My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1212: Take one blow, let one go!

"Ah? Why did Brother Su say this?"

Zhang Yuanbao was shocked, seeing Su Jin's face gloomy, he knew that something extraordinary was about to happen here.

"I've just passed through the gut here, and the situation is not optimistic."

Su Jin immediately revealed all the words of the old woman, and the keyword "evil arms" made the faces of all listeners cold.

When I entered, it was definitely not a coincidence that Sword Eleven went east. It should have been premeditated or learned something before the trial. After all, this place has belonged to the China Great World from ancient times to the present, plus'Sen Luo The'battlefield' may have been circulated outside, and some legends may not be untrue.

How can holes come?

Sword Eleven originally came from the martial arts, is a true disciple of Jianling Mountain, talented and arrogant, in order to gain strength to become a young leader, he may choose to act without compromise!

"A demon arm? I feel that there may be more than one, but a demon might die on the battlefield of Sen Luo, the body was torn apart and scattered everywhere." Lin Yuanyuan felt her scalp numb and analyzed.

"Yes, it must be like this." Ying'er agreed with him as if he was facing an enemy.

"Hey, don't be like this, Brother Eleven is not like that! No!" Girl Cuiyi flushed, trying to defend Jian Eleven. She has always blindly worshipped Jian eleven, and it is only natural to say this, but she doesn't care so much in other people's hearts.

"Tweet, people's hearts are separated by the belly. He was defeated by Brother Su only yesterday on the eleventh sword. It is normal to make any crazy actions when his self-confidence is frustrated." Zhang Yuanbao said with solemn expression: "No! I Zhang So-and-so can never see this happening! Now everyone don't go forward, hurry up and run away, find an exit to escape!"


Zhang Yuanbao’s remarks made everyone look weird. Although he had expected it, what he said before was like personal words, but afterwards he encouraged everyone to escape. Obviously, I was afraid to persuade everyone to stay away. Hilarious.

Su Jingang felt that Zhang Yuanbao meant to come forward, but he turned out to stand up and flee.

Really drunk.

"If you are an enemy, then kill him." Princess Tsutalo's silver-gray hair slowly fluttered, and after Sen Leng's voice said, his figure swept forward quickly.

Su Jin looked at Zhang Yuanbao, shrugged, and continued walking east with the other girls. He felt that there was enough time, and he had been in a state of opening his eyes, not afraid that he could not find Jian eleven.

"Hey! I, Zhang, can never die! You are not afraid of death? This is a price! I..." Zhang Yuanbao scratched his head vigorously on the spot, but the next moment he felt like a ghost behind the gloomy scene Yes, with a shock all over, Sa Yazi began to run towards Su Jin.

After a few minutes.

"Follow me! He is there!" Su Jin's expression was cold, and the figure of Jian Eleven was found in his vision under the state of the sky.

Several people followed, and in less than half a minute, they finally saw a dark shadow on a flat terrain.

Yes, Sombra!

But the terrifying sight that appeared in front of them made everyone stay where they were, and their hearts seemed to be gripped by inexplicable power.

In the gloomy scene, the weeds, poplar trees, and villages covered by black matter are still vivid, 100% restored to the scene of a distant era, the only thing that does not match the description of the old woman in the city is not far away!

Although the terrain was flat there, a huge ravine appeared on the flat ground, as if someone had split the ground with an axe, causing the ground to split.

At the end of the Rift Valley, the figure of Jian Eleven stood on it, with his back facing a few people, motionless!

"This rift valley is where the'devil arm' is. For countless years, this arm is still moving slowly! Even the earth is constantly being torn apart! Of course, this also confirms my guess! That devil's power The other torso may fly too far, but in such a situation, sooner or later, the demon power will resurrect!" Lin Yuanyuan said nervously and sweaty, her face ugly.

"It's terrible, terrible!" Zhang Yuanbao looked at the scene, his legs softened, and he couldn't help but slumped on the ground.

Ying'er's expression also didn't improve much, and she couldn't help asking her question: "Such a big thing happened on the battlefield of Sen Luo, do they know that Palace Master Zichen and my master? I'm all puzzled. What do you want?"

"Probably I don't know." Su Jin approached the rift, lowered and touched the edge with his hand, and then said: "This was just cracked quietly! Tweety touched the fisherman by the river before, this demon arm It is very likely to be awakened by activation."

Cuiyi's face flushed for a while, and she hurriedly said, "Hey! Brother Su, I won't carry this pot..."

Su Jin's judgment also indirectly refutes Lin Yuanyuan's statement. After all, it is not realistic that the'devil arm' has been moving slowly for countless years. What's more, if this is the case, it is impossible for Palace Master Zichen to not know! Not even letting people like myself come here to try.

"Sword eleven!" Su Jin stood up suddenly, with a sharp edge in the corner of his eyes, and swept towards Jian eleven tens of meters away.

Everyone followed, Zhang Yuanbao was at the end. He was holding a mobile phone and sent a message to a friend in the software with tears on his face. This friend is also his only one, and it is his'girlfriend' , He typed a few words in despair: Meimei, let's break up!

At the end of the rift valley tens of meters, Jian Eleven did not look back. He didn't know what method he used, and bursts of black needle-like energy below the rift valley crazily penetrated into his body.

"Su Jin, you guys came later than I expected...but that's okay, I can just **** in some more strength, crush you, and kill you here." Jian eleven's voice has changed. It became feminine and slender, and occasionally seemed to be enjoying the infusion of power, making a few fleshy moans.

Princess Minuo has never been a long-winded person. After hearing the word'beheading', her eyes became cold, and the'white deer behind the sword' in his hand carried the endless brilliance, illuminating the dark scene, and the whole space resounded through her. Voice: "Dead!"


In an instant, a black punch of Jian eleven was punched, extremely fast! Princess Chingluo even squirted blood and was beaten directly into the air!

Except for Su Jin's face more solemn, almost the whole audience went down!

Princess Ching Luo, who could almost compete with Su Jin, was injured by a single blow? This... what kind of strength is this?

"Su Jin, I'll play a game with you." Jian Eleven is now full of power, slowly twisting his head, his body has turned around, facing Su Jin, he hehe laughed.

"What game?" Su Jin squeezed his fist behind his back and asked as he looked at Jian eleven.

"Except for you, these people are all ants. I can kill them!" Jian Shiyiyin smiled and continued: "Every time you take a blow from me, I will let go of one of them. Can you bet?"

Let go of one person with every hit?

Just when everyone was watching, except for Su Jin... Princess Suluo, Yinger, Cuiyi Girl, Lin Yuanyuan, and Zhang Yuanbao were instantly locked by the black ropes on the ground. Can't move without sound!

Princess Suluo trembled in her heart and glanced at Su Jin instinctively. He has been enemies with him... Could he save himself?

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