My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1198: Zhang bald grilled fish

Round room!

Su Jintie was determined to play hooligans while he was drinking, and tried his best to contribute to this beautiful thing. Otherwise, why did he drink so much, he had already drunk Zhang Yuanbao's boy into a dog and crawled back!

But when the words ‘I want to round the house’ were uttered by the eldest master, a big ‘bucket’ of water was splashed on the top of his head.

No, where did this water come from?

Su Jin was much more sober, staring blankly at Xia Yuyan, who was also soaked in clothes and motionless, now her white nightdress was soaked, and most of it was water...

The young master remembers that he had given Xia Yuyan a cheat book called'Miaoxinshuangwu' before. It was obtained from Ma Qingyao in Huishan Town. This exercise seems to have been practiced by his wife to a small degree. Realm? If it's business and management, Su Jinfu, this girl, can talk about cultivation... It shouldn't be so fast, how did she do it?

"That..." Xia Yuyan said with a sorry look on her face, "I still have some bad control, but I want to make you sober..."

"In broad daylight, molesting folk men..."

Su Jin wiped his face, the water stains on his body were evaporated, and he also forced Jiu Jin from the pores along the way, looking at her weirdly and asking, "Sister Mu guided you to practice, right?"

Apart from Concubine Mu, Su Jin really couldn't think of anyone else. If Xia Yuyan asks for help, she must also ask Sister Mu for advice. Anyway, she definitely doesn't want to teach her.

Jianghu is a big dye vat, and Xia Yuyan is still too kind to fight and kill. Of course, judging from the current situation, the ability to protect himself is not bad.

Seeing Su Jin's eyes clear, Xia Yuyan had to admit: "Yes, you don't teach me. I will practice when I have free time. Anyway, I can't be as good as you."

The truth is that Su Jin has nothing else. Fighting and killing is unambiguous. Xia Yuyan has never seen anyone crueler than him. As a daughter, it is even more impossible to be like him.

"Come on, take a look, I want to see what level my wife has reached." Su Jin sat on the bedside, looking at Xia Yuyan and said.

Quite looking forward to it.

Su Jin used to know that Xia Yuyan puts her heart on work, but now she has begun to practice martial arts without knowing it. You have to see it first. If there is any signs of becoming stronger, she must be photographed first. , Otherwise I can have his good in the future?


Xia Yuyan raised her right hand and used her index finger to slowly draw a circle in the air. However, under Su Jin’s gaze, strands of water droplets quickly condensed in the air. As her wife drew a circle with her hand, it formed a clear circle. Water flow, water flow is extremely flexible, like a snake around the finger soft.

It is worth mentioning that under Xia Yuyan's concentration, the temperature of the entire room suddenly dropped, causing Su Jin, who was caught off guard, to shiver, and goose bumps also appeared on the skin.

"It's a lot of water." Su Jin especially liked seeing Xia Yuyan's concentration, and asked: "Is there any function?"

"What function?" Xia Yuyan asked curiously.

"Kill the enemy, defend." Su Jin felt that his wife's IQ was a little lacking——

"No... I haven't found it yet." Xia Yuyan shook her head embarrassedly, blinking and blinking with her eyes wide open, some feigning angrily: "I haven't been practicing for long! It's very good to have such a performance, really. of!!"

Su Jin was stunned and nodded: "You won."

"It's very late, I want to sleep, don't bother me, otherwise I will be served in cold water!" Xia Yuyan felt that she was wet, but she was not sure whether Master Su woke up or not, so she didn't dare to change clothes. Fortunately, She felt that the dry air would dry the wet parts as soon as possible, otherwise she would really be unable to sleep.

Su Jin looked in front of her intoxicated, the revolution has not yet succeeded, my generation still needs to work hard, and then he snapped his fingers--

The lights in the room went out, plunged into darkness.

Su Jin turned to sit on the sofa and listened to Xia Yuyan's even breathing. He couldn't help scratching his head, closed his eyes, and began to look inside.

Tomorrow he will take the team to participate in a trial. I don’t know where the trial is and who the subject is, but he should be able to know tomorrow morning. He doesn’t dare to perform the exercises now. After all, he has entered the infant stage. Later, Ying Ling can communicate with the aura of heaven and earth, and if he is careless, he will rob him of vitality, and he does not know whether it is good for his wife.

After sitting for a while, feeling restless, Su Jin had to climb onto the bed, grabbed Xia Yuyan's waist, and sent an instruction to the brain that he must fall asleep, and the whole person instantly fell into a deep sleep.


The sun slowly rose in the early morning, and the sky was bright.

Su Jin turned over, but felt empty! Where's your wife?

With eyes narrowed, there was no one beside him, and no one could be heard in the room, Su Jin immediately clicked his mouth, moved his legs and got out of the bed, walked to the window, and opened the window.

The mountain breeze is blowing, and the wind is not strong, but the air is very fresh. From this direction, the green mountains and clear waters, all kinds of flowers, and wooden bridges, water and water, there are four or five people...

Are you grilling fish in special?

Su Jin had a weird expression, took out a cigarette and held it at the corner of his mouth, then walked downstairs and went out.

"Brother Su! Come on!" Zhang Yuanbao kept busy saying hello to Su Jin.

Cuiyi girl and Ying'er were by the side. Although Jian Eleven didn't speak after seeing Su Jin, his expression became much gentler. He seemed to be convinced, and he did not want to confront Young Master Su again.

Su Jin looked at the colorful fish scales and frowned and asked, "Where is the grilled fish?"

"Yes! There are some silly fish in this small lake, they can't run away. I got up early and caught two with bare hands." Zhang Yuanbaole's face was full of flowers, and he kept turning his hands. On the live willow branches, there are two big fish on the fire. They have already opened their intestines and broke their stomachs. The oil and water flowing through the roasting, the oil and water fell into the fire, making a sound of puffing and puffing.

"Do you know how to bake?" Su Jin became more suspicious of Zhang Yuanbao's craftsmanship, because the fragrance did not come out.

"Are you going to bake? This is a good question!" Zhang Yuanbao smiled happily, his face was full of confidence, and asked Su Jin back: "Brother Su, have you heard of'Zhang Bale Grilled Fish', a famous dish in his hometown. My family’s ancestral craftsmanship is not mine. I have already..."

The girl in Cuiyi put two slender green onion fingers into her ears, obviously she was tired of hearing Zhang Yuanbao bragging, her expression was very helpless——

But Jian eleven frowned, and his face was full of endurance.

Probably Zhang Yuanbao bragged for several minutes, and suddenly he uttered "Ah" in a panic. Then he looked at the grilled fish on the fire, his face was blue and uncertain, and said: "Oh, I'm going~ I'm going crazy! Eat a fart, Screw you!"

With a kick to break the fire, Zhang Yuanbao made up his mind again and said ‘come again’ again and again! ’.

Su Jin didn't want to listen to him playing tricks. Aside from his figure, he didn't have anything to be a cook. At this time, two nice voices penetrated into his ears, including everyone, looking in the direction of the sound——

In the green trail, there are two beauties who are very eye-catching walking and walking!

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