My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1199: She wants to kill you

Typical sunny beauty!

There is a slight difference in age between the two women. The taller, smaller girl is wearing a brown cardigan shawl. The long-sleeved shawl is surrounded by a lotus petal lavender'one' collar dress, which gives people a rather fresh feeling. The following is a simple black skirt.

The charm of the bigger beauty is half obvious, but she obviously prefers heavy-colored clothes. She wears a magnificent and noble sauce-colored dress. The pattern on the skirt is obvious, and the skirt is on the calf, but the skin color of the calf When the color of the clothes is protruding, it becomes more white as snow. The feet are also quite symmetrical.

The two beauties are Xia Yuyan and Mu Fei!

"Su Jin, come with me in a while." Mu Fei smiled to Su Jin when she saw that almost everyone was there.

"I'm free at any time." Su Jin glanced at Ai Jian eleven and Zhang Yuanbao, and found that the two had turned their gazes elsewhere, and they seemed quite acquainted.

After regaining his gaze from the two men’s faces and returning to Xia Yuyan’s beautiful face, Su Jin knew what “enjoyment” means. But then Xia Da’s wife raised her hand, pinched her pink fist, and raised her mouth. He demonstrated.

What kind of protest?

Su Jin felt bad in his heart and couldn't see Xia Yuyan's figure by the bed early in the morning. Did he specifically ask Concubine Mu for the power of the exercise? Maybe she was hit last night and vowed to turn the water into something that can hurt people, otherwise she wouldn't be so bold and openly threaten herself with a fist.

Helping to abuse +5 ah-

Su Jin looked helplessly at Mu Fei and Xia Yuyan, walking back to the villa, with nothing to say.

At this moment, Zhang Yuanbao pulled the clothes on Su Jin's arm and said bitterly, "Brother Su, can you please me?"

"But it doesn't matter." Su Jin nodded, turned to look at him and said.

"Um, that... you go to Palace Master Zichen later, can you help me say, I won't go to the trial--" Zhang Yuanbao swallowed, his face full of grief.

"Why?" Su Jin was a little surprised.

If Zhang Yuanbao doesn't go, why should he come? Obviously today's trial trip is very important. Maybe there are some chances. Will the road be too boring if you don't go to this picture?

"I can't die! I'll go to see Meimei next month. If I die, won't Meimei become someone else's person? The money will be spent for nothing! Just be a brother, I must help. This is busy!" Zhang Yuanbao knelt down with a'poof', his expression was as if he had been wronged so much and asked Master Qingtian to be fair, so he grabbed Su Jin's clothes and didn't let them go!

Jian Eleven, the girl in Cuiyi, Ying'er... all paled for a while——

Obviously it's horrible to be tortured by Zhang Yuanbao's frequent "can't die" remarks, and being with such a person is also very embarrassing, so I am afraid of death!

"No problem, wrap it on your brother." Su Jin smiled weirdly, and took Zhang Yuanbao up with his arm slightly hard.

In his heart, Su Jin felt that if he didn't give this ingot to death this time, he would simply be sorry for this guy, and he didn't intend to cheat him. It was all about training him!

Poor Zhang Yuanbao was still immersed in joy, but he didn't know that Su Jin's weird smile was full of the words "King Bi".

"Good, good! I'll catch a few more fish. If Brother Su is free, I will definitely invite you to eat the most authentic'Zhang Bale Grilled Fish'!" Zhang Yuanbao tried to catch the fish, but was caught by Su Da The young master stopped it.

"Okay, there are all koi carps in it. If you catch one, you will lose one. With this effort, you might as well think about the girlfriend who hasn't met." Su Jin also admired the IQ of this XX.

Can these fish run?

It's really cheap. There are still slices of koi swimming under the wooden bridge. I don’t know where the bread crumbs from this product are scattered in it. Now they are all in a circle, and you can grab a few by hand. .

"It doesn't matter what carp it is, you can eat it as a fish!" Zhang Yuanbao scratched his head vigorously, and said, "I'm so hungry!"

Just do what he says, Zhang Yuanbao's stubborn temper can't be squeezed, anyway, Fairy Mu Fei didn't say anything, it's only blame for him to hurt him!

Go to the wooden bridge and squat down, looking for prey.

The girl in Cuiyi followed and couldn't help saying: "Yuanbao! This tail is not good. Its breed is called'Night Butterfly', which is very expensive!"

Obviously, the girl in Cuiyi had some research on Koi, her face was ugly to stop, she seemed to want Zhang Yuanbao to give up the idea of ​​killing.

"Just eat'Night Butterfly', and eat expensive ones!" Zhang Yuanbao pinched the fish with both hands to toss, but his hands were also very strong, and he threw it directly on the shore.

The girl in Cuiyi suddenly turned black. This koi is a delicate animal. After falling so suddenly, she barely had a chance to live.

"Neither does this one! This one is'Xi Shi'!" The Cuiyi girl screamed.

Zhang Yuanbao licked his lips, nodded heavily, and said stubbornly, "Just eat Xi Tzu!"

Throwing the fish ashore again!

The girl in Cuiyi was so angry that she saw Zhang Yuanbao catch another purple, white, and red striped koi, she had completely collapsed and shouted: "This is the'crown tricolor', you Let go! I..."

Before he finished talking, Zhang Yuanbao opened his arms and threw it, and with a chirp, the fish fell to the ground——

"Enough to eat?" Zhang Yuanbao said to several people with questioning eyes.

"I'm fighting with you!" The girl in Cuiyi was about to come up to fight Zhang Yuanbao. This guy is not an ordinary pit, and he wants to eat such a precious and cute fish.

Su Jin shook his head secretly. He couldn't see the difference between those koi fishes. There were very, very many in this small lake, and these were not bad. I really don’t know how excited the Cuiyi girl was, anyway, he didn’t want to. He tasted the "dark grilled fish" made by Zhang Yuanbao. He had no appetite just to hear the name of this "Zhang Bald".

Looking at the living room, Concubine Mu was still explaining to Xia Yuyan the main methods such as ‘Pay attention to concentration’ and ‘Remove the spirit’, Su Jin touched his chin and admired the beauty.

About ten minutes later, Concubine Mu breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the living room. Xia Yuyan stuck out her tongue at Su Jin in front of the door, with a deadly expression on your face.

"Let's go, see my brother." Mu Fei led the way.

"Okay." After Su Jin finished, he blinked his right eye at Xia Yuyan in front of the door, which was regarded as a response, and then walked side by side with Mu Fei.

As she walked farther and farther, Concubine Mu seemed a little worried, and suddenly turned around and said, "Su Jin, I have to remind you of something. Be careful."

"You said." Su Jin shrugged.

"This trial mission is of great significance. Neither your master nor I can go. The ghost place is very dangerous, but the more dangerous place is still a woman." Mu Fei said.


"Princess Chura."

"Just her?" Su Jin rolled his eyes a few times, and then said: "She is not my opponent."

"Yes, fight you head-on, she is indeed not your opponent, but the difference between your strengths is not big, if possible, don't give her any chance, you can kill her if necessary! This is also your master who asked me to explain to you Yes." When Mu Fei said the word'kill', her voice was lowered, and her tone was much more solemn.

"I see." Su Jin said lightly.

Concubine Mu saw that Young Master Su was scornful and didn't take it seriously, so she gave him a blank glance and said: "You can't be taken lightly, do you know? She wants to kill you!"

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