My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1200: Sister Lin

"Sister Mu, don't worry, for her...I have planned." Su Jin said confidently.

Actually, there is no need to remind Concubine Mu, Su Jin also knows that Princess Chu Luo hates herself very much, and she lives in a cruel environment, there may be a certain degree of uncertainty in the trial, but how can Master Su give her a chance? Really to the point of last resort, this woman will die, do not show mercy!

"You are also a smart person. I know who is less important, and I have nothing to say." Seeing Su Jin said this, Mu Fei had no choice but to stop persuading him.

Concubine Mu knows Su Jin's character very well. It is harder for him to kill a woman than to climb to the sky. Except for Shengzhu City, she has never found out which woman Young Master Su has killed.

To put it bluntly, she still thinks that Su Jin is too soft-hearted. In addition, Princess Suluo is very unique, beautiful from outside the territory, and very attractive. Apart from being indifferent, she can be said to be a stunner.

Concubine Mu had concerns in her heart, but she knew that she couldn't control all of this, so Su Jin had to weigh it.

Accelerating the pace, Su Jin followed closely and asked, "Where is the place for this trial?"

"I will know after meeting some people, and there will be a few hours before leaving." Mu Fei responded.

Seeing this, Su Jin couldn't ask again. Of course he could think of it, because they hadn't come to Sword Eleven, so they had to silently follow Mu Fei's path around and around.

Ten minutes later, finally came to a lush valley, and Mu Fei walked with Su Jin on the road.

Su Jin sees the surrounding greenery everywhere, with trickling streams flowing down the road into the valley, swimming fish in the water, butterflies in the flowers, and strong rocks in the Cangshan mountains.

It is indeed pleasant and quiet.

"This is my brother, the retreat of your master, Palace Master Zi Chen. It is a place where big secrets are hidden. In the morning, Tian Cailin, Fairy Zi Yun, Princess Chi Luo, Qian Kun and his apprentice , All here." Mu Fei said softly.

"Fly——" Suddenly a cow called.

Su Jin saw a green shadow leaping up, chasing with grinning teeth, and biting a butterfly. He was astonished immediately and said, "Master Blue Bull!"

The old cow bit the butterfly, after all, he can't bite it.

The cow flicked its tail, fell angrily on the ground, and continued to lower its head to gnaw the grass.

"Yes, Master Qingniu is also here. After the last trip to Sacred City, the old guy sent someone to find Master Qingniu and sent an invitation. He arrived in the wee hours of the morning." The concubine nodded.

Su Jin thought silently. After walking a hundred steps along the current Cangshi, he finally reached the place.

This is a stone mountain, a little small, as high as a four-story building, but now this stone mountain has long been turned into a stone building. The surface of the hill is neatly carved with various ferocious beasts, and there are stone ladder passages on the mountainside. It has its own style.

Su Jin turned his head and saw that there were two familiar people beside the stream not far away. He suddenly became weird and said to Mu Fei: "Sister Mu first went to report. None of the juniors have entered. I don't want to go in. It's something you shouldn't watch."

"Alright." Mu Fei nodded and walked in, not aware of Young Master Su's thoughts.

Su Jin touched a cigarette and held it at the corner of his mouth, lit it and walked towards the stream with his pocket...

The familiar person is the tomboy Lin Yuanyuan... and Princess Suluo!

The two women were staying together at the moment, Princess Su Luo's eyes were cold, and her silver-gray hair fluttered with the mountain wind. After noticing Young Master Su, her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Brother Lin is here too!" Su Jin laughed, jumping from a rock by the creek to the rock where Lin Yuanyuan was, and grabbing her shoulders.

Lin Yuanyuan's face was embarrassed, and her body became a lot stiff...

This Su Jin is really familiar with himself, at best, he has only met him once. Is this really good? It's embarrassing to even hug yourself first.

"Su Jin, why don't you come to see your master?" Lin Yuanyuan moved her shoulders uncomfortably, pretending to be calm.

"Isn't this waiting, huh? Brother Lin, how come your feet look like a woman, so small and so white!" Su Jin was deliberately surprised.

It turned out that the two women both took off their shoes, they were on the shore, and their feet were soaked in the water, which was very cool.

Lin Yuanyuan's face flushed, and Hara was uncomfortable. Now she didn't even let her feet go. She was embarrassed in the water, but she couldn't refute it.

This feeling is terrible!

Immediately, Lin Yuanyuan said angrily: "Su Jin! What are you doing with these useless things! My master said you are going to die!"

"Master Qiankun gave me a divination again? Am I grateful? You have said that you have died several times." Su Jin chuckled. From the first moment he died, he had already felt uncomfortable in his heart. Becoming the current Gujing Wubo, I didn't even care about it.

After speaking, Su Jin looked at Princess Suluo again. The girl's long legs were immersed in the clear water, and she could see the size of her tiny feet clearly.

really not bad. The white is red, so different!

Princess Tsutalo looked at the two with cold eyes, closed her eyes slowly, and opened her eyes: "Yuanyuan, you haven't seen it yet? Su Jin already knew that you were a daughter. He was obviously deliberately occupying the body. You are cheap."

"Huh?" Lin Yuanyuan stunned her eyes, gritted her teeth, got free to stand up, punched Su Jin with her backhand, and yelled: "I'm going to kill you!"

She had always wondered if she was exposed. After all, when she was in the Xia family in Qincheng, this guy was very enthusiastic about herself, and... and when he was about to fight with him, he still lied about urinary urgency and was in front of him. Just...

Su Jin shook his right shoulder, disappearing, and Lin Yuanyuan's punch was empty!

I want to hit my brother too! Returning to the creek, Su Jin's figure appeared and touched his chin, frowned and looked at the two women, and said: "I'm talking about two people, if you have something to say, I will kill me whenever I want, and I will provoke you like this. Hate it?"

"This hatred is not shared!" Lin Yuanyuan's face is hot now, feeling that Young Master Su has been playing her like a monkey all the time, but she is also stupid and didn't see it.

Princess Cura also showed a compelling cold light in her eyes, and she seemed to be very uncomfortable with Su Jin's actions.

"Did I get into trouble? Sister Lin hates me so much!"

Su Jin gave a dry cough, and then blew up two sleeves of the breeze. Then he suddenly bowed, picked up the shoes that the two women had placed on the shore, and threw them out directly, and snarled arrogantly at his handsome face, "You will not accept it. hit me!"

The two women were dumbfounded, looking at the shoes gradually drifting away...

How could the two of them think that Young Master Su was so cheap that he even dared to throw the girl's shoes into the water!

This is a big hatred!

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