My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1161: Watching insects and moon watching women

"When will we leave tomorrow?"

Xia Yuyan's arms interlaced in front of him, stopped at a safe distance, and looked at Su Jin and asked.

"Probably, maybe, should, I don't know." Su Jin cried out a pity, responding innocuously on the surface.

"No contact?" Xia Yuyan asked curiously.

"Wife, you can follow me, husband and wife sing, but everything must listen to me." Su Jin became serious.

After all, Xia Yuyan now has almost no power to tie the chicken, what happened, maybe he is still a troublesome master, he is more free and easy to worry about risks, plus he feels if he sees When it comes to'Fairy Ziyun', she might get some information from'outside the territory', which is quite helpful to him.

Go, definitely go, this is Su Jin's plan.

"Okay. Call me when you leave." Xia Yuyan nodded.

"What if you don't bark?" Su Jin asked back.

"If you don't ask, you will be dead!" Xia Yuyan cocked the corner of her mouth, threatening Young Master Su.

"Ciao! Brother! Can you intimidate? Don't threaten me, you are such a threat! Lao Tzu is really... well, so really I have to take you." Su Jin's last sentence changed abruptly, and he had to Accept fate.

Xia Yuyan's face improved, she smiled slightly, walked to Su Jin's lying body, leaned down and stared at her husband's eyes, blinked slowly and said: "It's a deal, don't regret it, don't run away secretly. "

"OK." Su Jin snapped his fingers.

"One more busy afternoon, I will be relieved. I should take a trip to the capital with you." Xia Yuyan relaxed deeply, turned around after speaking, and walked out the door under Su Jin's gaze.

Su Jin placed his head on his hands, and after confirming that Xia Yuyan had left, he gently closed his eyes.


Time passed quickly, and the hot weather gradually became cooler when the sun set.

"Who!" Su Jin awakened from the closed eyes, and jumped up on the big bed, a dark shadow passing by the window.

Just now, Su Jin keenly noticed the emergence of a cold power. He was very familiar with this power. He was very vigilant at home. There is the Xia family sisters here, and it is absolutely impossible to be negligent.

Su Jin opened the curtains and saw the scene, which made him helplessly relieved.

A dozen meters away from the window, a slender figure in a black robe appeared in front of Su Jin, with a cloak on his head and a pair of brown moccasins on his feet, with his back facing him.

Isn't this girl the girl I met in Shengzhu City?

At that time, Su Jin mistakenly thought she was Sister Meng. When he saw Sister Meng, he also forgot to ask who she was. He hadn't seen her look. But what did she come to do now?

No, sister Meng should be looking for herself, so she sent her to inform herself!

At least Su Jin thought this way. Thinking of this, he saw the other party motionless, he couldn't help re-drawing the curtains, walked from the house to the living room, and then walked out the door from the living room.


The setting sun was bloody. When Su Jin came out of the living room, he didn’t see Xia Yuyan. It seems that his wife had to go to the capital with him tomorrow. Of course, this is not the point. The point is the cloaked girl not far away. The purpose of this.

Su Jingang wanted to ask, the black robe girl stepped forward, but she was not slow, and she walked ahead...

Really, it seems that the girl really needs to actively pursue it?

The high officials are now irritated, especially want to stop her, open her cloak, and see what it looks like!

There is no choice but to follow.

Su Jin started following her unhurriedly, and the other party didn't mean to stop, as if to take him somewhere.

Slowly, Su Jin became more relieved. When the sun was completely hidden in the horizon and night fell, he had followed the girl for more than ten miles along the familiar road!

This is out of the city, and the first three miles is the Temple of the King of Gods. This woman should want to take herself to see Miss Meng, but she is not good at words, so she can just let herself follow.

But Su Jin didn't want this! Before entering the ghost gate, this barren countryside is the last chance. This girl is mysterious, and he wants to see what the girl looks like under the hat!

"This girl, can you stop and rest?" Su Jin deliberately called forward.

The girl in the cloak paused, stopped, but did not turn around, but said indifferently: "Meng girl is looking for you."

"I know she is going on a date with me, but..." Su Jin walked up, stretched out his hand naturally behind the cloak girl, placed it on her shoulder, and said: "Don't worry, let's take advantage of the night. Sit here and watch insects, moon, and women together?"

There is nothing wrong with the previous words, but the last sentence—

Sure enough, the girl in the cloak was cold all over, and in the blink of an eye, she raised her hand and grabbed the big hand on her shoulder. At the moment of grabbing, her body flexibility was very exaggerated. With strength, she was wearing brown moccasins. Little feet kicked directly towards Su Jin's face!

"Bad girl, what do you pretend to be cold? If the young master doesn't lift your cloak, the master will not be called Su Jin!"

Su Jin’s handsome face escaped this kick, and was also angry. He didn’t give him face last time. This time, even the notice was so unbearable. This was unbearable. It was obviously to slap his young master’s appetite. As a love veteran, he was not here. Wasn't the old wolf of Qincheng getting a false name for conquering her in the wilderness?

Knock her!

Su Jin strode fiercely under the entanglement of her soft body, and there was a clear dragon roar all over her body. You know, he hasn't really played since he broke through to the "Infant Fairy Stage". I don't know the power. This girl has good skills and can practice her hand!

After the exercise, Su Jin felt his extraordinary control power. It was not too hard to transport the power before, but it still needed to secretly accumulate power, but now he only needs a thought, and he can perfectly display his strength in the next second. !

The wind was rising, and among the grass around half his height, a dragon-shaped vigor loomed in the shape of a dragon, rolling up a withered grass, Su Jin turned his hand gestures, and under the energy to send and receive, the dragon-shaped vigor appeared behind his right hand.

"The legendary eighteen palms of the dragon descending, Lao Tzu has practiced!" Su Jin screamed, and he directly charged his feet and kicked on the ground. The whole person jumped for several meters, and the deep'dragon-shaped energy' was mixed. A trail of weeds rushed directly to the cloak girl.

The girl's face under the cloak obviously changed, becoming dignified. She stood on the ground, motionless and then suddenly turned around...

One, five, ten, a figure identical to her appeared, with a graceful posture.

The ten clones of the girl in the cloak quickly intertwined, and a faint yellow mist condensed into ice, and was lifted into a shield by her--

"Broken!" Su Jin snorted softly, watching that dim yellow shield was instantly crushed, he quickly regained his strength, "Scatter!"

The cloak girl just stepped back a few steps and didn't make another move. If Young Master Su just wanted to hurt her, she probably wouldn't be able to survive this blow!

Su Jin strode forward and said with interest:

"Hey, stand up for the Lord! Lord will lift your cloak, if you are not obedient, you will be stripped of you, believe it or not!"

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