My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1146: What are you doing

Hang up!

Tao Ji was in a cellar. As Zhou Tianhu analyzed, there was a problem in that farmhouse.

Su Jin's liver hurts when he thinks of the sweet and soft Tao Ji being lifted by these people...

Since ancient times, the confidante has been so unlucky. Fortunately, this Tao Ji has found Lao Tzu for shelter, otherwise, who knows that she will be locked here? And even if someone finds out... have you ever done the dozen or so people in black who are chatting quietly?

Su Jin didn't know how much shock he had brought to others now!

"I'm a good boy, Boss, this is a breakthrough--" Mad Dog Ji still couldn't believe his eyes, and was still muttering to himself like a cock: "Genius...extremely genius!"

"What nonsense, let's go and kill with your master." Su Jin looked at Aji in surprise, and then stepped forward after a reminder.

Mad Dog Ji became sober, and immediately followed after him, and asked anxiously: "Boss, what does it feel like in Infant Stage?"

No wonder Aji asked, he was stuck in the late stage of Jin Dan all his life and couldn't break through! When he met Su Jin, the gap between this boss and him was still very different, but now...looks like a dream, the boss actually took a step ahead of him and broke through the'Infant Fairy Stage! ’

I really can't imagine!

"Aren't you here?" Su Jin didn't know his cultivation level, plus it was a partnership, it was not easy to try him, but as long as Aji asked this question, it would definitely not be the "Infant Fairy Period".

"Fart! I've been stuck for fifty years, I guess I got a breakthrough in the soil!" Aji said with a bit of depression.

"Oh, you may not be qualified." Su Jin nodded.

Aggie was speechless. From his practice to the present, no one has ever dared to say that his aptitude is not good enough. Even if he has a problem with his face, he will directly rush forward and beat the opponent's Xiang first before talking, but now the boss says that he has no Any dissatisfaction is a bit ugly.

"My cultivation method is special, and the inner wall of Qi Hai is particularly strong. The old guy told me that if there is no adventure, I will probably maintain this cultivation level until I die, and I won't make progress."

Aji continued to explain: "But the old guy also said that if I can break through to the'Infant Fairy Period', even if I break the shackles, I will be able to fly from now on!"

Su Jin felt strange as he walked, and couldn't help but tentatively asked: "Then do you know the old guy's cultivation level?"

The old guy is respected as Palace Master Zichen, and he is far more famous than other bosses, but few people know how far his cultivation has reached.

The young master had this idea for no reason. Thinking about going further in the future, with his vertical and horizontal talents, there is absolutely a chance to hang Palace Master Zichen——

Heh heh, although he knows it’s wrong to be a master, but think about it, this old guy didn’t help him too much in Qincheng. Except that he has done some big things recently to satisfy the old guy, it seems that he didn’t do anything before. What a good look to yourself!

"I don't know, it is estimated that less than ten people know, and can only be described as unfathomable, far more than you are now." Aji said.

Su Jin gave a light cough.

Well, I'll do this later.

Su Jin led the four people, and even Zhou Tianhu did not ‘release the wind’ outside, and chose to sway to the target place with Young Master Su——


Lin Bingfan carried the knife and kept playing with it. He knew that Su Jin had chosen to be tough, and the long-range firearms were already useless, but the melee dagger was not bad.

And his face is very helpless now, and he doesn't know that Young Master Su will not give them a chance to perform~

"Leave it to you, don't keep one." Su Jin put one hand behind him, and heard a little movement from the farmhouse, and said lightly.

"Yes!" The four took orders.

Zhou Tianhu took a step ahead of Su Jin and kicked open the door of the farmhouse.

Four people walked in——

The farm courtyard is quite good, the location is a bit remote, but the space inside is large enough, Su Jin held his hands and looked at the dozens of people in black who were holding various melee weapons in front of him, with no expression on his face!

Then stop looking at these people and move forward lightly!

Su Jin will not waste time on dead people, and these dozen masters are already dead in his eyes!

Do it!

These more than a dozen people in black didn't call out who the person was, they just copied a knife and slashed towards Su Jin...

At such a close distance, except for Sister Qin who was a little worried about Su Jin, the other three people didn't even accelerate their heartbeats at all, even a little bit.

In the eyes of Aji's people, more than a dozen people in black were waving their weapons at once, and they were about to meet Su Jin who had stopped walking! Seeing this scene, Sister Qin almost called out.

But the next moment.

Su Jin still held his hands, but his body was in a daze. The next step appeared outside the range of these people's attacks. He calmly continued to walk towards the farmhouse cellar without even looking at these assassins.

Aji was stupid, sister Qin was stunned, Lin Bingfan's eyes were incredulous! The same young people, why is there such a big gap!

Only Zhou Tianhu was calm and calm. Although he was shocked, it was not the time to be surprised. He was the first to react and shout: "Kill!"

Sister Qin was sweet in her heart. She didn't expect Su Jin to have reached this level. When Zhou Tianhu's words fell, she shook her hands and threw out red insects as small as ants from the cuffs. Once these poisonous insects flew out, All of them rushed towards the other a dozen people in black.

The other three also chose their targets and strode to meet them.

Su Jin accurately found the location of the cellar. There was a cellar door on the left side of the row of houses. He kicked it open and walked towards the ground.

Just then, I saw Miss Momohime hanging in it.

"The slave family knew that you would come to rescue me..." Tao Ji's Hu Meier's face showed a strong pitiful expression.

"What did they do to you? Very heavy!"

Su Jin was not in a hurry to put Tao Ji down, but carefully looked at this woman's enchanting figure, and exclaimed.

"What can you do to me? I haven't been convicted yet, and I'm still useful to them, so I was so anxious to get me back."

Momoji looked innocent, and continued: "But you really came in time. There is a perverted person in it. He is very courageous. While the others are away..."

"How?" Su Jin asked her softly when she saw her talk halfway.

"I want to whip me while others are away! It's better not to fall into my hands for this kind of perversion, otherwise I can make him worse off!" Momoji was also very angry.

whip? Where is the whip?

Su Jin looked around, and not far from his right foot, a short black snake-print whip was quietly placed there. He immediately went up and picked it up, motioning for a smile and said: "Is it this one? ?"

"Yeah, put the slave down quickly, my arm hurts so much--" Tao Ji looked at Su Jin pitifully, her voice also tingled with tingling.

"What's the hurry?" Su Jin held a short whip and walked indifferently to Tao Ji.

"What are you doing~" Momoji asked with a puzzled look.

Su Jin raised the right hand holding the whip and said in a calm tone:

"Hit you—"

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