My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1188: Princess Chi Luo

"You go...I'll forget it."

Zhang Yuanbao had a weird expression, as if he knew something about it, he kept shaking his head and said: "Princess Suluo and Fairy Ziyun have just arrived and were placed on the opposite mountain. Brother Su, be careful..."

"Be careful?" Su Jin asked in surprise: "What do you mean?"

If you can’t even do this, Master Su is still messing with the world. This ingot has definitely known about the'Princess Chi Luo' in advance. In order to prevent accidents, he thinks it is safer. First ask Zhang Yuanbao if he knows. Things as well.

Zhang Yuanbao hesitated for a while, then he looked at Su Jin and said: "Princess Su Luo is an outsider, does Brother Su know that?"

"Yeah." Su Jin nodded.

"I heard from the master that people outside the territory are cruel and unkind. They can use all means for their own benefit, killing people like chickens."

Zhang Yuanbao looked terrified and continued: "Moreover, extraterritorial energy is abundant. As long as young talents with good talent come to our barren China World, facing strong powers such as me, they are generally rare opponents. "

"Are you scared?" Su Jin felt disappointed in Zhang Yuanbao's heart.

If a person possesses special skills, only promises, does not want to be stronger, is greedy for life and fears death, what is the difference from a salted fish!

"Yes, I don't dare. I know it's not the opponent. If I interrupt rashly, I don't know the nature of the opponent... I'm afraid my life will be in danger."

Zhang Yuanbao nodded arrogantly, and then said: "I am different from Brother Su. You are the proud son of heaven, the wizard of heaven, and a role model for our younger generation. My Zhang family was destroyed by bandits in the early years. The root alone, so I must not die!"

Su Jin:...

Simply speechless.

However, Su Jin still sympathizes with Zhang Yuanbao. This kind of person is talkative and approachable. Although his personality is a little cowardly, he doesn't dare to fight with others easily, but the strength is there. It really wants to push him to a desperate situation. The power that bursts out will definitely be. Surprisingly.

Su Jin does not care about Zhang Yuanbao’s personality, but he respects the strong, walks to Zhang Yuanbao’s side and pats him on the shoulder, nodded and said: “Then I’ll go alone, and you’ll prepare the food and drink when I come back. You have a drink!"

"Definitely." Seeing that he was so respected by Su Jin, Zhang Yuanbao was moved a little while admiring him in his heart and accepted Su Jin's drink and meat agreement.

Immediately, Su Jin stopped delaying time, and under Zhang Yuanbao's gaze, he went further and further.


The moon is cold and cold.

The capital is in the north, surrounded by high mountains and dense forests, which is already humid. Now the mountain wind is blowing, a bit windy, Su Jin's thin shirt goes up the mountain, and he feels waves of goose bumps appearing on his skin.

Zhang Yuanbao pointed out that the mountain where the'Lord of Chiluo' is located is not too high... It looks like more than 500 meters, just northwest of the Mu Fei Villa. The lights on this mountain are shining like a super skyscraper on which the people live. There are not many people, maybe it is to take care of the image of the capital to embellish it like this.

Su Jin walked to the bottom of the mountain and easily found a cliff plank road. The plank road clung to the mountain wall and circled straight up. On the way, he encountered ancient pine, groups of squirrels, civet cats and other creatures many times. I also feel a quiet and special mood.


A unique musical instrument sound appeared in Su Jin's ears, making him all over his body. This sound was continuous, presenting a rhythmic and intoxicating sound.

"This instrument should be Tao Xun, one of the ancient instruments." Su Jin secretly thought.

Tao Xun's voice is low and muffled, and belongs to the category of unpopular musical instruments. Although some people do, not many! Because the sound of this instrument is so unique, it makes people feel very sad to blow it up. If you listen to it too much, it will make you depressed, and you will feel like you can get away with it.

But I have to say that Su Jin likes to listen to this kind of sound, no matter what the instrument is, as long as the master has good skills, everything is easy to say!

Not to mention that Tao Xun’s voice seems to blend with the scene now in the tranquility of the mountain, making people intoxicated, emptying the soul, and no longer worrying.

Su Jin's sentiment has been cultivated, and he feels that he can walk more vigorously, and he can go to the top of the mountain in one breath!

Walking unhurriedly all the way, Tao Xun's voice grew louder and louder when he reached the middle of the mountain, but Su Jin was surprised that there were so many pavilions on the mountain, but not even one person could be seen. Yunxianzi' and'Juluo Princess' make room?


So someone who blows the Xun...

Su Jin was analyzing the matter, but Tao Xun's voice suddenly stopped!

In the surrounding light, a red embroidered shoe seemed to flicker on a magnificent ancient pine, and the branches trembled slightly. The person had disappeared in Su Jin's quick response!

But it's not over yet!

"Shoo!" Thousands of turquoise pine needles seemed to be driven by someone, and they rushed towards Su Jin like rain!

"Fuck, Nima..." Su Jin's face was angrily, and he stood still, and a black dragon's soul rose up from his feet in an instant, shaking all the hidden weapons of the pine needles instantly.

Su Jin raised his head, stunned...

He saw a very special figure at the corner of the plank road——

This figure stood not far from Su Jin and observed it from the perspective of the eldest master. At the first glance, he was not a Chinese person!

Since she is not of Chinese race, then this woman must be the "Princess Suluo"!

Princess Chi Luo, appear!

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