likely to be the reincarnated person. You are a little worried."

"And his dagger--" Miss Meng was very nervous, forcibly comforting herself in her heart, after all, she would never read it wrong.

"Yes, this time it is only to finally determine whether he is the reincarnation of the great emperor. According to my estimation, it is not far from ten. Of course, if something is wrong, the origin of the great emperor and the two treasures of the great emperor must not fall into the hands of others, I will personally Get it back." Ksitigarbha King said lightly.

"The'Siyuan Water Well' of the White Bone Inn has only been visited by the Great Emperor, You, and the Great Pluto. How can it be able to determine whether Su Jin is the Great Emperor or not?" Miss Meng asked the key.

"Everything has a beginning and an end, it will find the source of Su Jin I. If he is the emperor, he only needs to look at the well, and he will be like a mirror to see some of the most important moments of the emperor..." Ksitigarbha said very clearly .

Miss Meng was silent and didn't ask any more. She was very complicated now, both looking forward and afraid, expecting Su Jin to be the emperor, and being afraid of him would not... cause countless time to pass. I don't know how long I will wait, and my love will become empty.


The sound of ghost crying became louder and louder. Fortunately, Su Jin's march was not hindered, but the strange feeling in his heart grew stronger.

The Ksitigarbha king said just now that he is still in his ears. It is not so much that he went to get the "Resurrection Grass" this time. It feels more direct than a test. Ksitigarbha is powerful, but he tells himself if he is.' Not afraid', it must be a conspiracy, and the emphasis is on the so-called'a well' of the abandoned inn, which seems to have a strong hint.

If it is a test, what do they want from themselves?


A strong brilliance burst into Su Jin's eyes, and then secretly converged. He also understands now that the umbrella spirit of the Nine Dragon Umbrella encourages himself to find the Dizang King, I am afraid he is also guessing whether he is the Great Emperor.

If it is, it is a good thing. If it is not, he will probably never go out again. If he is dead here, some great abilities will definitely not tolerate it. Tolerate having these supreme treasures!

Be careful.

Su Jin didn't think about anything else, and now he found the "Resurrection Grass" and made Tang Yuxun's first plan to wake up, even though he knew he had to be careful.

As he speeded up his pace again, marching in this gray and cold place, he became more and more strange and strange. It was so cold that he couldn't even see a small animal, it seemed like a dead place, except for stones.

Fortunately, it went smoother than expected. In the eyes of the Ksitigarbha kings, he disappeared into the wind.

A dazzling white appeared in Su Jin's eyes!

At the foot, after the weathering of the white bones, it has accumulated an unexplained depth of bones. Su Jin discovered that there are many strange skeletons that have passed through the ages and have not turned into powder. These skeletons are of different sizes, the largest ones are even tall. Tens of meters high, terrifying.

"There, it should be the'Bone Forest' that the Ksitigarbha King said. What kind of peculiar existence is this'Nine Nether Jedi'?" Su Jin whispered to himself.

"The Bone Forest is the boundary of the underworld and its jurisdiction, but it is equivalent to the boundary." The small umbrella's voice appeared, explaining Su Jin's confusion, and said: "The most threatening to the China Great World is not the holy world, but' 'Jiuyou Jedi', it is said that the size of China Great World is not worth mentioning among the Jiuyou Jedi, there is not even a small island."

Most small islands are not there!

Su Jin was deeply shocked, as if he had seen the grand scene of the Jiuyou Jedi in ancient times, where there were thousands of races and incense flourishing.

"Ksitigarbha, why do you live in such a difficult place?" Su Jin muttered, very puzzled.

"It's not that he thinks, but that he needs to be stationed outside the border. There is a lot of power in hell. Back then, Ksitigarbha was already one of the top three masters in hell. Only by his presence can the Chinese world be safe." Xiao Umbrella Say.

"Understood, now according to his words, go get the'Resurrection Grass' first!"

"Wait, it won't be difficult to get the'Resurrection Grass', but I have to remind you one thing, that's why I appeared to talk to you." Xiao Umbrella quickly said another sentence.

"Let's talk." Sukin paused.

"If you find out that you are not the emperor for a while, don't tell the truth to the Ksitigarbha, remember--" Xiao Umbrella took a deep breath.


Su Jin asked unexpectedly: "Don't you want me to be?"

"Of course I hope. But during the time I woke up, I have thought carefully about whether you are the emperor reincarnated or not. It doesn't matter whether you are the emperor or not. After so many years, looking forward to the return of the emperor is just a dream of many people. The Origin of the Great' is on you. If you are not the Great, it means that the Great has really fallen and no longer exists. So if you find that it is not, the Ksitigarbha will kill you. With your current ability, he can kill you with his breath. ."

Xiao Umbrella said such a paragraph.

Surprisingly, Xiao Umbrella would say this to himself. Originally, Su Jin thought that the Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana might also be harmful to his mind. Since then, he has been thinking too much.

"I know it in my heart." Su Jin responded with a touch of perseverance in his eyes.

According to the instructions of the Ksitigarbha King, Su Jin walked three miles to the west without any hindrance, and smoothly came to what he called the "Bone Forest"!

It’s different from what I’ve seen from afar. There are plants here, but these plants grow like white corals. They are not as tall as a few feet, and are as small as bean sprouts. They grow densely and densely in them. I don’t know if all the nutrients come from. Those biological bones that have been annihilated many years ago.

Finally, ten steps away from Su Jin, an abandoned building appeared in front of him.

"The abandoned inn is here!" Su Jin's face was full of smiles. In this way, he could rush back to wake Tang Yuxun when he got the "Resurrection Grass". It would certainly not be too late.

And just as he took a step, a horrible feeling suddenly appeared from behind!

"Be careful behind you!" Xiao Umbrella exclaimed suddenly.

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