My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1194: The Great Journey of Slipping the World

Fairy Zi Jun asked, there must be a reason.

Su Jin was trying to figure out Fairy Ziyun's intentions, he was caught off guard by this question, and then he hesitated.

"Chi Luo, you go and get the'Zhai Bird Gall'." Fairy Zi Yun said softly.

Princess Su Luo glared at Su Jin, then lowered his head and walked back to fetch tea.

Su Jin screamed "Damn", then nodded and said to Fairy Zi Yun: "It's not good, it's not a bad person!"

In fact, this is Su Jin to save some face.

Isn't that bad? I always want to grab things from people, want to kill people for treasure, and I want to blew up and kill the enemy at all times, and die with others, there is no way at all. People like Suluo also live under the wings of Fairy Ziyun, changing to the vicious fight before, she will definitely die if she encounters herself!

"This is related to the environment in which she has lived since she was a child. Have you ever imagined what kind of world it is like outside the territory?" Fairy Zi Yun asked.

"I haven't thought about it, and I don't want to think about it." Su Jin answered truthfully.

"There are also mortals outside the territory, but the proportion of cultivators is higher. As long as there are people, there will be rivers and lakes. Intrigues, bullies, and the winner is king. The Great China World is full of human touch. If a monk here goes outside the territory. , It's almost impossible to survive." Fairy Ziyun said.

"Is it so cruel?" Su Jin was a little skeptical.

"I ask you, if a little girl who is a few years old is injured and dying, will you save it or not if you encounter it outside the domain?" Fairy Ziyun asked.

"Save." Su Jin answered without hesitation.

"Then in the next second, she may seize your body, kill your whole family after success, and use your body to restore the perfect state!" Fairy Ziyun said.

Second Olympics.

Su Jin squinted his eyes and asked, "So, in your opinion, Princess Su Luo's approach is correct?"

"Perhaps their behavior is a bit strange to you, but I am waiting for the people of China Great World, is it not very ridiculous to them?" Fairy Ziyun seemed to have been commonplace, looking directly at Su Jin and asking.

"The worldview and values ​​are different. I can't tell who is right and who is wrong. The people in the China Great World pay attention to human touch and use love to generate electricity... But people from outside the world are always in danger, survival of the fittest, intrigue, and survival of the fittest." Su Jin had to fall into contemplation.

He felt that Fairy Ziyun seemed to remind him of something. After all, he must be going outside the territory in the future. He is not satisfied with the sky of China Great World. Other big worlds are his final choice. If he is not clear about this, in the future There will surely be a big trouble and stop him from traveling freely and horizontally!

"It's good to understand this. The child Chiluo has changed a lot during the years with me. She has a special background and struggles outside the territory. It is difficult for me to help her..." Fairy Ziyun sighed.

"Fairy means..." Su Jin frowned, "If I go outside the domain in the future, do you want me to help her?"

"Yes." Fairy Ziyun nodded.

"It's ridiculous, it's the world's worst." Su Jin asked coldly: "For someone who just wanted to kill me and take my treasure, why should I help?"

At this time, Princess Cunuo had walked with a blank face, holding a tea tray in his hand, on which two cups of famous tea'Zhai Quedan' were curling up with plumes of white smoke. Before people arrived, they heard Su What Jin said, Jiao Chu could not help but shock...

The scent of tea spread, Su Jin was attracted by the wonderful and comfortable scent, turned his head to look at Princess Suluo and the two cups of tea, then looked back at Fairy Ziyun.

"Don't you want to know the passage to the outside world?" Fairy Zi Yun said: "In the Great China World, only I and Chi Luo know this relic to go."

Princess Chi Luo put down the tea tray, and Fairy Ziyun waved it lightly, and a cup of tea drifted in front of Young Master Su, and the fragrance became more intense.

Su Jin picked up the small tea cup, smiled suddenly, shook his head and said, "No interest."

It turned out that Fairy Ziyun wanted to use this as a price to let herself help Su Luo, but she didn't know that she wasn't unable to go outside the territory, but didn't want to go, after all, she could go anywhere from hell! Of course, it is impossible for him to tell this secret, otherwise it will cause trouble in vain.

For Su Jin's answer, Fairy Ziyun was quite surprised.

Once Su Jin’s master, Palace Master Zichen, asked her for the passage of the ruins in every possible way, bluntly wishing to go outside the territory to appreciate the powerful demeanor, and even offered her hard-to-resist conditions in exchange, but she did not consider it for the long-term promise.

The value of this secret is hard to measure!

The current China Great World is just a cage. How does the small area of ​​Cocklebur know the scenery outside the Great Wall? How can the frog at the bottom of the well understand the vastness of the world!

As a monk, Su Jin didn't want to know!

"Don't think about it anymore?" Fairy Zi Yun condensed her eyebrows and asked in an incomprehensible tone.

"I won't be here, maybe I might be interested in the future. At that time, it will not be too late for me to reach a condition with the fairy." Su Jin said.

"Alright." Fairy Ziyun nodded, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart. She felt that this child was very clever and eloquent. Even if she threw such a big temptation, she remained motionless, and she couldn't figure it out. Su Jin's thoughts.

Of course, she didn't even know what Su Jin was thinking. Without the help of Meng Girl and the Ksitigarbha King, Su Jin would probably agree without hesitation. After all, the opportunity is rare, but now there is no temptation for him to pass through, let alone additional conditions.

"Is Fairy Zijun come from outside the territory?" Su Jin turned the subject away and asked quietly.

"Yes, I have lived outside the territory for a long time, once in a few years, and come back from time to time." Fairy Zi Yun said.

"Come back this time..." Su Jin deliberately didn't say anything. He felt that this time the old guy called him over, it must have something to do with Fairy Ziyun.

"Well, your master and them urgently need some materials. These materials are only available outside the territory. I started collecting them a few years ago, and I haven't finished collecting them until recently." Fairy Ziyun smiled and did not hide it.

Su Jin would like to see the so-called'materials', but there are some things that can be ignored. He tapped the tabletop with his fingers rhythmically, and the tea cup in the other hand was quietly put down by him and looked at it. Fairy Ziyun got up.

Fairy Ziyun wears a blue-and-white gown with two strands of green silk draped in front of her shoulders. Her body is tightly wrapped in the gown. The more you look at Su Jin, the more flavorful you will feel. This familiarity... is not something that some young girls can compare. What impressed him most was Fairy Ziyun's long legs, but it was a pity that she was sitting now.

Su Jin retracted his mind and looked at Fairy Zi Yun and said, "I'm asking a question in particular. I wonder if Fairy can tell."

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