My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1193: Dare to eat tofu!

The situation is grim.

Su Jin raised his hand holding the ‘Yellow Spring’s Gate’. The simple gate was used as a door panel by him. He patted his other hand vigorously under the Yellow Spring’s Gate, and the whole gate turned upside down and rose!

After doing this, Su Jin did not hesitate to separate his mind and immerse himself in the Qihai Skeleton King.

The White Skeleton King Sen lit his empty eye sockets in his sea of ​​anger, and then Su Jin stepped back and the Skeleton King appeared again from where he left. However, after the Skeleton King came out, he did not make an attack!

Su Jin silently started the exercise! He thought of a way to make the plan of Princess Suluo fail! If it can't be achieved, he can only use all his strength to kill this woman!

At the moment when the Skeleton King performed the exercises, the energy billowing in the sky was like being swallowed by a whale, madly absorbed by it!

Plunder for life!

As soon as Poor Princess Cutalo’s small infant spirit appeared, she shuddered in fright and let out a scream. He couldn’t wait to flee into Princess Cutalo’s sea of ​​air again, and refused to come out again!

The dark clouds disappeared and the starry sky cleared.

The scene of the discoloration of the wind and clouds just disappeared, and Princess Su Luo's long gray hair was slowly fluttering, and she was shaking constantly. She now feels that Su Jin is like her nemesis! Facing him, he didn't even have the ability to fight to the death!

Seeing this, Su Jin took a step forward and took the Skeleton King into the sea. He felt his realm loosened for a while, but his strength increased a lot.

The quaint gate in the sky is still staying, but Su Jin glanced at it and found that the "Gate of Yellow Spring" had gradually become blurred, and I am afraid it would disappear after a while.

"Grass mud--" Su Jin was angry when she saw Princess Chu Luo.

He found that the eyes of Princess Tsutari were tightly closed now, and he was clearly sorting out and soothing the "infant spirit" in the Qihai Sea. If he didn't do this, it would have a great impact on his future practice.

Without staying, Su Jin gave a shock and hugged her pretty waist with both hands——

"You, what are you doing?!" Princess Chi Luo opened her eyes and saw such a scene, shocked she began to break free.

It's just... so weak.

"What are you doing? Seeing you are upset, I have to use another unique method to kill you!" Su Jin quickly finished speaking, and his big mouth leaned over.

‘Boom Boom Boom Boom’——

A chaotic kiss.

"Kill you, kill you, kill you!"

Su Jin seized an opportunity, tilted his head, his big mouth was printed on the little cherry mouth...

The two thin lips made Su Jin extremely intoxicated, and Princess Suluo's big eyes were filled with disbelief. Under close observation, there were still some undried tears on her eyelashes.

I was really bullied.

Princess Suluo reacted and refused to allow Young Master Su to perform his unique atrocities. He punched Su Jin back. His figure fluttered and flickered, and the whole person quickly fled towards the top of the plank road.

"It's so fragrant." Su Jin licked his lips, feeling overwhelmed.

The "Gate of Yellow Springs" in the sky has disappeared. Su Jin doesn't know what is inside the door. Listening to the tone of the small umbrella, there should be something extraordinary inside. Maybe it is the "Treasure of Yellow Springs"? There are still others.

Of course, this thing is no longer what Su Jin can think of now. He is not strong enough to get the approval of the "Yellow Spring Gate" and cannot open this gate.

The starry sky is deep.

Su Jin pondered it on the spot, and now he will go up to the top of the mountain to see Princess Suluo and her master... It’s a bit unsuitable, so he plans to go back, sleep for a while, spend a night, and naturally know that tomorrow. What is it? Naturally, I will see Princess Chura again.

Well, that's it.

Su Jingang turned around, wanted to go down the mountain, and returned to the villa of Concubine Mu...

"Palace Master Zichen's apprentice is really different." As a coquettish voice appeared, this voice was very comfortable to hear in the ears, and there was a hint of sweetness in it, which made people couldn't help but look sideways. Look at each other.

Su Jin turned his head and turned his sturdy body around again, his eyes widened suddenly.

What I saw was a beautiful and charming beauty. She was beautiful and straight. She was quite tall and had a ninety-minute charm. Especially the long legs with amazing length. Where.

Obviously, this beauty said what was just now, and Su Jin also sensitively saw that there was someone behind her, followed by Princess Cutalo!

Then the identity of this woman can be guessed by a fool!

Fairy Ziyun appears!

The current Princess Su Luo lowered his head, he didn't even want to look at Su Jin, and honestly followed Fairy Zi Yun behind him. If Su Jin knew about it, he would definitely find that a woman on this mountain also knelt down on the ground, with pious and sincere thoughts in her heart, and accompanied her until the disappearance of the "Yellow Spring Gate".

"You are polite, I have never heard of the name of the senior, and after knowing the arrival of the senior, I am yearning and come directly to pay a visit. Who knows that I met an unreasonable wife here and took some time." Su Jin said lightly.

Although the tone was dull, Su Jin was wary in his heart. You must know that Fairy Ziyun is an old monster like the old guy, with superb strength. If she shoots at herself, she might not be able to withstand the first wave of shock.

"You!" Princess Su Luo gritted her teeth, and just half a step, she was stopped by Fairy Ziyun raising her hand.

Fairy Zi Yun smiled at Su Jin and said: "Tiaoluo has a very different personality and is different from ordinary people. I also hope that Young Master Su will not mind. There is the famous tea'Zhai Quedan' I brought from outside the domain in Bizhu Xiaozhu. Please- "

Su Jin stared at Fairy Ziyun's expression and hesitated in his heart.

Up or not?

If you go up the mountain, if this woman's heart is evil, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out.

Afraid of wool! Don't say it's tea with "Zhai Quedan", even if there is tofu, Su Jin dare to eat it!

Su Jin stiffened, nodded and said, "Okay."

Immediately Su Jin became more relaxed, and walked side by side with Fairy Ziyun, not to mention other things, just talk about the old guy’s site. Even if this beauty is malicious in heart, it is estimated that she will have to weigh the old guy’s power, so yes The possibility of owning a shot is almost zero.

Go straight up.

Su Jin just knew that this mountain was very close to Fei Mu's villa, but didn't know what mountain it was.

It wasn't until he came to the top of the mountain that Su Jin felt the chill more and more pressing. Fortunately, he was not afraid of the heat and cold. He looked at the flat mountain top with all kinds of flowers, trees and vines constantly. With his eyesight, he also saw a bird on the cliff in the northwest. How many years of welcoming song.

Two of the three friends of Suihan already existed. Su Jin and the three walked to a wooden pavilion. Around the pavilion, the green bamboos were as clear and pure as tourmaline.

"Please sit down." Zijun sat down on the stone table and stone bench in front of the fairy pavilion, and said with a slight smile: "Master Su, let me ask you a question first."

"Yeah. Ask." Su Jin nodded.

"What do you think... how about the girl Suluo?" Fairy Ziyun asked.

Tiaoluo was dumbfounded, and quickly glared at Su Jin, and decisively turned her head aside, obviously disgusting Master Su very much.

And Su Jin was trembling in his heart now, fucking...he seemed to have seen this scene!

How to answer now!

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