My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1139: I'm going to post this

Tong Miaoke and Gu Shan are actually working together.

There were two long benches in the yard. On the bench was a black goat with four hoofs upright. Gu Shan was sitting behind the bench, bowing his head and peeling the goat's fur very carefully.

On the other hand, Tong Miaoke was standing aside, holding the front hooves of the goat, pulling at the corners of his mouth from time to time.

"Are you all busy?" Su Jin walked over with his pocket and said quietly.

"Ah, boss!" Gu Shan didn't get up, and smiled heartily: "Eating roasted whole lamb at noon, my second uncle raised the stove in the morning! I think there is still some time, so I didn't call you back."

Su Jin smiled and said, "Isn't this coming? By the way, where are the gold ore samples?"

"In my room, I'll get it!" Seeing Su Jin wanted to see, Gu Shan quickly got up and ran to the room.

"Big Brother Su——" Tong Miao greeted with some embarrassment.

"It's **** with a rope, and it saves the effort of your support." Su Jin pointed to the half-skinned black goat and said.

"Big Brother Gu Shan said the same thing, and he asked me if there are any ropes left to build the house. I didn't look for it, so I just supported it." Tong Miaoke blinked and responded honestly.

Su Jin didn't say anything, he had already seen Gu Shan walking up with a dustpan, and then saw him carefully laying on the ground.

Kneeling down, Su Jin saw that there was a gold ore in the dustpan that was bigger than a fist. The rest were scattered and broken stones. At first glance, he felt that the biggest stone was greenish-grey, and he stretched out his hand. When I picked it up, I saw some bare places, showing a little yellow light...

"Have you been identified?" Su Jin asked Gu Shan, "I heard that there is a kind of ore called pyrite, which is also called'Fool's Gold.' You can't make a mistake."

"You can't make a mistake!" Gu Shan shook his head, "I recognize the pyrite! Besides, try it...Pyrite and chalcopyrite are much lighter than gold! This is too heavy, a few kilos What—"

Su Jin felt a cold wind blowing from the handsome face~

It's really ridiculous, he can forget such a simple truth, this gold ore is really heavy, and it definitely doesn't match the characteristics of other mines.

Young Master Su was a little pleased, and found out so quickly, I'm afraid this is going to be posted--

"It's quite heavy." Su Jin concealed his embarrassment, weighed in his hands, and asked, "Is anyone living farther than the back mountain?"

"No, we have a high altitude here, and the back mountains are cliffs to the north. Dangerous local governments will not allow people to live, such as those valleys, cliffs, etc., and they will not allow them! Boss, what are you asking for?" Gu Shan Riding on the bench again, the skinning knife in his hand was very skilled, and continued to operate.

"Just ask." Su Jin thought for a while, but didn't say what he meant.

In the evening, Su Jin had to go alone to break through the valley with no one. He could go as far as he could go. If there is too much movement or other unexpected situations happen, I am afraid it is not what I want to see.

"Brother Su, I know there is a place, there must be no one and it is beautiful." Tong Miaoke thought of a good place and said as if offering treasures.

"Where?" Su Jin looked at her and asked.

"I used to hear from an uncle who went up the mountain to collect medicines. If you walk ten miles northwest from the back mountain, you will see the'Pants Mountain'. The Pants Mountain is very beautiful. The uncle said that he was shocked the first time he climbed! "Tong Miao laughed.

"No, no." Gu Shan shook his head. "The Pants Mountain is too high and surrounded by mountains. Few people have ever been..."

Gu Shan knew that Su Jin had asked about this, and he must have planned. He had heard from his elders before that the higher the mountain, the more dangerous it is. It is easier to go up but difficult to go down. The elders prevent some inexperienced young adults from climbing the mountain. He also deliberately frightened them, saying that there are cannibal monsters in the mountains!

Su Jin secretly took Tong Miaoke's words in his heart, then he put down the gold ore, stood up, clapped his hands and said, "I'll lie down for a while, and call me when the lamb is cooked~"

"Okay!" Gu Shan responded and continued to work.

Hearing that Su Jin was going to rest, he still walked to the cabin last night, Tong Miaoke glanced and glanced, his face flushed unconsciously——

It was just a few steps away. Su Jin was lying on the bed, with Erlang's legs raised, his hands resting on the back of his head, and the small umbrella was silently communicated in his heart.

"Call me what to do?" Xiao Umbrella's voice appeared in his mind.

"Tell me about preparations. If you are fine after lunch, you can go to bed after a nap," Su Jin communicated.

"No need to prepare."

"Can you see what kind of abnormality will appear in my Dantian Qi Sea?" Su Jin's tone is also obviously more and more expectant. He knows that there will be differences between Yinglings after the breakthrough, and there must be better ones. Existence, the kind of fighting strength.

"How do I know?" Xiao Umbrella was surprised, "However, I can tell you that I have seen it before."

"Let's talk about it." Su Jin was very interested in this.

Xiao Umbrella hummed, and began to say: "As long as there are masters who have inherited reincarnations, the infant spirits are very extraordinary. As far as I know, several masters who have been reincarnated and rebuilt have acquired extremely numb infant spirits. There are three or six classes. The most common ones are human-shaped infant spirits, which are not very durable. After the body is injured, it is easy to be caught and killed or eaten."

"What then?" Su Jin motioned to it to continue.

"The most famous one is'Lingwu'. This is a kind of superb spirit infant. Generally speaking, it is a weapon-shaped infant spirit that will be bred in the sea of ​​qi. It may be a sword, or a hammer, blade, etc. Once this kind of master is cultivated, it will definitely exist on the famous side."

Xiao Umbrella said in embarrassment: "Back then, I boasted about going down to the sea to the Nine Heavens Profound Girl of the Heaven Realm. I kept boasting and encouraged her to use her natal Lingwu'Xuannv Hammer' to me. As a result..."

"What's the result?" Su Jin was curious.

"Nearly killed me--" Xiao Umbrella seemed to have lingering fears, and continued: "This kind of **** is the least to provoke. I also know that the'cleaning Buddha' who has been reincarnated and rebuilt and spent thousands of years to practice has finally obtained His most ideal'Lingwu', a Taoist scripture! Eventually he entered the realm of the'Little Buddha Lord', which shocked the world."

"I wipe..." Su Jin's face was wonderful.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Umbrella continued to talk about several highly-reputed great abilities, and pointed out that in the sea of ​​anger, the ones that were nurtured were ‘Lingwu’.

"I think you are the emperor, and the reincarnation cycle is longer than anyone else. You finally showed up. The infant spirit condensed in the dantian qi sea is definitely not simple." Xiao Umbrella said expectantly.

"Hope." Su Jin responded with a wry smile. If he were the emperor, he wouldn't be worried, but he was not——

In any case, he will be a dragon or a worm after Su Jin, everything depends on tonight!

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