My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1213: Shameless!

"I bet with you."

Su Jin seemed to feel the eyes of Princess Su Luo, turned his head slightly, and said lightly.

At this moment, Zhang Yuanbao looked at the black weird rope on his body. The rope was like a living creature, full of resilience and slack. He struggled and couldn't get rid of it, so he had to face Jianxi with a dark face and said, "Brother Eleven! What do you mean! Have you forgotten Zhang Moumou who worked so hard with you to practice swords by the Daming Lake?"

In fact, he summoned up the courage to say this to Jian eleven. He had already burst into tears in his heart, and he had collapsed. If he said earlier, don't come, don't come, run away! This little **** has turned his face away from him now!

"Shut up!" Jian eleven screamed angrily, and made a face-sucking gesture.


Zhang Yuanbao suddenly uttered an ‘Oh’, and his mouth was filled with blood. He was choked by the strong salty blood and coughed! Cuiyi girl looked at Zhang Yuanbao, her heart trembled, Jian eleven slapped her in a slap, and she slapped two of Zhang's front teeth!

It was fat enough to be ugly, but now this face is developing toward suicide!

"My two proud rabbit teeth!" Zhang Yuanbao licked with his tongue, but when he licked a cool breeze, his heart suddenly became cold. After all, the most satisfying "Rabbit Tooth" was knocked out. How can I go to see Meimei next month?

No, I have broken up with Meimei, I have no love to love! Zhang Yuanbao's eyes immediately turned red, and like a mad dog, he began to break free of the restraints again, but... it was useless!

"Brother Eleven! You don't know me anymore? My Xiaocui, do you even want to kill me?" Girl Cuiyi asked desperately.

I am afraid that no one is more complicated than Cuiyi girl. She has always thought that Sword Eleven is the most powerful. No matter who he is defeated, she has always admired him unswervingly, but now what the other party is doing makes her extremely Chilling.

Jian eleven did not even respond to Miss Cuiyi's words, as if she hadn't heard of it, it broke her heart.

Lin Yuanyuan looked ugly and said: "Don't beg him! He is now occupied by evil forces, and he considers himself invincible. How can I still see you!"

"Big Brother Su, now only you can escape, you hurry up, one after the other, tell me the master then, my master will not let him go!" Ying'er Jiao shouted.

"Escape? I don't have this word in Su Jin's dictionary!" Su Jin resolutely refused, and then said to Jian Eleven: "You said it! One more blow! Let one go!"

Su Jin fought against this sword eleven yesterday, and could easily defeat it, reaching the point of crushing, but this person is still constantly absorbing the power of the devil at this moment, without knowing how to do it. Judging by the means of injuring Princess Sutuo with just one blow, it is difficult for him to beat the opponent now.

"Naturally! As long as you don't fight back." Jianxi Yinsi laughed.

Don't fight back?

Su Jin frowned.

"There are people like you, if you are a man, fight with Big Brother Su, don't be afraid to say something like not to fight back!" Ying'er said loudly.

"Yes!" Lin Yuanyuan also echoed Yinger's words.

It would be a shame not to fight back!

"It's up to you, do it!" Su Jin said lightly while looking at Jian Eleven.

Jian XI placed his hands flat on his waist and pressed it virtually. The whole person floated up and disappeared in the blink of an eye. When he reappeared, his fist had already reached Su Jin's eyes!

In an instant, the pressure in Su Jin's heart increased sharply, his feet twisted, and two cyan brilliance appeared under his feet, reaching a terrifying speed.

The punch of Sword Eleven unexpectedly failed! And the real accomplishment was the Lingwu Qingzhou in the depths of Su Jin's Qi Sea. Young Master Su had already learned all kinds of mysteries when he took time out at night, and he didn't need to step on a boat, although the speed effect would be a little worse.

"You are hiding." Jian eleven looked at Su Jin who appeared not far away with a cold eye, revealing an icy aura.

"Do you want to be shameless? You said you wouldn't fight back, but you didn't say that you wouldn't dodge or hide!" Lin Yuanyuan was so cheap, the look in Jian Eleven's eyes at the moment was simply disgusting.

Sword Eleven glanced at Lin Yuanyuan. The feeling of falling into an ice cellar made Sister Lin unable to speak instantly. While feeling amazed in her heart, she was a little overwhelmed. The look...clearly wanted to kill her!

"No flashing, no hiding, no fighting back!" When Jian Eleven said to Su Jin, she waved her hand gently, and the **** of Cuiyi girl was released.

Zhang Yuanbao saw that it was not himself who had solved it, and he was full of disappointment.

But the girl Cuiyi was so moved, she knew that Eleventh Brother would not really kill her, and would be the first to untie her.

Jian eleven walked towards Su Jin who was frowning.

"Tui'er, I will bless you'Zhi Yi Tzu Seal'. You can use this to run out and tell Palace Master Zichen what about them?" Zhang Yuanbao asked Cuiyi girl in a low voice.

Princess Lin Yuanyuan, Yinger, and Fuluo also looked at the girl Cuiyi. At present, she was the only one who was let go. As long as Zhang Yuanbao used the ‘zhiyi tzu seal’, with the help of strength, there was really an 80% chance of escape.

"Don't worry, Eleven Brothers won't kill you, don't you let me go." Cuiyi girl dodged her eyes, she didn't want to go out for help, when those old monsters would kill you, Jian Eleven It's dangerous.

"You are stupid, Jian Eleven doesn't kill you, but gives you the first priority because you have the lowest cultivation base!" Zhang Yuanbao was about to cry stupidly by the girl Cuiyi, with a wry smile on his face.

"No, don't worry, if Su Jin can't handle it, I will plead with Brother Eleven, and I will definitely not hurt you." Cuiyi said.

Zhang Yuanbao looked ugly, he had nothing to say:...

The third daughter of Lin Yuanyuan was also disappointed, so she knew that she would ask for nothing.

"Su Jin, in your mortal body, how can you take me a punch next..." Jianxi stood still, looked at Su Jin three meters away, and said with a smile.

This is the original intention of Sword Eleven.

The eyes of Princess Chi Luo are a bit complicated. With Su Jin's strength, escape is the most possible. Others don't know, but she has seen his power! But he did not leave!

And obviously, now that Sword Eleven says whether to dodge, evade, or fight back, it just wants to...

Want to kill Su Jin in one blow!

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