My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1133: Brother is the incarnation of justice!

Ma Kun was very depressed.

He also knew that Su Jin had been merciful just now, otherwise he would not be able to stand! It’s even more impossible to say something. Last time the eldest master came to **** him, he just saw him wandering around in the stockade for a while. Who would have thought that he would come back to beat him a few days later. Is Kun still alive?

If this is the case, it would be better to grab a wave of real guns and live ammunition. Don't come again in the future. Just...

But Ma Kun is not Su Jin. He doesn't know what he did, let alone understand that he didn't come for money!

"Ma Kun, do not accept it." Su Jin touched his chin and said lightly.

"Serve, my Ma Kun's five-body suit!" Ma Kun is not crying, nor is he smiling, now his face is very ugly.

Can you refuse?

Kneel down! You know, since Ma Kun became famous in Ningjiang, who could have treated him like this? But now he really served this little ancestor!

"I'm here this time, I don't want your gold and silver treasures, nor the little wives you raised..." Su Jin thought for a while and said.

"That is……"

"I'm here to ask you for someone, and let you do something." Su Jin nodded.

"You said." Ma Kun heaved a sigh of relief. He only needs his money. He still has a lot of money. This little ancestor asked him to hand it over. I am afraid that he will have to do it. How to support the family in the future? If the tree fell and the hen was scattered, then he would have a miserable end, after all, he had offended many people.

"Ma Qingyao, I want to take it away." Su Jin picked out the purpose of this trip.

"Uh-" Ma Kun looked at Su Jin unexpectedly, but he didn't expect that he would ask for it like this.

"You don't want to?" Su Jin narrowed his eyes.

If this Ma Kun refuses, I am afraid that Su Jin’s means will really destroy the stockade, making him Ma Kunluo's individual shouting, and I believe that the other party is not a fool, otherwise, he will not be able to hold on to the stockholder for these years.

Not surprisingly, Ma Kun didn't think about it for too long, but he sighed deeply, grabbed his stomach and got up, and said, "I owe them too much mother and daughter. These years, Qing Yao can't wait for me to die. Pretend not to know, but when will I not feel guilty? No matter, she is willing to go with you."

"When you come out, you have to pay it back sooner or later. It's not that you don't report it but the time has not arrived. Do you know what I mean?" Su Jin said coldly.

It turned out that Su Jin thought he was cruel, but this Ma Kun was lustful, so many little wives were not satisfied, and even under the guidance of the eldest lady, he acquiesced to kill his own woman. Su Jin thought that he could not do this cruelty!

"I know." Ma Kun nodded, "You take her away! I hope you can treat her well!"

"This is just the first thing. The second thing, I'll take her with me later, you find some men to help her mother's bones come out of the'white board slope', she wants to take it away." Su Jin ordered. .

Ma Kun's face was red, speechless, and after a long silence, he sighed heavily, "Okay!"

Su Jin put his pocket in his pocket, stopped talking to him, walked past him and swaggered into the ‘mountain road’.

Familiar with the road, Su Jin calmly walked towards Ma Qingyao's residence.

Soon, Su Jin saw Ma Qingyao take a peek from the door, and when she saw Master Su, her surprise was beyond words.

"Brother Su!" Ma Qingyao opened the door with joy and ran out.

Originally, after the brief contact with Su Jin that day, the other party left so quickly. Afterwards, she worried that Su Jin would be gone forever, but she felt that she had no other way. Apart from trusting him, she had other ways to go. ? The answer is no. Seeing again now, she knew she was going to be relieved here!

Su Jin stared at Ma Qingyao in a daze. This Nizi loves to wear white clothes. Now she is wearing a knee-length white dress. She is a slim girl, and her whole body also shows her youthful breath under this dress.

Ma Qingyao is bored all the year round, and the temperament that she has cultivated by studying is simply unparalleled. It is not an exaggeration to describe her with the words "knowledge and gift", but she is only 17 years old! The girl's face, the girl's heart, and the temperament revealed by the body had a kind of imperial and elder sister, otherwise it would not make Young Master Su so impressed, so he rushed to Qincheng.

"I~" Su Jin pointed to himself, with a very burning face with a smile, and said the next two words quickly: "Come!"

"Are we going now?" Ma Qingyao has never been so happy, and her smile is very charming.

"Right." Su Jin nodded.

"But, but I haven't cleaned it up yet, you'll wait..." Ma Qingyao was so excited that she blushed and said, "Excuse me, please come in."

Ma Qingyao forgot to invite Su Jin into the house——

Su Jin walked in, and then saw Ma Qingyao busy packing up. He hesitated and said, "Actually, I suggest you don't bring anything, except for valuables of course."

Ma Qingyao shook all over, with a sad expression on her face, and whispered: "I have no money. What I should bring, I still have to bring."

"You seem to have something on your mind? It's okay. If you need brother's help, just say it." Su Jin noticed some clues. Ma Qingyao's sad expression just showed me shocked him, not to mention him. I changed to someone else. It will also be compassionate, and heartache is natural.

"Brother Su has helped me a lot, I don't want to bother you anymore--" Ma Qingyao shook her head and continued to clean up.

"Let's talk about it, without saying a word." Su Jin asked.

Ma Qingyao hesitated before telling her thoughts, "My mother once left me a bracelet, but it was asked to leave by my second sister five years ago, and it has not been returned yet."

Second Olympics!

How cheap is this little bitch? His mother's relics were also taken away?

Lost! Aren't you afraid of thunderstorms?

Su Jin's face was a little dark, and he immediately said decisively: "You clean up first, and when you're done, you can bravely come to the archway to find me. I will help you get back now."

The sister can bear it, but the master cannot bear it! Ma Qingyao, Su Jin, wants to see if there is anything crazy, even this kind of thing can be done, and she will be killed by seeing her.

"No need for Brother Su, it's just something outside." Ma Qingyao quickly stopped.

"Brother is the incarnation of justice, and you have to flatten it if you see injustice. You don't need to stop it. It's just a sentence, but you can think clearly. Leaving here is equivalent to completely breaking the relationship. It's the Ma family." Su Jin said.

"I don't like this place at all." Ma Qingyao was sure.

"You clean up." Su Jin's face was filled with the gentle smile of the big brother, and he walked out the door with his pocket.

But when he walked out of the door and turned his back to Ma Qingyao, Su Jin's expression turned gloomy.

Now, look for her second sister!

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