My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1160: Dare to come in

Sit down.

Su Jin did not respond to Xia Yuyan’s words, and looked at her quietly. Now she is staying at home, and the women's suit jacket that feels very serious is no longer worn. The upper body is as thin as snow and the shirt is thin and transparent. A circle of black fabric is tightly fastened by the buckle--

Her brown skirt is tied to the shirt around her waist, her waist is thin and she can be held with both hands, the skirt above the knee, her legs are close together, her white complexion is extremely dazzling.

"My wife, I'll discuss something with you." Su Jin's chin rested lightly on Xia Yuyan's fragrant shoulders, smelling the perennial fragrance, and said lightly.

"Yeah, you said." Xia Yuyan has long been used to it, and she has faded away from the irritating and irritating reactions at the beginning, and she doesn't feel any awkwardness.

"I'm going to the capital tomorrow morning, so don't follow, can you do it?" Su Jin said his true guess.

As the full-time president of the group, Xia Yuyan is still too busy with the business around the group. He has not traveled a few times, but why is it so coincidental now? Two days ago, when she learned that she was going to Beijing, she had to go on a business trip for herself?

"No, you are still like a child sometimes. I don't worry about it outside. I have to take care of you." Xia Yuyan shook his head and said.

"Don't be so cruel, right? Wife, you will give me an illusion like this." Su Jin's face became strange.

Su Jin is holding Yuyan’s wife’s willow waist in one hand, as delicate as cotton, while his right hand is faintly separated from the brown tube skirt. The delicate and white long legs are covered by Su Shao’s big hands, which are taken from the tender skin. The taste of coming is indescribable, but she feels a little embarrassed now.

After all, it was in the living room, and someone could come in at any time, and Xia Yunxi was still in the room. After he came out, he saw Master Su showing his affection with his wife Yuyan.

"What's the illusion?" Xia Yuyan tilted her head and saw Su Jin's expression. At the same time, she was still sneaking at the hand he put on her lap.

"Full-time nurse!" Su Jin gave her a sideways look.

"You..." Xia Yuyan blushed.

"I won't call your wife when I go out in the future, let your nanny forget it, and I will take care of me once if I have anything to do. I can barely accept this kind of care," Su Jin said.

"Go to hell! You just call me Xia Yuyan, a name that has nothing to do with your bitch!"

"Oh? Really?" Su Jin stuck out the tip of her tongue and touched her earlobe.


Xia Yuyan opened her mouth lightly, her body as if she had been shocked!

Su Jin's sneak attack was too surprising, and it was impossible to prevent it. Now Xia Yuyan's heartbeat is very fast, and the beauty is spreading in her heart... She is not disgusted.

At this time, Xia Yunxi opened the door, turned around and walked over, his eyes lit up immediately, and he shouted, "Brother-in-law, kiss another!"

"What's the big deal about kissing?" Su Jinsi didn't mind when Xia Yunxi saw that, under his wife's panicked expression, she directly put her on the sofa...

Then the young master got down!

Xia Yunxi is also drunk, there is a danger of hand-to-hand combat in this posture of the eldest master——

No matter how much Xia Yuyan broke free, she still couldn't resist the powerful control of the young master, and finally Su Jin bowed her head and kissed him with a big mouth...


"Get me up!" Xia Yuyan lay on her back on the sofa, feeling that this guy was pressing herself very hard. On the side, Xia Yunxi took a slice of watermelon from the fruit plate on the coffee table and stared at the two with relish.

"Sister, it's not enough to make trouble in the house, in the living deliberately?" Xia Yunxi is a ‘melon-eating crowd’ who understands the situation, and when she finds out, she has to put it down.

"No, it's not... your brother-in-law is too bad!" Xia Yuyan didn't know how to explain, so she said.

"I didn't think he was'bad'!" Xia Yunxi narrowed his eyes.

What did this guy do at noon? She sneaked into her house without knocking on the door. Fortunately, he discovered the "secret". If the pillow was turned into a blanket, then she really couldn't see people, so she said the word "bad" At that time, the tone was slightly emphasized.

Su Jin took a few glances at Xia Yuyan's upper body and felt full of eyes. From the sofa, he said to his wife: "I'm going back to the room, dare you come in?"

"I'm sick, why don't you dare to have my own room?" Xia Yuyan stared at Su Jin, without intending to get up from the sofa.

"Then you come in." Su Jin faintly pocketed, and the second he entered the bedroom, he turned his head and gave Xia Yuyan a demonstrative look.

"I'll be in in a while, I haven't taken a nap yet!" Xia Yuyan's heart was lifted up, thumping puff and puff.

"Waiting for you." Su Jin entered the room and gently closed the door.

In the room, Su Jin frowned, communicated with a small umbrella in his mind softly, and asked: "My strength has improved a bit, and I feel that this practice is much faster than before."

"Don't practice any more for the time being, your problem might be serious, plundering vitality, it's an unheard of situation!" Xiao Umbrella's tone in his mind also became serious.

"What do you mean?" Su Jin asked.

"Simply speaking, everything in the world is vitality. Because of the thin aura of the China Great World, you just swept the aura in at the end, you even plundered the'vegetable vitality'. If you don't believe it, you can look outside. Those plants will be tomorrow. Will wither and die." Xiao Umbrella said with quite a jealousy.

"Is there any solution?" Su Jin's face sank.

"Yes, first, you go outside the territory, and the outside world is full of aura. If you don’t deliberately plunder, this should not happen. Second, you go to hell, where there is almost no'life', which is much better than in this city. I am now worried about a situation. If you can't control it in the end, you may easily rob you of your vitality, which will treat your children and people around you..."

Xiao Umbrella was obviously a little scared, saying this was also the reason why he stopped practicing.

"Yeah, I understand." Su Jin was secretly shocked. He didn't expect this either. At that time, he just didn't know the situation of the outside world. But now, with the help of the ‘skeleton king’, his speed of cultivation has reached the extreme.

But it's enough. He will go to the capital tomorrow morning to try his first step into the realm of Yingxian, and try the cultivation skills of the outsider "Princess Suluo"!

Thinking of this, Su Jin lay down on the bed...

I didn't mean to close my eyes yet, and it looked like less than ten minutes passed.

The door was opened gently.

Xia Yuyan's figure appeared...

Seeing that shirt, tube skirt, and beautiful figure, Su Jin was afraid to startle the rabbit, and saw Xia Yuyan's vigilant gaze!

I said it beforehand, but dare to enter the house?

Very bold!

Su Jin's face was indifferent, watching her step by step to the bed, ready to wait for an opportunity to take action, and did not intend to give her any chance to escape!

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