My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1126: White funeral

The two are Xiaodao and Wang Xiaojun, and Su Jin is familiar with them.

"Little Lord--"

Wang Xiaojun smiled and greeted, and the knife just nodded, and the head wrap in his right hand did not hide anything.

"Inside..." Su Jin frowned and asked.

"The second in command of the Yinfeng Gang, Zhao Yuanguang." Wang Xiaojun didn't dare to neglect.

"Never heard of it." Su Jin shook his head.

"I'm an old man, wanted criminal. Ten years ago, he committed more than a dozen gang murders. He was addicted to drinking. He was innocent, but because he was good at disguising and had a bit of skill. Although he has been investigating these years, he just didn't know he was hiding. Where is it?" Wang Xiaojun told the truth.

"How did you catch it?"

To be reasonable, Su Jin feels that if the old guy's intelligence network detects this person's news, it shouldn't be delayed until now and let him continue the crime.

"Speaking of which, there is also the merit of the young master." Wang Xiaojun sold it off.

"Oh? Tell me." Su Jin knew it himself. He was not interested in this at all. He didn't have time to investigate anyone. He didn't know Zhao Yuanguang. The first time I saw him, how could he be credited?

"Ms. Tao Ji from Zhuyun Village has contacted us recently and said that she has reached a cooperation with the young master, and she provided us with some news. Zhao Yuanguang is one of them." Wang Xiaojun explained.

Su Jin:...

The old guy's intelligence network couldn't find Zhao Yuanguang, but Tao Ji was able to find out. Can this be ironic? But Su Jin didn't feel anything wrong. This Tao Ji sought his blessing, so passionate, she must also imply that she should not underestimate her ability.

Su Jin suddenly found that Miss Tao Ji was getting more and more interesting, she was so beautiful, she could do things...

Suddenly awake, Su Jin gestured with his finger, "Come in."

Wang Xiaojun and Xiaodao stepped forward, but saw the young master walking around, obviously meant to go out.

"Young Master, don't you stay and have a meal?" Wang Xiaojun asked Su Jin as he looked at him.

"No, I have something else." Su Jin shook his head with his back to several people.

In fact, it is really bad luck.

Su Jin was not afraid of this stuff, but he did not come here a little bit, plus just let Wang Mei Niu buy the "Rabbit Head", anyway, he can't eat it anymore.

Under the gaze of the three, Su Jin sat in the Death Supercar, and the car slowly disappeared in front of Gu Shuzhai.

It was getting late, and finally the afterglow disappeared into the horizon, and the blackness enveloped Qin City.

A super cool purple sports car drove lonely into the night and headed towards Ningjiang City.

Yes, Su Jin just wanted to rush to Huishan Town overnight!


The scene keeps flying fast...

The original five-hour journey, under Su Jin's hurricane, took less than four hours to reach Huishan Town, Ningjiang City!

It was already 10:30 in the evening. In the past, this small mountain town would become quite quiet at this point, but when Su Jin arrived and parked the car, he smelled an unusual smell.

In front of the restaurant "Huaqianyuexia", there was a tumult of gongs and drums, and Su Jin heard the sound of blowing and beating suona, and it was nothing. The huge crying sound shook the sky, making this small mountain town become more and more noisy.

What is going on?

Is there someone dead in this restaurant in Huaqing?

Su Jin saw the crowds at the entrance of Huaqing’s restaurant, and he knelt in a ball with hemp and Daixiao. A two-meter-long golden lacquered coffin was placed in front of the door. Various wreaths were placed around it, and paper money was constantly floating in the sky!

Taking out his cell phone, Su Jin got through to Gu Shan.

"Boss!" Gu Shan was obviously shocked.

"I'm at the entrance of the town, something happened to sister Hua's restaurant? The door was closed and it was not opened." Su Jin asked coldly.

"Boss, hey! Those are the people of the'White Funeral'." Gu Shan's tone was also very helpless.

"What's the situation at the White Funeral? I'll go to your house and tell me more clearly." Su Jin said, hung up the phone, glanced at Huaqing's restaurant, turned and walked towards Gu Shan's house.

A few minutes away, Su Jin arrived at the fastest pace. From the corner of Gu Shan's second uncle's house, he saw Gu Shan walking around at the door, smoking cigarettes in his mouth, obviously a little irritable.

Su Jin knew that Gu Shan was a man, but he rarely smoked. Something must have been difficult.

"Boss!" Gu Shan took out a cigarette from his pocket, hurriedly stepped forward, and handed out one.


Su Jin spit out the smoke deeply before asking, "Let's talk."

"There are two things, one good thing and one bad thing. Boss, which one do you listen to first?" Gu Shan asked.

"Good thing," Su Jin said.

"The day before yesterday our mine blasted for the first time, and some workers found gold..." Gu Shan said shocking news.

Second Olympics.

Su Jin was taken aback in his heart, but thinking about this is the'Golden Dragon Raising Head' mineral vein, there is a high chance of this kind of thing, and he will probably get rich from this in the future, so he asked again: "Sample control is in hand. Is it there?"

"Controlled it. Sister Hua also rewarded the workers present. Although the ore is not very pure, it is still very good after the large-scale equipment refinement. It is only just starting now, and the deeper it is, it may actually appear. Top grade mineral vein." Gu Shan said, also excited.

"Good job. The bad thing should be the "White Funeral", right?"

Su Jin gave a compliment and felt relieved. When she first met Hua Qing, she still had doubts about this matter. This should be dispelled. In order for her to use it better for herself in the future, it appears now. A surprise is not bad.

"Yes! I have never seen such a coincidental thing!" Gu Shan was obviously annoyed, and then he scratched his head and said: "The gold mine sample that was blasted the day before yesterday had an accident at the scene yesterday afternoon! It is also our fault that we are not very strict. People were not strictly controlled, and a worker didn’t know what was going on. He hid a knife and stabbed the worker to death!"


There is a ghost in it!

"Obviously someone is worried. The murderer was instigated by someone and was deliberately looking for trouble." Su Jin said lightly with a cigarette in his mouth.

"That's right, the people sent by the White Funeral have been crying wave after wave last night, they are all women! Sister Hua is also a big head, no matter how to negotiate compensation, this matter is still in the city government. There is a trouble there. Sister Hua hasn't come back in the city yet, so obviously it hasn't been resolved either." Gu Shan said.

Are all women? It's really troublesome.

Su Jin understood the whole process, dropped his cigarette butt, squinted and said lightly: "Follow me."

"Where to go?" Gu Shan asked puzzledly.

"Sister Hua's restaurant."

"Boss has a solution?"

"Yes!" Su Jin sneered.

Gu Shan knows Su Jin very well, so I am afraid he will resort to ruthless methods! It’s just that those are women—

Is it possible for Su Jin to knock those women hard?

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