My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1134: White slope

But what's the name of Ma Qingyao?

Su Jin turned around and wanted to come in and ask again, but it wasn't difficult to find out her second sister. Ma Kun's **** should be waiting for him, he must know.

Thinking of this, Su Jin strode towards the direction he came.

Sure enough, on the road inside the archway, Ma Kun looked sad, and when he saw Young Master Su approaching, he nodded and bowed, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Where is your second daughter?" Su Jin asked with a cold face, staring at Ma Kun.


Ma Kun was shocked. After remaining stunned for a while, I almost shed tears, why? Su Jin thinks one is not enough, so he wants to take another one? Good things are in pairs?

"The second daughter is traveling abroad and has not yet returned home." Ma Kun said with a bitter expression, rubbing his hands.

He is telling the truth.

"Seonima!" Su Jin's eyes were colder, "You have nine daughters. Ma Qingyao was originally the third child, but your servant called it Miss Nine. This is not fair. Now your second daughter is often outside. Traveling, but Sister Qingyao can only stay alone in her boudoir. I am afraid that she has never stepped out of this stockade. In contrast, you are really riding a horse!"

No wonder Ma Qingyao has no feelings for this place. Home is a warm place with parents and elders taking care of her family. This is how family affection comes. But this Ma Kun is completely rubbish. For other daughters, she can send students to study abroad and study further. Tourist travel!

But to Ma Qingyao--

Thinking of this, Su Jin simply had the urge to hang Ma Kun again. If he were Ma Qingyao, he would have killed him thousands of times.

"My fault, my fault!" Ma Kun groaned in his heart, and there was no reason to refute it. The original reality was like that, and Su Jin had to admit his mistake when questioned.

"Qingyao said that her mother left a relic, which was a bracelet, which was taken by your second daughter a few years ago and has not been returned, do you know?" Su Jin asked.

"There is indeed such a thing." Ma Kun nodded and said yes, but when he saw Su Jin raising his hand to hit him, he hurriedly stepped back and shouted: "Master, don't fight! I know the pair of jade bracelets Where, here is it for you!"

Su Jin quickly pointed at Ma Kun with his finger, not lightly angry, and then thrust in his waist, but fortunately, Ma Kun reacted quickly and hurried to find something, otherwise he would definitely be beaten by the young master.

It's cheaper if you don't kill him!

While being quiet, Su Jin glanced outside the archway. A group of young adults also picked up tools such as shovel, and others picked up a lot of firecrackers and fireworks. All these were prepared in a very short time. At the innermost part of the mountain pass, the young master hasn't gone deep, there should be a place to buy and sell such things.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Ma Kun first wiped his sweat and walked, holding an antique sandalwood box in his hand, and walking to Su Jin, and said with a horror: "I found it."

Su Jin took it and gently opened the box.

The box looks very delicate, with patterns carved on it, and when it is opened, there is a layer of yellow brocade cushioning it, and Su Jin's eyes widened when looking at the thing inside.

A pair of jade bracelets are placed in it. This jade bracelet is quite extraordinary. The whole body is turquoise green. It is an appropriate description to use "green oil"!

"The emperor's green jade bracelet..." Su Jin closed the box decisively, staring at Ma Kun, wishing to kill this one.

My daughter is greedy for everything! I am afraid it is not her second daughter who wants this jade bracelet, but Ma Kun herself is greedy! This pair of beautiful'Emperor Green' jade bracelets are now worth no less than 20 million, and they are passed down from the family of Ma Qingyao's mother!

"Master Jin, my people are already waiting, should we set off now?" Ma Kun didn't dare to look directly at Su Jin's eyes, with a guilty conscience.

"Wait for sister Qingyao." Su Jin retracted his gaze.

In fact, he had just been murderous, but no matter what, the other party was always Ma Qingyao's father. It is better to be alive than nothing. If you do that, Ma Qingyao's parents are really gone.

Ma Kun nodded quickly, not daring to speak again.

Five minutes passed.

Su Jin looked at Ma Qingyao who was coming. At this moment, there was a dark blue, white flowery package on her fragrant shoulders, and her long hair was also clamped by her hairpin, leaving only two strands hanging on both sides of her shoulders and wearing on her little feet A pair of floral shoes.

"Qing Yao." Ma Kun showed a smile and walked up to greet him.

But Ma Qingyao didn't seem to have a cold for this old man, and turned her head to the side, without even looking at him, she walked to Su Jin's side and remained silent.

Ma Kun was a little embarrassed.

"You can go." Su Jin gave him a cold glance.

At this point, Ma Kun couldn't say anything, so he had to take the lead and walk in front of the two of them. After walking out of the archway, he signaled the guys to leave with his hands.

Turning left from the archway of the'crossing the mountain road', Su Jin and the others set foot on a path that was overgrown with weeds and few people walked on it.

Su Jin heard from Ma Qingyao last time that Bai Banpo was walking on this remote path three miles away, and Jin Ye felt a little desolate in his heart.

Yes, it is bleak!

The so-called human beings are humane, and bandits have gangsters. No matter how many wives Ma Kun robbed, Ma Qingyao's mother should not be killed, and she should be allowed to enter the ancestral grave, otherwise Ma Qingyao would not hate him like this!

Su Jin thought it would be desolate, but he did not expect the road to be so difficult to walk more than a hundred meters, and a large area of ​​thorns appeared. There were two people tall enough. The thorns were thorny and it would be hard to bear.

"Follow me." Su Jin stretched out his hand and motioned to Ma Qingyao to give him the burden.

Ma Qingyao thought for a while, took her small mouth and removed her burden, handed it to Su Jin's hand, and continued walking behind Su Jin.

There was a passer-by ahead, and although the movement was often blocked, everyone rushed to their destination in their early hours!

White board slope.

When Su Jin came here, he felt suddenly enlightened. The surrounding woods made up for it. There were gravel and dead leaves on the ground. There were no thorns. Instead, there was a large patch of dense grass roots like **** husks everywhere.

"Mother~ my daughter is not filial——"

Ma Qingyao wiped her tears and cried as if she had lost her soul, walked towards a mound full of grass and knelt in front of the grave.

Su Jin's heart was calm, but Ma Kun's face was a little pale, and he felt very complicated, as if he recalled the turmoil of the year.

As he approached, Su Jin stretched out his hand to hold Ma Qingyao's arm, and said gently, "Get up."

A few people died and the firecrackers were wrapped, and the dense red firecrackers were revealed. According to rural rules, firecrackers must be fired in order to shovel the graves, and the Taoist immortal's altar can be used to open it, otherwise it is not good for future generations. .

This time I saved the last part, and prepared a lot of firecrackers and fireworks, but it can only be seen so far.

Ma Qingyao knocked his head a few times while Su Jin was holding his arm, and was pulled up by him. After walking more than a dozen meters away, his eyes were red.

"Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa~"

The firecrackers exploded quickly, accompanied by a burst of blue smoke, the sound was endless, and the flames that exploded were caught in the eyes of everyone.

"Qing Yao, can I call you that?" Su Jin held her little hand.

"Yes--" Ma Qingyao still had a cry in her tone.

Su Jin didn't even think about it, and said directly: "Brother asks you a question, you have to answer me honestly."

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