My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1135: Sister Pao is out!

"Yeah." Ma Qingyao nodded and said.

Su Jin asked: "How do you plan to live after taking your mother away?"

"Follow you—" Ma Qingyao whispered.

Very speechless, Su Jin:...

"I have a business here, and I have many friends. Or you can follow Sister Hua in Huishan Town. After starting smelting in my mine, you can help me by the way, such as calculating an account... Is it all right?" Su Jin asked.

Now Su Jin can’t bring her back to Qincheng. She was raised in the mountains and suddenly went to the big city. She might lose her direction in life. The best way is to trouble Sister Hua and arrange her with Sister Hua. By my side, this is the perfect way, and I won't worry about it.

"Okay, I can do it!"

Ma Qingyao not only didn't pester him, but her tone was cheerful. After all, Su Jin has helped her so much, and it is quite good to have a chance to help him, but this great kind of escape from the "cage", I don't know if I can pay it off in a lifetime.

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief. If Ma Qingyao insists on following him, she can only take her back. Now she has not rejected her arrangement. For herself, she is really indescribable.

As the two chatted, several young and middle-aged men had already started digging with their spades, while Ma Kun was staring at the grave without saying a word.


Perhaps it was rushed to bury at the beginning, and in only half an hour, the entire wooden box has been dug out a rough outline, Su Jin led Ma Qingyao to approach——

The wooden box is about one meter and three meters long. It's not a young age, and it's almost decayed. It seems that a piece of it can be grabbed by someone just touch it, but Su Jin frowned slightly when he saw this scene. .

"Why is this width?" Su Jin raised his head and stared at Ma Kun, his tone a little uncomfortable.

As an adult woman, Ma Qingyao's mother also gave birth to Ma Qingyao. She was not so short in height. At that time, the wooden box was very simple. Su Jin was not picky in this regard, because it was too strange!

"I, it's been too long, I also forgot." Ma Kun looked ugly, as if he was hiding something.

Su Jin turned his gaze to Ma Qingyao decisively, and found that she was wiping tears, and suddenly had a bold guess in her heart!

"Open!" Su Jin said solemnly, he wanted to see what happened.

"Qingyao is still a child, or... you take her around there, and I will personally help her mother converge..." Ma Kun was shivering, and his expression was trying to hide.

"Open!" Su Jin repeated again, with a sharp tone in his tone.

Ma Kun couldn't help either. He waved his hand and gestured, and said unnaturally, "Open it--"

So Su Jin and Ma Qingyao saw a terrible situation...

The top of this wooden box is like a thin cardboard, it is not complete at all, but fortunately, it is not a trouble to open it completely. Su Jin frowned and looked at the bones inside, raising his hand naturally in silence to cover Ma Qingyao's sluggish beautiful eyes. , And pressed her face under her shoulder...

Su Jin really guessed right! Ma Kun must have ordered his subordinates to divide the corpse, and some of the bones in it had some black burn marks. It was obviously to destroy the corpse and burned it with fire. As for why it was not burned completely, it is unknown!

Absolutely! I've never seen it done so absolutely! This Ma Kun is simply a beast!

Under Su Jin's yin and cold gaze, Ma Kun felt like a man on his back, and quickly ordered his subordinates to say: "Start picking it up--"

"Fuck you!" Su Jin raised his foot and kicked Ma Kun directly to the ground, and then said with a lot of anger: "You said, you have to stop by yourself when you step on the horse!"

Ma Kun fell to the ground, covering his face, but suddenly howling like a madman, he burst into tears, then his nose and tears flowed, and he crawled to the side of the wooden box, and a series of local words came out of his mouth.

Su Jin didn't understand well, so he watched coldly.

In about ten minutes, Ma Kun picked up pieces of bones into the prepared new wooden box.

There is a special coffin shop on the mountain road. There are all kinds of atmospheric coffins, but the weight is too heavy. This "Baiban Slope" is three miles away from the stockade. Sanli says it’s not far away, but it’s not close. Bringing it, I had to take a wooden box instead.

"The bones of Qingyao's mother, you send someone to Huaqing's restaurant, and you must not damage it any more!"

Seeing that the convergence is over, Su Jin looked at Ma Kun coldly, and continued: "I could have killed you, but it has been so long, I let you go! In the future, you are not allowed to see Sister Qingyao again, otherwise I will Kill you and throw it to the Canglan River to feed the fish! Do you understand?"

"Ming, I understand." Ma Kun shuddered. No one can describe how he felt when he picked up the bones by himself...

"I'm going to cross the river, do you know what to do?" Su Jin took a deep breath, tried to calm down, and said lightly.

"We have a boat by the riverside!" Ma Kun now just wants to quickly send away the evil star, afraid that if Su Jin changes his mind, his life will not be guaranteed!

"Humph." Su Jin put his arms around Ma Qingyao's shoulders, who was sobbing constantly, and turned to walk around.


I have returned to the stockade according to the original road, and learned from Ma Kun’s words that there are many boats along the waterway, and there are short roads to cross the river. Su Jin has already spent a lot of time on this matter, but it was sunny during the period. There is no news, so maybe no one from Jiu Pinyuan has arrived.

Soon after, Su Jin carried the package and took Ma Qingyao across the river smoothly. As for her mother's bones, she had already ordered to send it to the restaurant'Huaqianyuexia' later, so she was not in a hurry. It is also considered that the processing is complete, after all the girls have been brought out, so what else is there to say.

"Have you never been out of the stockade?" Su Jin asked Ma Qingyao with a smile to ease the atmosphere.

Ma Qingyao shook her head slowly, "No."

"Then you have to take a good look at this big world, anyway, be happy." Su Jin said.

"But I'm very confused--" Ma Qingyao walked, keeping her head down all the time, looking very worried and sad...

"You need to get out of the shadows of this thing, and start living now."

"Thank you."


After chatting, Su Jin and Ma Qingyao came to Zhenkou! The sun was shining brightly, but Young Master Su's face suddenly turned weird. He saw a lot of people standing at the entrance of the restaurant "Huaqianyuexia", and they were shouting something. Did Xie Shaodong send someone?

Come take a look!

Su Jin took Ma Qingyao to the opposite side of the restaurant, his eyes widened, and there was also a uniform shouting in his ear!

"Sister Pao is going to expedition, no grass will grow!"

"Sister Pao is going to expedition, no grass will grow!"

"Sister Pao is going to expedition, no grass will grow!"

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