My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1125: Why not die!

In the past contact between Su Jin and An Qianyi.

An Qianyi has always been regarded by others as the kind of cold, unfeeling, unkind, and very few words of goddess beauty.

Maybe some people will feel so amazing because of her appearance, so they can keep in mind and even like her.

However, in Su Jin's eyes, An Qianyi's characteristic is her original beauty, she is not artificial and does not care about others' opinions.

Su Jin has to admit that he has been firmly attracted by An Qianyi. Although the atmosphere is hot now, his hot heart is extremely calm.

Gently, Su Jin leaned down, and the distance between the two faces was almost zero. When Qiongbi was about to touch the tip of Young Master’s nose, Young Master Su could even clearly see the long trembling lines. eyelash.

The instinctive Su Jin adjusted the angle, and his big mouth touched the soft pink lips——

A heat wave has been set off in Su Jin's body, and he began to roar wildly!

Su Jin completely showed his domineering side at this moment. With red eyes, he hugged the two-handed thin willow waist, he could even feel An Qianyi's body trembling slightly, and his breathing was heavy.

However, at this moment, there was a sharp cry of crying from downstairs, which shocked Su Jin. Letting go of An Qianyi, who was ruddy, she instinctively stood up and said in shock: "Wang Beautiful girl?"

What is she crying?

Second Olympics, is it intentional?

Su Jin made several question marks in her heart, then exchanged glances with An Qianyi, and walked out of her bedroom quickly.

Go downstairs.

Wang Mei Niu was sitting on the ground, still crying, crying very sad, so Su Jin felt a little distressed when she saw it, even though she was crying at out of time.

"Mei Niu, what's the matter?" Su Jin concealed his unhappiness, forced a smile on his face, squatted in front of her, and asked.

Wang Mei Niu wept again and cried out, choked and said, "Lucky is dead. My brother gave me it. When you came... I put it on the counter. I don’t know when it fell and died. ——"

So Su Jin squatted and saw her open her closed hands while she was talking, and a turtle about the size of an egg was motionless in her little hand.

Su Jin was dumbfounded.

This little tortoise is called "Zhao Cai"?

I'll take it, the name is slippery, it really fits Wang Mei Niu's personality of a money slave——

"The counter is so high, how could it be possible to fall tortoise to death?" Su Jin raised his own question reasonably.

"I don't know, but Zhaocai is dead." Wang Mei Niu said to Su Jin sadly with a frustrated look. How could she think that the pets she usually cared for would die.

Su Jin has nothing to say now, he understands this girl very well, after all, girls are very caring and like small animals very much.

"let me see."

Su Jin stretched out her hand, and Wang Mei Niu also took the little turtle into his hand.

"Then let's analyze the wave." Su Jin's right thumb and index finger pinched the shell of the tortoise, and his eyes lit up with a little force. He already found the problem, and he continued: "Your'fortune', bought How long?"

"About ten days." Wang Mei Niu wiped her tears, then sat on the ground and answered Su Jin's question truthfully.

"Has it performed abnormally recently?" Su Jin asked again.

"I don't eat much. My brother said that the tortoise can be hungry for three years, and it's okay—"

"What a shit." Su Jin shook his head and said: "You'little tortoise', you must be sick and sacrificed..."

"Sick?" Wang Mei Niu was surprised, and then she shook her head repeatedly, insisting: "It's not sick!"

"If you don’t believe me, touch it, I know that tortoises are most likely to get a common disease, soft nail disease. As the name suggests, if it gets it, the shell will become soft. You bought it for ten days, and within ten days, you let it Have you been in the sun?" Su Jin asked again.

"I haven't been exposed to the sun." Wang Mei Niu's eyes were pure and innocent.

"It must be right. I have soft nail disease and hardly eat anything. This tortoise's lack of calcium in its shell has caused the disease to worsen. It is normal to fall to death after another fall!" Su Jin nodded.

"Brother Young Master, have you raised it?" Wang Mei Niu felt better when she heard that she was ill, and she stared at Su Jin weakly.

"I've been raised! But I finally released my life--" Su Jin said.

"Release?" Wang Mei Niu was surprised. At this moment, she felt that Young Master Su was so loving.

Su Jin nodded decisively and said: "Yes, I usually release the food in the pot."

Wang Mei Niu was stunned and murmured softly, "Why don't you die, brother."

Damn it! The tortoise is so spicy that it was eaten by Master Su!

"So, next time you engage in aquaculture, you must adhere to the scientific development concept and stay on the right path. If you don't understand, just look up the information. You can be regarded as a tortoise dead. It will lay a solid foundation for your future aquaculture industry, understand? "Su Jin said to Wang Mei Niu with a calm expression.

"Oh~" Wang Mei Niu listened to it, and she felt that at this time, breeding is also asked by a university, the water is very deep... it is not easy to raise!

"Buy it thickly." Su Jin stretched out his hand and let the little turtle's body fall freely into Wang Mei Niu's hands, then he got up and sighed.

At this moment, what exudes from Su Jin's body is a kind of high-spirited temperament!

Wang Mei Niu got up from the ground very obediently and walked out the door. She planned to bury "Zhao Cai" in the green land opposite to give it an ecological funeral——

But the moment when Wang Mei Niu stepped out!

Wang Mei Niu in Su Jin's eyes suddenly paled, and her pace slowly retreated in.

what happened?

Su Jin quietly walked behind Wang Mei Niu who was still retreating, stretched out her hand to support her, and looked towards the door of Gu Shuzhai——

Two people appeared in front of the door. One of them was carrying a gray-white cloth package, and the bottom of the package had been stained red with blood!

Su Jin was surprised, judging from the outline of the package--

It should be a human head!

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