My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1138: I won't pick this pot

It's terrible...

In less than a minute, more than 20 luxury cars were instantly destroyed, and the fall was horrible, not to mention scrap, it was infinitely close to scrap!

"Haha." Su Jin took his hand and looked at the parking place, a large area of ​​land was sunken.

But... will the destruction of public property cause trouble?

But think about it, who the **** knows that he did it himself, Su Jin turned around leisurely, with his hands behind his back, and walked back with his eighth step, ignoring the sounds of panic and being forced to collapse.

"This this."

Hua Qing's men were also dumbfounded, hesitantly didn't know what to say, they all peeped at each other after the dumbfounded, the shock in their hearts was beyond description.

Su Jin came with holding hands, walked in front of Hua Qing, smiled and said, "Fortunately, Lao Tzu runs fast, so your geological movement is very active--"

Hua Qing:...

Speechless, so speechless! Did Su Jin run?

In Hua Qing's eyes, this guy is probably more leisurely than anyone else. If Su Jin did not do this scene just now, she was the first to not believe it! It's too exaggerated. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't believe your eyes at all.

"Did you do it?" Hua Qing lowered her voice in the discussion voice behind her, and asked in a low voice while looking at Young Master Su.

"Guess." Su Jin's face remained unchanged, still smiling.

"I hate~ I can't guess it." When Hua Qing saw Su Jin's expression, she was even more convinced. At the same time, she was still a little confused about the identity of the young master, how strong background and how much she has. Can you do it with great strength? If you follow him, what will you worry about in the future?

In Hua Qing’s eyes, Su Jin is undoubtedly the most mysterious existence. From the half-belief when she participated in the stock, to the first surface gold ore that was exploded, now she doesn’t know how to express her inner admiration. .

Su Jin did not explain, and said directly: "Many of Xie Shaodong's men have been injured, but I guess he will come, come in and wait..."

After pretending to be paralyzed, drinking red wine to moisturize your throat is also good.

After speaking, Su Jin took the initiative to walk into the restaurant, Ma Qingyao gently lifted a strand of hair behind her ears, and followed in.

Sister Pao swallowed a large bite of meat. After Su Jin left, she said to Hua Qing: "The strength of Lord Jin is really terrifying. I don't dare to think about what point he has reached."

Hua Qing pulled her aside and asked in a low voice, "Do you think he did it?"

"When I was in the house, my weapon was snatched by him. I didn't even see how he did it! And I broke the gun with one hand! I feel much harder than breaking a boulder in my chest! "

Sister Pao looked at Hua Qing, nodded and continued: "I choose to believe in Lord Jin without thinking..."

Hua Qing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Let the brothers be more vigilant, and Xie Shaodong will continue to report when he comes."

After that, she walked into her restaurant, then smiled and looked at Su Jin who was savouring red wine on the sofa.

Ma Qingyao chose to sit next to Su Jin. She is now holding a red wine glass in her hands, frowning and trying to drink. The first time she tasted red wine, she didn't feel very good.

"Brother Su is a good method~" Hua Qing sat down and said with a smile.

"Why do you say that?" Su Jin glanced at Hua Qing.

"Don't deny it, I know you did it."

"Oh? Which eye did you see that I did it?"

"By feeling..."

"I won't pick up this pot based on feeling alone."

Su Jin shook his head, "I can only blame this Xie Shaodong for the bad luck, the natural disasters are merciless, tusk..."

When Huaqing saw that Su Jin chose to throw the pot to God, she was drunk. She was quite speechless, but no one saw it, and the cars Xie Shaodong drove were all luxury cars. From this loss alone, the other party had cry!

"There is no such a coincidental thing--" Ma Qingyao whispered hesitantly.

Su Jin:...

Although they all pointed their suspicions towards themselves, Su Jin still wouldn't admit it, let them all guess.

"Hahaha! I've never convinced Sister Pao. Jin Ye really opened my eyes to my old lady today. It will be useful for me in the future. Although Jin Ye speaks, I promise to be there on call, not to say more. One hundred and eighty can still be called out!" Sister Pao showed an alternative style and temper, refreshingly...

It was this laughter, the shocked Young Master Su's heart jumped wildly, Pao Sister...too wild!

"Is the person here?" Su Jin put down the wine glass and asked without looking at Sister Pao.

"I saw the police rushing there just now, but Xie Shaodong didn't see it. Could it be that she ran away?" Sister Pao asked gruffly.

Su Jin suddenly.

This place is close to the bureau, and if such a big incident happens, the police station is inevitable. Anyway, he is drinking here, no matter how much he counts.

"Explore again." Su Jin didn't want to see Sister Pao, so he set his hand.

"Yes—" Sister Pao had a sense of self-esteem when she was in danger and walked out of the restaurant.

Su Jin looked at Hua Qing and said, "Wait another ten minutes. If Xie Shaodong still doesn't show up, I don't have to wait any longer. If he brings someone, you will notify me when that happens."

"Alright." Hua Qing nodded.

"By the way, where are the gold ore exploded?" Su Jin asked.

"At Gu Shan's house."


Su Jin was very satisfied with Huaqing’s approach. She sent Gu Shan to take charge of the gold mine. Sister Hua could actually replace Gu Shan completely, but she did not do so. She didn’t even possess the ore samples. In fact, if she put the ore in Here, I really don't care.

As time passed, Su Jin waited for ten minutes and couldn't wait any longer before he got up to explain something to Hua Qing.

For example, she asked to place Ma Qingyao next to her room, because when Su Jin passed by in the morning, she found that there were still vacant rooms. It is estimated that Sister Hua lived alone on that floor. She didn’t open this restaurant to make money. Yes, he also explained that Ma Kun should send someone to Qing Yao's mother's bones soon. He asked Sister Hua to send a few people to follow Qing Yao's intentions and re-buried her mother.

Speaking of this, Su Jin has already given orders, and Hua Qing readily agreed, obeying her!

"Sister Qingyao, I'll do something first." Su Jin said while looking at Ma Qingyao.

"Okay, go and work." Ma Qingyao said with a small mouth, looked at Su Jin deeply with big eyes, and nodded.

Su Jin would not choose to waste time here. He got up and walked around the corner towards Gu Shan's house with everyone paying attention.


Soon, Gu Shan's home.

Su Jin walked in, and after entering the yard, what he saw before his eyes made him clenched his brows.

Tong Miaoke and Gu Shan turned out to be...

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