My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1124: An Qianyi's tenderness

Take a bath?

Su Jin looked at Wang Mei Niu who was blocking him, nodded, thinking about it, it is evening, and from the perspective of beauty who loves cleanliness, he believes what Mei Niu said.

But then it's time to take a look--

Su Jin kicked her pocket, looked at Wang Mei Niu still opening her arms, and smiled: "Forgot something, has the old guy been here before?"

"I've been here." Wang Mei Niu nodded.

"Sister Qin Shiyao, did you go back with him?" Su Jin thought and asked.

"Well, how did you know?" Wang Mei Niu became curious.

how do you know?

Su Jin was still worried about this. Qin Shiyao didn’t like that girl very much. He was too overbearing and overbearing. He suffered a lot in his own place. It would be strange to go back with the old guy not obediently, but he still has something in his heart. Question, what is the identity of this girl? Go to the capital three days later and take the time to ask.

"Mei Niu, when I first came here, there was a shop selling'Rabbit Heads' at the east end of the crossroads. It felt pretty good. Go buy some, and I'll make some dishes with wine." Su Jin looked at Wang Mei Niu and said.

"Oh! You are not allowed to move downstairs, I will buy it now, what about the money—" Wang Mei Niu stretched out her small open hand.

Su Jin took out all the cash from his pocket, just a few hundred yuan, handed it to her, and then said lightly: "Go."

"Okay!" Wang Mei Niu said to Su Jin, just bypassing the young master's side, and backing back, said in a questioning voice full of thieves: "Hey, you lied to me, right? I don't You are fooled!"

Su Jin showed an impatient expression on his face, "Let you go, you go."

"I know, but Sister Qianyi is very weird lately, you..." Wang Mei Niu stuck her tongue out, seeing that she was about to cause trouble. She just reminded her that she didn't dare to say anything anymore. She walked out of the door and had to follow Master Su's instructions. Ordered to buy.


How weird!

Su Jin doesn't believe it, An Qianyi has always been the kind of taciturn, cherishing words like gold, and quietly being her quiet and beautiful type, which seems strange to outsiders is normal.

The officials gently walked up the stairs and came to the door of An Qianyi's room. When he was about to knock on the door, his thoughts broke again, and the knock was changed to push, as if he was afraid that the fairy would be out of the bath.

Without any accident, the door was pushed open by him.

Walk in.

The configuration in the room is still the same as before. There is a trace of the smell in the air that belongs to An Qianyi's body. She is not there. The wooden screen next to the bed in the bedroom and the small door hear the patter of water. ...

Wang Mei Niu didn't lie to him, she was really taking a bath, it was really time to come—

Su Jin didn't see An Qianyi at first sight, so he was unavoidably disappointed, but he was more happy. Anyway, he could see it immediately. What's the hurry?

"Who--" A soft word came from the little door, An Qianyi's cold voice.

Hearing An Qianyi's voice, Su Jin's restless mood suddenly calmed down and said, "It's me."

After the identity was revealed, there was silence inside, only the sound of water remained, and even in the next five minutes, An Qianyi didn't say a word.

Su Jin is anxious!

He couldn't sit down and walked around in the room. Fortunately, An Qianyi didn't let him wait too long. Ten minutes later, the small door in the room opened...

Young Master Su was immediately silly--

Don't wake him up now!

The figure of an amateur appeared in Su Jin's eyes, it was incredible!

An Qianyi is slim and graceful. She has always dressed differently from others. She prefers clothes that cover all parts of her body, so this dress is definitely more suitable than anyone else.

She is wearing a long dress. The material of the dress is silky brocade, with snow white as the background. There are a few small azure flowers scattered on it, and the white belt has one-third of the cyan stripes, bound to the waist. In time, the extra strengths that hang down the tie, the typical refreshing retro dress!

What makes Su Jin even more amazing is that her ink hair is not soaked, two strands of green silk hanging on both sides of her body, her black hair is like a waterfall behind her, and her pure and white earlobes sway gently...

Let me die in this dreamlike scene!

Su Jin yelled in his heart, his eyes moved up, and he stared at the big aura eyes——

Trembling! Come forward!

Su Jin stretched out her hand and pulled up her small hand in front of her slender waist, which was tightly held by her belt.

Panicked, the young master panicked! An Qianyi's glance was touching, and even this simple grip made him uncontrollable.

Maybe it's. I haven't seen it for some time!

"Are you okay?" Su Jin squeezed her hand, and his voice softened.

"Yeah." An Qianyi didn't know how to answer, so she had to reply.

Only when Su Jin is holding her, the familiar and comfortable feeling returns again. There is no need to worry about calamity, no other worries, carefree, as if it is a very detached state~

"Miss me?" Su Jin led her and came to the bed.

sit down.

"Yes." An Qianyi didn't know a lie, and answered one word truthfully.

Su Jin was very satisfied with An Qianyi's response, and slowly put a hand on her shoulder, the real touch made him endure his heartbeat...

And when looking at each other, no matter how long it is, it doesn’t seem to be dull and boring——

"Brother Young Master~Buy the rabbit head!" Su Jin only woke up from the drunkenness until there was a shouting voice downstairs.

Wang Mei Niu's hands and feet are so quick...

"Let it go, I'll go down to eat later!" Su Jin had no choice but to shout at the downstairs.

"Sister Qianyi finished taking a shower?"

This is what Wang Mei Niu cared about, so she would use the most dexterous skill and the most extreme speed to buy and return quickly!

"It's done, I'm chatting with her, and I will call me when Brother Tiger comes..." Su Jin said to the downstairs again.

"Alright!" Wang Mei Niu did not ask after responding.

Su Jin smiled slightly, not wanting to spoil the atmosphere in front of him, and said to An Qianyi: "No matter how delicious things are, it doesn't matter to you."

The so-called beautiful and delicious food, the talented Su finally understood the true meaning of it!

An Qianyi was unmoved by Su Jin's praise, but this guy's next move made her instinctively bow her head, dare not look at him, and be at a loss!

Su Jin gently dropped his hands from her shoulders and put his palms on her back. Then, Young Master Su rose from the edge of the bed, his powerful chest slowly leaning forward——

Panicking, An Qianyi wouldn't refuse herself, right? Su Jin was thinking~

But then Su Jin knew that her worries were a bit redundant. At this time, An Qianyi's face rose with two peach blossoms, as if she knew what he was going to do, being approached by him so strongly, she instinctively followed his palm against her back, slowly Slowly put him on the bed!


Now Su Jin seemed to be living in a dream, staring at An Qianyi, whose eyes were closed tightly, and the raging flames in her body couldn't help but start to burn!

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