My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1201: I drop a good boy

Very arrogant, very burning package——

Su Jin stretched out his hand, looking like he would come and beat me.

Lin Yuanyuan, the tomboy couldn't help it any more, with tears in her eyes, staring at the official Su in a daze, while Princess Su Luo obviously had a much stronger mental quality, but she looked at each other coldly, without showing any weakness.

"Su Jin, you are too much!" Lin Yuanyuan blinked, tears falling down her cheeks, she gritted her silver teeth after speaking.

"I'm too much? It's already saving face, okay?"

Su Jin was even more rigid, tilted his head and said, "I went up the mountain sincerely last night and went to visit Fairy Zi Yun, but how did this lady treat Lao Tzu? The act was a killer move. Later, the infant came out and wanted to explode. I will die together. Facing such a cruel and mean-hearted woman, do you say I am too much? I want to ask, what hatred do I have with her."

"But I didn't provoke you!" Lin Yuanyuan said bitterly.

"Open your mouth and shut your mouth to kill me. I don't think you can say such a low-level thing? I just want to remind you, close to Zhu Zhechi, close to Mo is black, don't stand on the wrong team when you are tired. It's okay, I can't find any fun, Brother Su has a sauna here, so I can accompany him at any time." Su Jin said with an indifferent expression.

"Go warm your sister, I don't need it!" Lin Yuanyuan was angrily, turned her head and simply refused to look at Su Jin again.

"Everyone needs it, unless it's not a person. I'm sorry, I threw your shoes away. Now everyone is very excited. When you calm down in the future, think about it, and then I will be with you." Su Jin smiled slightly and turned around. Walked towards the stone building.

Su Jin was very sorry in his heart. He thought that the two women’s associations would unite and attack him, so he could also reach out his hand to slap Princess Tsuta in the face, frustrating the woman’s spirit, after all, a bunch of old guys are here, it’s a pity It's a shame that Princess Chuluo was not fooled for such an aggressive approach.

The two women had to watch Su Jin walk into the stone building and disappeared from sight.

"Sister Fuluo, don't move. I'll go fishing..." Lin Yuanyuan picked up her mood, got up and went into the water, and started looking for shoes step by step.

After years of running water, most of the pebbles are underwater, and it is not difficult to walk, but Su Jin throws it too far! In addition, the current is not slow, and the shoes are gradually drifting away!

Finally, three shoes were found, and the fourth shoe fell into a slightly deeper pool. I don’t know if it was due to the special material. Lin Yuanyuan dived into the water and found it for a while before rushing out of the water——

At the door of the stone building, Su Jin was sitting with a cigarette **** in his mouth... Already dumbfounded!

The Keren who rushed out of the water had a pretty face with joy, and the two-foot green silk also loosened, dripping wet and graceful in her graceful posture...

I'm a good boy, there's still a tomboy here, she's definitely a beautiful sunny beauty with a new temperament!

"What are you looking at?" Mu Fei's voice appeared behind her, asking in confusion.

Su Jin stood up smoothly, her face has returned to the polite expression, watching Mu Fei shook her head, coughing lightly and said: "Nothing, I can go in?"

"Yes, what can you report? You can still see some interesting things when you come in." After Mu Fei turned around, Su Jin followed.

It is strange to say that instead of going upstairs, Concubine Mu opened a secret door, and a passageway entrance appeared on the ground, which was dark and very hidden. And this situation also aroused Su Jin's curiosity. What does this need to be so secretive?

After entering the passage, after walking for less than half a minute, Fei Mu stopped at a stone gate and said when she opened the door: "Come in!"

This is a spacious underground stone house with a very simple design. There are stone chairs, tables, and beds. Other than that, there are no ornaments. Fortunately, the light is bright and does not hinder the view.

There were several people sitting around the table. After taking a look, Su Jin folded his hands and said lightly: "I have seen all seniors."

In his opinion, these people are all famous and powerful. Naturally, Palace Master Zichen is Su Jin's master, and the industry is the boss!

There are also the Guiyang Princess, Qiankun Zhenren, Ziyun Fairy, Green Bull Master, the white-bearded old man "Uncle De", and an old man he doesn't know but a refined face.

The other people Su Jin had seen it, but the old man was full of energy between his eyebrows, reached the peak, and his clothes were ragged, and there was a bowl in front of him. Young Master Su's heart moved and he had already guessed.

"My little brother said goodbye that day, and today I will feel like two people again, and the growth of strength is terrible." Master Qingniu looked at Su Jin with emotion.

"Brother Qingniu, I didn't get any benefits last time in Shengzhu City. Are you willing?" Su Jin squinted.

"What's not reconciled? Anyway, my cow ate the grass from abroad, that's enough!" Master Qing Niu patted the free position next to him, and said admiringly: "Brother sit here!"

Su Jin walked up to his side and sat down. When he got here, he found that no matter what he knew or not, he looked at him with a very strange look. This look was very weird. Something went wrong.

"Apprentice, last night...cough cough, I didn't mention it last night. We will continue to look at the material now. Fairy Ziyun will continue. If you have something you want, you can make a condition or exchange it with an equivalent item." Palace Master Chen stroked his beard, glanced at others and said.

"Su Jin, tell your sister what you like and give it to you for nothing." Fairy Ziyun said generously.

other people:……

This Ziyun fairy is really generous! All of them have weird expressions that are hard to believe.

Su Jin cleared his throat and did not respond. But then Fairy Ziyun waved her hand and something appeared on the stone table!

Su Jin was immediately surprised by this thing!

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