My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1107: What will you see?

The danger comes without warning!

Before Su Jin opened his mouth, his stepped foot was closed, and he moved horizontally three meters away. When he quickly reacted to see clearly, he saw a skeleton nearly three meters high, two empty. In the hole of his eyes, green light floated, and dozens of sharp ribs on his upper body suddenly closed where he just stopped.

this is--

Want to kill him!

Su Jin's body was cold, the living person still had a heartbeat, and there was no movement of this ghost!

"This is the bone formed by the wandering soul with ashes. If you were spurred by it with your breastbone, it will instantly seize your body!"

Xiao Umbrella breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "However, this kind of wandering spirit is unconscious and its combat effectiveness is low. You can easily shoot it away."

"No need to shoot, I've already escaped. I'm curious about one thing--" Su Jin looked at the skeleton three meters away, and saw two ray of green light drifting in its eye hole, and the skeleton's bones turned into bone meal like sand dunes. Landing.

"Curious about what?" Xiao Umbrella's voice appeared in his mind again.

"Isn't this the jurisdiction of the underworld? How come there are still wandering souls?" Su Jin asked puzzledly.

"It's normal. In the Great China World, everything has anims and has its own identity imprint. These wandering souls are souls from outside the territories. Even if a wise soul is born from them, they cannot enter the underworld's life and death book, but they are relative here.' It's safer in the Jiuyou Jedi. It's not a weird thing that they instinctively leave here." Xiao Umbrella said.

"Why did they disappear? Where did they go?" Su Jin asked again.

"In my memory, in the era of the Great Emperor, the various worlds were full of aura and all kinds of powers coexisted. At that time, there was a long period of time. It was very easy to practice, and the monk's style was quite popular. At the point of the treasure, there are countless types of gems, and the most famous one is related to the disappearance of this ghost."

Xiao Umbrella replied quite seriously, and said: "It disappeared just now, it should have returned to the source stone."

"Source Stone?" Su Jin heard this novel vocabulary for the first time.

"Yes, the source stone can keep energy from leaking. This low-level wandering soul will choose to parasitize in it and can stay for a long time. This kind of source stone entrusted by the wandering soul has the lowest value, which is equivalent to that in your vegetable market. The price of cabbage is not worth looking for. Of course, there are more advanced ones, and the gap is too large. It is said that they will not be introduced for three days and three nights. "The umbrella seems to be quite cumbersome.

"Tell me the best!" Su Jin felt very interesting. If possible, he would look for something here, wondering if he could get some good results.

"Let's just talk about the time when I got along with the emperor. The emperor personally found two super-extreme'source stones', a monkey born with a natural stone. After seeing the light, he jumped out to be a super master, but it was stubborn. He was unbearable and committed a lot of evil. Later, he was shut in the void and lit a star lamp for it, hoping that it would have an epiphany. I still don't know if it still exists."

Xiao Umbrella said, "The other piece is more interesting. The'Ghost Buddha Bodhi' you ate not long ago should be related to another piece of'sacred source stone' brought back by the emperor. I remember, it looks like that piece of sacred stone'open source. 'After that, there was a big fat boy lying inside."

Su Jin:...

Big fat boy?

The officials were speechless.

Isn't it the Three Lives Yin Buddha?

"It's been deserted for a long time, and there is a'Kizo King' sitting in town. No one should dare to offend. I tried to search one or two to see if I can find some. How do you feel?" Su Jin asked.

"Yes, but with your strength, the probability of finding a high-level source stone is very low, and there is no safety here. There is also a girl Tang who needs you to wake up. You must control the time and don't delay things." Xiao Umbrella didn't hit Su Jin's enthusiasm, but did not forget to remind him.


Su Jin did not forget, and quickly walked into the "Bone Inn".

This White Bone Inn was deserted for countless years, and it was empty inside, with only the counter and a few walls visible. It was obviously ransacked.

Regrettably, Su Jin turned around and found nothing. He could imagine the scene when it used to be popular, but now it is covered by thick bone meal, which is very bleak.

"Little Umbrella, is there anyone in Jiuyou Jedi?" Su Jin asked suspiciously.

"You're talking about outside the territory, then someone must be there," Xiao Umbrella said.


"Nonsense, the human races of the China Great World were not born on this continent, but migrated, including the emperor. However, after thousands of years, this spiritual energy has leaked and countless monks have turned into civilians. "


Su Jin feels that his thinking has entered a dead end, that is, his thinking is too fixed and a bit silly——

"Go to the backyard. It is important to get the'Resurrection Grass', but the well is even more important." Xiao Umbrella was a little excited.

"Why is that water well more important?" Su Jin frowned and asked.

"Because that will determine whether you are the reincarnation of the great emperor, I will tell you one thing, you must do what I want..." Xiao Umbrella became obviously emotionally unstable, and then softly said a small detail.

"Okay, I listen to you." Seeing that the search was fruitless, Su Jin had to walk towards the stone gate in the backyard.

I am also looking forward to...

What would Su Jin see in that well?

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