My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1145: Uncle traffic police, I want to call the police!

Not to mention other things, Su Jin was also able to rescue her just at Tao Ji's ecstatic appearance.

In addition, Tao Ji was in Southeast Asia before, and I don’t know why she hid in China. She is quite influential in Southeast Asia and has something to do with the Indian Shrine. I don’t know what kind of opponent it is this time that can make her so nervous. !

Su Jin still remembers some details of the conversation with Tao Ji at her residence. She said that foreign countries are not easy to mix, and someone wants to destroy her——

But I am afraid that even Tao Ji did not expect the disaster to come so quickly!

Su Jin must be rescued now. The first Tao Ji thinks that she can cover her existence. She is also extremely smart, and she must give him all the benefits. Even the little princess Yao Qiaoyuan of the Yao family can get drunk and deliver it to him. He can see how ruthless this woman's methods are.

If he doesn't save himself, isn't his face in Qincheng wiped out?

In the future, if it is reported that even Tao Ji can't protect herself, how can she be in Qin Cheng, the base camp!

"The red face is a disaster...Ah!" Su Jin sighed and the car started.

Only then did he remember that in the morning he seemed to have smashed the Xie Shaodong motorcade because of his work, ruining a section of the public road.

"Navigate, find a route by yourself and go around the road ahead." Su Jin gave an order to the Death Supercar system.

"Okay, there are three routes to bypass this road. I suggest turning around from the town entrance on the other side, going south at a short distance, and driving two miles west from that intersection. A concrete road leads to the opposite one. Town, you can also go directly to the high speed." The sweet voice of Death appeared.

"Well, just take the short cut and go to the high speed!" Su Jin turned the front of the car, and the car passed in front of the restaurant "Huaqianyuexia", starting from the entrance of the town on the other side...


The lights are dim, the Ningqin highway, the area is wide and the cars are sparse...

As soon as he reaches the highway, Su Jin chooses to drive by himself. Although the intelligent system of the Reaper Supercar is humane, it also limits the maximum speed of automatic driving. If you follow the automatic driving, you may not be able to reach Qincheng in six hours. .


At this time, Zhou Tianhu, who was at the far junction of Luoxia Town, received information about the location of Su Jin's mobile phone from the intelligence network.

Young Master’s speed--

The frightened Zhou Tianhu immediately asked to contact the above, so that the traffic police gave Su Jin the green light, not to chase and stop!

On the'Ning Qin' highway, Su Jin's complexion is still very cold, and his skillful operation, coupled with his extraordinary speed, makes him feel very happy!

"Damn! Are you rushing to reincarnate?" a private owner cursed. He was driving at a constant speed just now, and suddenly he saw his car next to him. A car passed by with a whistling sound, leaving him far behind. After he saw it clearly, he knew that it was a beautiful supercar, but no matter how beautiful it was, it was also a car!

"Does anyone drive like this?" There were also drivers who were overtaken, dumbfounded when driving.

"Hello? Hello? The traffic police brigade? There is a madman on the Ningqin Expressway driving a car, you should check it out, it is best to deduct this kind of spicy chicken and confiscated the driver's license!" Someone called the police.

"Uncle traffic police, I want to call the police!"

"A traffic policeman, someone is driving drunk, driving crazy, you hurried to fly a plane to stop him, what? No plane, just drive? Nonono~you can't catch him even if you drive!"

"Traffic police..."

Keep calling the police...

Su Jin didn't know these things, he just drove wildly all the way, still constantly overtaking!

In the five-hour drive, Su Jin set a new record this time, three and a half hours!

Human life is a matter of life, no matter how much he has taken care of, he did not enter the city, but drove directly to Luoxia Town.


North of Qincheng, outside Luoxia Town.

Su Jin contacted Zhou Tianhu and learned his location information, so he drove to an abandoned water irrigation station.

Park the car steady--

get off.

Su Jin looked at the few people who were waiting silently in front of the abandoned irrigation station.

There are Zhou Tianhu, Aji, Lin Bingfan, and Sister Qin!

"Little Lord."

Several people came up and said hello.

"Yeah." Su Jin nodded and asked: "Did you find Tao Ji whereabouts?"

"We don't dare to stun the snake, but there are currently three suspected positions..." Zhou Tianhu said.

"In this way, Sister Qin and Aji are all the way, Lin Bingfan is all the way, and I'm all the way." Su Jin said with a black face: "Brother Hu can contact the intelligence network at any time when he is away. This time, none of them can escape."

The reason for this arrangement is that Su Jin thinks that Sister Qin's coming here is superfluous. Although she is good at using poisonous insects, she is not strong enough. Together with Aji, he still has a caring. After all, he feels Aji's strength is more than enough!

"No problem." Zhou Tianhu focused his head and handed the earplugs for communication to Su Jin, "Once an enemy escapes, I will report the whereabouts of you! Feel free to contact!"

Su Jin took it and said lightly: "Which way am I responsible for going? Give it to the most skeptical."

"There is a farm house on the opposite side of Luoxia Town. The direction is the one in the front of the middle crossroad. I sent someone to secretly inquire about it. There is an old couple in that farm house. They are used to buying fresh food every night. My tofu brain came back to eat, but no one saw them today.” Zhou Tianhu said.

"Did you go to the place that sells tofu brain and ask?" Su Jin raised his eyebrows.

"I asked, the boss who sells tofu brains is also very strange. He didn't see anyone to buy them! Only his family sells tofu brains in town!" Zhou Tianhu said.

"If Tao Ji is really still in Luoxia Town, finding Tao Ji is actually very simple for me." Su Jin smiled mysteriously, "It seems that Brother Tiger is really doing things with his heart, and it's up to me. !"

He recovered his composure, but forgot to check the people himself is very simple! Now the distance is still too far, as long as they walk into the town, the whereabouts of Tao Ji, Master Su can't see if he opens his ‘eye of the sky’? Of course, there are prerequisites, Tao Ji must be near the town.

See the young master?

Several people were looking at Su Jin questioningly, wondering how he could find out the whereabouts of Tao Ji.

Then Su Jin waved his hand and said, "Follow me."

Su Jin walked towards Luoxia Town, and walked about a hundred meters before reaching the town!

Very arrogant, not afraid of being exposed at all, Su Jin put his fingers together, wiped his forehead, and said softly: "Open the sky!"

A vertical eye suddenly opened, bursting out bursts of blood!

Sister Qin was immediately stunned by the powerful aura, and Aji's heart shook wildly. He looked at Su Jin in disbelief. He felt that the current Young Master Su had changed a lot from before!

Su Jin searched through the opened vertical eyes, his face suddenly cold, and immediately said: "Found it!"

Momohime was actually caught by those people...

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