My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1187: Has arrived!

"Boom, boom."

Su Jin knocked on the door decisively twice, which also broke the quiet atmosphere instantly.

"Who? Is it Su Jin?" Xia Yuyan asked immediately.

"I'm coming in!"

Su Jin immediately responded with a smile.

"Come in, what does it have to do." Xia Yuyan said in the usual tone without hesitation.

Su Jin's heart was hot, and there were various scenery in his mind.

Damn, I didn’t expect my wife to make so much progress now. She was willing to let herself go into her bathroom while taking a bath. Su Jin was not in a hurry. He stretched out his hand and gently opened the door. Then the situation in front of him immediately made Young Master Su feel like Like the ball...


Damn, my wife is not taking a shower, but squatting and washing the clothes she wears during the day.

No wonder the sound of the splashing water is so clear, there is a big bathtub next to it, and there is no need for a shower.

Seeing this, Su Jin was not depressed. Xia Yuyan had obviously just taken a bath and changed clothes now. The dense white silk shirt on the upper body is very close to the body, which can cover the beautiful little belly button, and there is a black sarong tied around the waist, and on the small feet...a pair of delicate sandals.

"Wife, just let Sister Mu tell her to do these rough jobs, isn't it necessary for you." Su Jin leaned against the wall with his pocket in his pocket and asked Xia Yuyan.

"I am idle as I am idle. I always need someone to do things. Why is it unnecessary for me to do it?" Xia Yuyan lowered her head and rubbed her clothes.

Don’t think she is a pretty lady, the daughter of the Xia Group, but the skill of washing clothes is extremely skillful. If an outsider sees Miss Xia herself washing the clothes, how many people will be shocked to drop their chin. It's hard to imagine.

Su Jin knows that Xia Yuyan has been very self-reliant since she was a child. Her mother was in a car accident in front of their sisters. Since then, her wife seems to have changed. She has worked hard no matter what she does.

Otherwise, a eldest lady of Xia Yuyan's age would either play cars all day and show off her wealth in nightclubs, or travel abroad all over the world. But she chose to be a quiet and beautiful president in her own company!

"Ahem. My wife, I have to wash my clothes, too." Su Jin pointed to his whole body and said to Xia Yuyan seriously.

"Go out and take off, and then bring the clothes in." Xia Yuyan's face was slightly red, and she did not look at Su Jin, but agreed to wash the clothes for Young Master Su.

"No hurry." Su Jin shook his head and said with his pocket in his pocket: "You continue to wash, I am panicking upstairs here, first go out for a walk, you can find Sister Mu if you have anything to do."

"Are you going out to cause trouble again?" Xia Yuyan got up and stood up, looking at Su Jin and said: "It's all going to eat. Sister Mu just came here."

Seeing Xia Yuyan standing in front of him, Su Jin suddenly felt that the room was surrounded by bursts of fresh air. This close-fitting silk shirt, coupled with a decent black skirt, smiled and angered. Gives people a sense of perfect temperament.

"If you are afraid, you can join me." Su Jin said lightly.

"Forget it, you go, don't make trouble." Xia Yu's mouth turned up, with a threatening expression on his face.

"rest assured."

Su Jin nodded, turned around and walked out.

In the bathroom, Xia Yuyan sighed deeply when seeing the figure of Su Da's husband disappear. In the afternoon, Su Jin had a fight with the Red Dragon real person, which really kept her heart hanging. Although she knew that this guy was uneasy and very domineering... In fact, she wanted to have a good talk with Su Jin, after all, she would just... .

This will make Xia Yuyan very complicated.


Su Jin went downstairs.

The people in the living room are no longer there, only a few maids standing respectfully by the wall, saying hello to Su Jin.

Get out.

The sky is dim, but the mountains and rivers in front of the villa are constantly shining with unique lights and the scenery is superb.

"Brother Su!"

The familiar voice burrowed into Su Jin's ears.

Su Jin watched Xiao Fatty Zhang approaching, greeted him warmly, rolled his eyes, and nodded weirdly in response: "Zhang Yuanbao..."

"Ah, Brother Su actually knows me too?" Zhang Yuanbao looked a little excited.

During the day, Su Jin, after a fierce fight, killed the real person Red Dragon, without being favored by everyone, really gave them a lesson for the younger generation of masters, so Zhang Yuanbao occasionally went out and waited. As Young Master Su appeared, he wanted to talk and get acquainted.

"If you are the true disciple of Master Xugu, it's hard to know..." Su Jin said lightly.

"Polite, polite!" Zhang Yuanbao was a little overwhelmed by Su Jin's words, and then said: "Brother Su is still a disciple of Palace Master Zichen, it is a role model for our younger generation!"

"Yuanbao, have you rested this afternoon?" Su Jin asked suddenly.

"No!" Zhang Yuanbao didn't know why Su Jin asked.

"Then later...Have you heard about Fairy Ziyun and her disciple Princess Su Luo?" Su Jin asked again.

"Already here!" Zhang Yuanbao nodded with certainty and said decisively.

Su Jin's eyes lit up.

Princess Chi Luo has actually arrived! I just heard that Yuyan’s wife said that Concubine Mu had gone upstairs to find herself. She probably wanted to tell herself about the arrival of Princess Chi Luo. Maybe she saw that she was practicing the exercises, so she left.

"Go, go take a look." Su Jin narrowed his eyes.

Su Jin wanted to see what kind of existence this Princess Suluo was! He has been curious for several days!


Immediately you can see the true face of "Princess Chuluo" Lushan!

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