My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1137: If there are not many people, you will win if you have a brother!

It just happened!

Su Jin stood up, with a strange arc at the corner of his mouth, and looked at the young man who came to inform him and asked, "Have you seen it clearly? How many cars are here?"

"There are at least more than twenty cars, most of them are luxury cars, much bigger than the wedding scene!" The young man nodded hurriedly and said what he saw.

Hua Qing also nodded at this time and said: "It must be Xie Shaodong. There are not many who have this kind of strength in Ningjiang City, and it is not such a coincidence."

"Well, I guess he will cry later." Su Jin smiled and walked around from the sofa, planning to meet this person.

Hua Qing is puzzled, what else can Su Jin do? Using the Xiangshui of the cesspool to break the other people's group is already very different. It's no wonder that people are so angry. Now this guy is starting to say this again.

For a time, Hua Qing didn't even dare to think about it anymore, feeling a chill on her back. Seeing that Su Jin was quite confident, she couldn't help but worry about Xie Shaodong...

The people present did not care about Ma Qingyao, and Ma Qingyao had to follow Hua Qing's side and walked out of the restaurant with Su Jin.

When he came to the middle of the road in front of the restaurant, Su Jin looked at the distance of the town. Sure enough, there were many luxury cars parked on the side of the road.

Tsk tusk, this Xie Shaodong is really a big battle!

In Su Jin's field of vision, the other party had also finished dressing up. With his extraordinary vision, these people began to prepare for something, but someone was hiding in the cuff.

There are at least fifty or sixty people!

"There are a lot of people!" Hua Qing's face changed drastically. Compared with the other party, there were nearly twice as many people on her side.

"If there are not many people, you will win if you have a brother." Su Jin didn't turn around and didn't see what Hua Qing's face was like, but she would feel bad if she guessed it.

I saw the young master with one hand behind his back, and the people behind him also started talking in a panic. Su Jin raised his other hand and said, "You stand here and don't move. I will meet them."

"Don't, I'll go with you, how can you do it alone!" Hua Qing also lost his confidence.

"Haha, Sister Hua has a bad memory, just look at it." Su Jin did not put the other person in his eyes at all. After stopping Hua Qing, he took a big step and walked towards the entrance of the town.

Huaqing couldn't say anything when he saw this, and no one dared to speak. Except for Sister Hua, no one dared to give Su Jin his life for this!

When Hua Qing is serious, Su Jin is a magical man. In the morning, he played with good power. Presumably Young Master Su reminded her that this should be the matter. She was worried and expected in her heart, looking forward to a miracle— —

Su Jin walked slowly with his hands in his hands, and soon left a back to the people waiting in front of the restaurant!

"Xie Shaodong, now I will let you vomit blood." Su Jin's mouth curled up and stopped. He saw that those people were still sorting out their equipment, and one of them seemed to be ordering something.

Seeing this, Su Jin communicated with Xiao Umbrella silently in his heart, and then his left hand was still behind, but his right hand was half raised suddenly——


The dull and strange whimper was heard by many people, and all began to wonder.

"Sister Hua, what's the sound?" Sister Pao was holding a piece of braised pork leg in both hands. Her spherical figure took up a lot of space. After hearing it, she stopped eating and asked curiously.

"I don't know, it may be the wind." Sister Hua was secretly shocked, using these words to dispel other people's suspicions.

"It should be the wind, Sister Hua is right." One of the brothers behind him laughed.

"Yes, it's just that Lord Jin is so powerful, he dared to go up alone, knowing that it's a black human head..." Someone admired him very much.

"What's so amazing? Didn't you dare to step forward if you didn't see it..." Someone whispered, retorting the other party.

"I think Lord Jin is a bit fatter, but I admire his courage."

"Seeing so many people on the other side, I already feel bad, I can't beat it at all—"

"Don't say anything, everything depends on Sister Hua!"

There was a lot of discussion in the middle of the road in front of the restaurant. Hua Qing frowned. Ma Qingyao, who was next to Bingxue, was clever and nervous. With her intelligence, how could she not tell that Su Jin wanted to fight, but she really could Hit? She doesn't believe...

No one is optimistic about Su Jin...

At this moment, if someone else is by Su Jin's side, you will find that he emits a strange wave of fluctuations, which can even be seen from close range with the naked eye!

"Boom!" A faint shadow of the dragon head appeared on Su Jin's face, faintly, gradually appearing!

After the momentum was over, Su Jin raised his hand decisively, with his palm facing down and his five fingers into claws! A black dragon soul quietly sank into the ground from before him!


The strange sound didn't last long to everyone, but in their eyes, that big wave of black crushed heads had already begun to move, Xie Shaodong had already ordered someone to rush over and he was about to do it!

Quietly, the quietness of the mountain town gives people a sense of detachment, but in the next second, a ‘miracle’ appears!


The earth trembled and trembled, as if someone in this world had annoyed the gods, and the gods had cast down the mighty power of heaven!

The audience was silly. Not far from the entrance of the town, a group of people panicked. They all felt their weight dropped, and some even almost fell.

"What's the matter?" Xie Shaodong and his party cried out in fear.

"Is it an earthquake? We are in an earthquake zone. There was an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.7 thirty years ago!" Someone had read historical data or heard rumors, their face flushed at this moment, and they said loudly.

"It's possible! We are rich in minerals, the underground is almost digging through, there will be no sinkholes, right?"

"Shut up, **** you!" Someone was obviously shocked.

In front of the Huaqing restaurant, everyone looked ugly, but someone immediately explained that this is not a sign of an earthquake, because the earthquake will not last so short! Only a few tenths of a second, how could it be an earthquake!

Announce the answer immediately!

Hua Qing guessed that it was Su Jin's ghost, so she felt calm, although she didn't know how Su Jin did it!

But the situation that appeared immediately made everyone who saw it stupid—

In the motorcade two hundred meters away from the entrance of the town, a luxury car at the end, like an inflatable toy, rose without warning...

Followed by the second, third, fourth...the twentieth!

It’s better to describe this scene with constant ‘bumping balls’...

At the front of the motorcade, all the people brought by Xie Shaodong cried and dodged. Some people were trampled and injured in a hurry, and some people rushed toward the town. The scene was chaotic!

At this moment, Hua Qing's heartbeat was beating wildly at a speed of 180 miles, watching in disbelief, at the domineering figure standing with his hands!

Now Hua Qing is almost certain that it is Su Jin's ghost!

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