My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1191: Gate of Emperor Wei and Huangquan

"Master, what kind of sword is the Bailu sword? Is it as powerful as you said."

Ying'er couldn't help feeling tight in her heart, worried, and hurriedly asked behind Guiyang Princess.

"The White Deer Sword has a great reputation outside the region. According to legend, it is the saber of the'Ice Profound Empress'. It is about one and a half fingers wide and the sword is more than a foot long. When it is swung, the sword is piercing and unstoppable. The name of this sword is'White Deer.' Bailu is an ancient and distant beast outside the territory, born from the birth of heaven and earth, pure and innocent. The Bailu sword is rumored to be cast by the backbone of the white deer beast, and it is invincible!" said the Princess of Guiyang Shencaifold.

"Senior, what does the sword queen mean?" The Cuiyi girl asked with courage.

"The queen of the sword is the queen of the sword, which means women use the sword. The noble existence in the female sword is absolutely impossible for men to subdue and wear." Tian Cailin explained.

"Master, is Su Jin dangerous?" Ying'er was anxious.

"Unless he still has a hole card, he will definitely be beheaded. I have seen the girl Suluo several times. She has extraordinary talent and a much higher realm than Su Jin." Tian Cailin nodded.


Now how to do?

Just as a few people looked at the sky in the mountain, the flames of war had been completely ignited.

The current Su Jin never expected that when he saw a girl, he was so powerful, and that white deer sword was emitting sword light. This kind of sword light was not the same as ordinary power. It was pure enough to pass through the body. Fortunately, he was defensive properly, but he felt a wisp of the left palm, but immediately felt very cold and painful in his palm.

This is just the escaping energy sword light! At the moment, Princess Suluo's movements are constant, and he must be using another sword against the sky. Su Jin asked himself in his heart, can he catch the opponent's sword?


At this moment, the soul of the six-clawed black dragon skyrocketed and enveloped Su Jin. From a distance, it looked like a terrifying giant snake winding its body, and the lantern eyes on the head raised up with alarm.

"Broken!" Princess Suluo yelled, and the white horses were cut out from her white deer sword.

The ghost and unicorn primordial spirit shot by Su Jin's unicorn arm was cut to pieces in an instant, black and red flames floated out, and the scene fell silent.

Su Jin felt a ray of black and red energy penetrate into his right arm, and the fear from the ghost and unicorn soul was particularly obvious. It seemed that using the unicorn arm to deal with this woman was not too good.

"Damn! I said how familiar, it turns out that this sword is the ‘White Deer Sword’!" Xiao Umbrella cursed suddenly while urging the Six-Clawed Black Dragon Soul.

"White Deer Sword?" Su Jin heard it for the first time.

"Yes, the White Deer Sword, one of the famous swords in the China Great World, was the female doll of the Bingxuan Empress. When she met the emperor who was traveling, the emperor saw her governing the country and personally found the spine of a white deer beast. Refining this sword and rewarding it to her, as the treasure of her "Izumo Thirteen Prefectures", isn't it true that enemies don't get together!" The little umbrella's voice was so cold that it made people tremble.

"Enemy?" Su Jin was puzzled, communicating in his heart.

"Why is it not an enemy? Haven't seen what the situation is now? The Great World of China had more than 80 countries in its territory at the time, and there was no distinction between outside and inside. Now? There is only one China. The tree fell down and scattered. Huaxia Kingdom now seems to be a big prison, the spiritual energy has been taken away seven or eighty eight. Those people also blocked it, so that the Huaxia monks could not find the entrance to their kingdom, and it was out of the cloud ten Sanzhou is closest to China, and they are the worst!" Xiao Umbrella has a tendency to explode.

"Is there any way to restrain this sword?" Su Jin asked quickly.

"Yes! You are the reincarnation of the great emperor. Summon your Huangquan handwritten notes. This book is actually not the real "Treasure of the Great Emperor". It is actually a key! You can try it with the origin of the emperor now and see if it can be opened. The'Gate of Yellow Springs' and the'Gate of Yellow Springs' are the emperor's strongest treasure."

Xiao Umbrella sneered, his voice appeared again, and asked: "Do you remember the formula for cooperation?"

"Open Sesame?" Su Jin asked.

"Mom mentally retarded! I'm wrong, I'll tell you the formula. But with your current ability, there is only one in a billion that can open it." Xiao Umbrella said, and silently told him another formula.

Su Jin:...

He couldn't tell, the little umbrella of this dog day is almost the same as if he didn't say it.

"I'll try it." Su Jin sighed.

"Well, if you summon it, even if you can't turn it on, it's great to scare the other person. I tell you, you must subdue this woman. She is from the'Izumo Thirteen States' and is an excellent breakthrough. To grow up, we must quell those anti-water countries!" Xiao Umbrella has no sense, and her voice is a little hysterical.

Su Jin did not respond, nor could he respond. He grabbed his right hand and the "Huangquan Notes" appeared out of thin air!

"There was Xuanmin in ancient times, and I have Huangquan! The gate of Huangquan, now!" Su Jin read aloud according to the formula that the small umbrella had told before.

Bang bang bang bang!

Like the sound of the air being squeezed out, a two-meter-long antique gate shook out from the void, and the gray-white aura suddenly filled the earth. A mysterious, gray-white column of air appeared on the gate, rushing straight into the world, not knowing where it was connected. .

Princess Ciao Luo was dumbfounded again and stayed in place.


An unparalleled aura spreads across the world. At this moment, whether it is inside or outside the house, the capital has made a uniform movement.

At the moment when the breath appeared, Palace Master Zichen originally practiced while in the room, but disappeared one step after he noticed it. He didn't even lift his head. The kind of will that came from the soul imprinted him on the ground with an old body. !

On the mountain where Su Jin was located, a beautiful and charming woman was holding a scroll, her face suddenly changed. Before she could go out, her soul trembled and she knelt down!

In front of the door of Concubine Mu's villa, the people who had been chatting ceaselessly stopped suddenly.

Guiyang Princess Tian Cailin, kneel down!

Yinger kneels down!

Cuiyi girl! Kneel down!

Zhang Yuanbao! Kneel down!

Sword Eleven, kneel down!

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