My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1211: Ask for relief

Su Jin stepped forward and stood still, a burst of flame vacated with his right hand, lightly sweeping across the ghost, and suddenly a faint scream appeared in the silent Qingyang City.

A wisp of gray smoke drifted away, and Su Jin retracted his hand after solving it, and felt another hand on his arm.

It's Ying'er, she is clutching Su Jin's arm tightly, her beautiful eyes are looking around. Regarding the ghost thing, to be honest... She is quite scared, not afraid that she is not a girl!

"Let go, let go! If you embarrass a woman, what kind of man are you!" The Cuiyi girl was helpless, and she had nothing to do with Zhang Yuanbao except for her scolding.

Zhang Yuanbao felt bitter in his heart. He refused to let go. He looked up at Su Jin and asked, "Brother Su, you are so handsome, why don't those dirty things find your upper body——"

The upper body is obviously to take Zhang Yuanbao's body, these lonely wild ghosts that have existed for countless years have long been unbearable, so the just happened.

"Have you never heard of being handsome?" Su Jin glanced at him. "Handsome can kill ghosts. It's strange that they dare to come to me."

"My look was given by my father. My father is ugly and my mother is ugly. Isn't it impossible for God to trick people?" Zhang Yuanbao was afraid of adding depression, and felt like he could not be loved.

Lin Yuanyuan said at this time: "Living people are full of yang, especially our cultivators, who are as dazzling as the sun in the eyes of the ghosts and ghosts. Generally speaking, women have a lot of weak yang. As for why I choose you, I think I Can give you the answer."

"Sister Lin, you said." Zhang Yuanbao was still in shock.

"You have just been scared from the bottom of your heart. The gloomy negative emotions will temporarily resist most of your yang energy, making those yin people think that they have found a breakthrough, so from a certain are even worse than us women now." Lin Yuanyuan laughed as she talked.

"Shit! Can I rely on women?" Zhang Yuanbao was furious, let go of Miss Cuiyi's calves, and got up numbly. In an instant, he looked around, and shouted in all directions: "I am exquisite. The third thousand and 80th generation descendant of Tianzun, holding my master Taoist'zhiyi tzu seal', you dare to disturb my quietness, and you will be killed without mercy! The souls of you will be scattered, and you will never be overborn!"

Su Jin couldn't help laughing. This kid pretended to have a set, but he forgot to behave just now. Of course, the things that others can't see have already appeared in his eyes. These ghosts may be the ghosts in the city, and they don't know what they are doing. Suddenly died.

"Puff, the person who pretends to look like a dog, a coward." The girl Cuiyi still smelled sarcastically.

"Tuier, I didn’t figure out the situation just now. As a man, it’s my duty to protect you female classmates. Next to me, I’ll use the “Zhiyizhizhuan” if it’s a big deal. Take care of you!" Zhang Yuanbao glanced at the Cuiyi girl and said lightly.

What else did the Cuiyi girl want to say, when she saw Su Jin muttering something, several people started to listen carefully.

Su Jin’s opened sky eyes are blessed by its own strength and can be maintained for a long time. At this time, I saw an old woman with a hunchback in ragged clothes coming out of the tavern. His face was blue and faint, and she was particularly scary in the black city. Then he opened his mouth and said, "Da, Daxian, the old woman is here to ask for relief for the people of Qingyang!"


Su Jin's heart moved, seeing the old woman's expression agitated, and seeing that few of them were not excited, he knew that his so-called ‘great immortal’ was not uncommon back then, and it can even be said to be common.

"Liberation? Why liberation?" Su Jin asked.

"For countless years, we have already died. There is no firework to worship, and we can't see the sun. We can only be a wandering ghost in the city, suffering from loneliness and suffering, and the whole place here is polluted by evil things. If you want to enter the **** of reincarnation, you can’t get beyond the reincarnation of an adult. I beg the immortal to use immortality to disperse my soul and let me return to the dust and dust.” The old woman said and knelt down.

After she finished speaking, ghosts appeared from the city one by one, all of them made the same movements, knelt down and pressed their foreheads to the ground.

"What is evil?" Su Jin moved in his heart.

"Many people didn't remember this incident, but the old woman didn't dare to forget it." The old woman fell into the memory and said slowly: "That year, Qingyang was drought and suffered a locust plague, which caused a great famine. There are more and more disaster victims. Qingyang City Lord is very much loved and is a benevolent lord. He not only sent 3,000 soldiers to participate in digging wells, but also distributed disaster relief food to the four villages and towns to help the victims. This is a good thing, but... "

"But?" Su Jin frowned and asked.

The old woman sighed, "But the soil moved on Tai Sui's head. Five miles away in the east, when the officers and soldiers dig another well, they suffered a catastrophe. Someone dug out an arm in the water. The color of the arm is as usual and fresh. It's very, in the palm of that arm, there is a human eye dripping with blood."

Su Jin was shocked in his heart. Although she was listening to some rumors, the old woman showed pain on her face and immediately knew what she was saying was true.

I saw the old woman continue to say: "That's the arm of the devil! Those demon blood dripped on the ground, and the whole earth became coke. We didn't even react to the reaction, and we died straight away, stripped out of the body, and turned into a street. Look like these black corpses."

In silence, Su Jin took a few breaths in the silence.

"Don't worry, I will eliminate the evil things. By then, there will be no imprisonment here, and you can go to **** and reincarnate." Su Jin scanned the streets crowded with ghosts. These are the people of Qingyang City.

"Don't! No one can beat the evil thing. Daxian will help me to get out of it. I will be grateful and Dade by now, so I don't have to take the risk!" The old woman hurriedly stopped.

"Trust me."

Before the old woman could say anything, Su Jin quickly turned around. Suddenly, he felt intense anger. As he walked, he asked Princess Suluo several people, and said, "Is the direction of Sword Eleven just going east?"

Princess Su Luo didn't even know why Su Jin was so angry, but when they thought about it, they knew that Su Jin had passed through the ditch here, otherwise they wouldn't have said anything.

Zhang Yuanbao said: "It seems to be going east."

"It's not like, it's going east!" Lin Yuanyuan said.

"Yes." Ying'er nodded too.

Princess Suluo was cold and silent, and the girl in Cuiyi was puzzled, and she didn't understand why Su Jin asked.

"Let's go! Hope it's too late!" Su Jin's speed surged, and he had already guessed what Sword Eleven was going to do. This person was really crazy.

Fortunately, the speed of the few people was not slow. After following Su Jin's footsteps, Zhang Yuanbao asked, "Brother Su, did you find anything? What does it have to do with us going east on Jian11?"

Su Jin said coldly: "He wants to kill us, not leaving one."

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