My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1190: There is a sword and a white deer, a peerless Fanghua


Zhang Yuanbao also said blankly.

"Yuanbao~" Cuiyi girl asked: "Do you know who is on that mountain?"

"Princess Chi Luo will come with her master later, and they will be arranged on that mountain." Zhang Yuanbao answered truthfully.

Jian eleven nodded and said: "The older generation of strong people will not do it easily. After all, this is the site of Palace Master Zichen, and it will give some face. Then the only person who can have this kind of power and unbridled Lord."

"Brother Eleven, since you said it was the power used by Princess Chura, but...who dares to provoke Princess Chura?" the girl Cuiyi asked weakly.

"I don't know." Jian Eleven took a deep breath, shook his head, and said, "I can't think of anyone who would dare to fight with Princess Suluo. Four years ago, they visited my Jianling Mountain as a guest. I was in Master's 'Wuwangfeng' has seen this woman. Although I have never beaten her, I know that I am not an opponent."

"Huh?" The Cuiyi girl's pupils shrunk slightly, and it is really unimaginable how strong the'Princess Suluo' who even dared not to compete with Sword Eleven.

Sword Eleven Road: "I have a proud heart. Four years ago, I wanted to try her against her. But when I saw this woman, I felt that she was fused with the way of nature, full of aura. Compelling. Compared with her, I feel like a poor boy from the country, and I can't compare it."

"Who is it, who is it? I'm very curious--" The Cuiyi girl heard that Jian eleven valued Princess Sutuo so much, she couldn't help but admire the people who were at war with her even more.

This courage is rare.

Zhang Yuanbao swallowed, and said weakly: "I think... is... is..."

"Who?" The Cuiyi girl's gaze fixed on Zhang Yuanbao's face.

"It's Su Jin."

It was Yinger who walked out the door, not Zhang Yuanbao.

"Yes!" Zhang Yuanbao nodded hurriedly.


Both Cuiyi girl and Jian eleven were taken aback, their faces were wonderful.

When Su Jin and Xia Yuyan arrived, Jian eleven had fought him with no backhand strength. At this moment, they were all blinded by the brilliance of Princess Su Luo, but they had forgotten the existence of Young Master Su. Being mentioned now is naturally shocking and unimaginable.

Zhang Yuanbao nodded his head, "It is indeed Su Jin. He just came out to meet me just now. The purpose is to find Princess Chuluo, saying that he is more curious about people from outside the territory. Counting time, the percentage of people fighting One hundred is him."

"This strange beast..." Ying'er nodded and said with constant brilliance in her eyes, "It shouldn't be owned by Princess Suluo."

"Ah!" The Cuiyi girl was shocked by Ying'er again.

Jian Eleven's face was blue and red, gritted his teeth and said, "It must be."

"I was by his side most of the time in Shengzhu City, Jianxi, you don't know him without me." Ying'er looked at Jianxi, and the words made the latter speechless.

"Are you sure Yinger sister?" Zhang Yuanbao asked.

"very sure."

Ying'er nodded and said: "Su Jin is amazing. He still had another strange beast that he didn't release. It was displayed in Sacred City at the time. At that time, all the strong could not believe it. If you were there, you would see a black dragon. If you take down a whole city, you know what I said is true."

Upstairs in the villa, Xia Yuyan gently opened the window, looked at the strangeness in the sky, and was silent.

In the other room, the'Princess of Guiyang' Tian Cailin was already sitting on the side of the bed, a slender wine glass poured half a glass of red wine, she held it in her hand, and shook it gently... but her eyes were caught by the sky from time to time Attracted by that strange beast, she kissed her little mouth, with a smile in her mouth, muttering to herself:



Su Jin now seemed to have been injected with a heart booster, and the power released from his arm made him very excited.

It turns out that I can be so strong!

With his left foot kicking heavily on the ground, Su Jin rose up into the sky like an arrow. The ghost Qilin was stepping on the black cloud and roaring constantly. The moment he felt Su Jin flying into the sky, it opened its hoof and dragged a long black mist behind him. Leaning over to meet Young Master Su.

After all, the ghost unicorn is a ray of unicorn primordial spirit in the era of the emperor, and it can be easily attached to Su Jin's right arm, but this time is obviously different from before!

With this momentum, Su Jin punched out, and the Ghost Qilin Yuanshen's speed soared, and the flames all over his body burst the air with a thunderbolt. With an endless aura, it headed towards the suppression of Princess Suluo!

Princess Su Luo woke up in a state of a little dazed, took a deep look at Su Jin, and a clear white brilliance appeared from her cuff.

She didn't give her too much time to react. When the white long sword appeared, Princess Suluo gently swung out a mysterious arc. The shadow of the sword on it was plentiful, and the afterimage was graceful and beautiful. I don't know what sword trick it was. .

At the moment this long sword appeared, Su Jin was shocked, feeling like a disaster is imminent.

"Little Umbrella!" Su Jin stared at Princess Chu Luo, and saw her hands holding the hilt of the sword at the same time, and immediately shouted with a solemn expression: "The soul of the black dragon! Six claws cover the sky!!"

Down the mountain, everyone felt nervous after hearing the sound.

"Sure enough, it's him, is the wonder of Black Dragon Pancheng coming again?" Ying'er said excitedly.

"My sword, my sword is trembling." Jian Eleven clutched the sword behind him tightly, with a hint of horror on his face, obviously he didn't know what was happening.

Tian Cailin saw the strands of cold white brilliance in the middle of the night, her figure disappeared and appeared in front of everyone.

"There is a sword and a white deer, the best-in-class Fanghua." Tian Cailin's voice did not lower, her mature face moved slightly, and she continued: "The legendary Bailu sword is known as the queen of the sword. This Su Jin... To be beheaded!"

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