My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1214: Ancestor save me

wild ambition.

Of course, it cannot be said that Sword Eleven is too despicable, but now that he has a handle in his hand, if Su Jin ignores the lives of Yinger and others, he can naturally go on a full battle, but... how can he escape? You can't even die.

What's more, no matter what method is used, since the battle is accepted, winning or losing is a hero. Just like Princess Suluo unreasonably trying to grab Su Jin's treasure before, no one cares about a loser! If you lose, it's your poor strength, no wonder who!

However, Su Jin also estimated that he only needs to take a few blows. Although he feels that Sword Eleven will not let others leave easily, but now the ball is in the opponent's hand, he can't let go after this second blow. Right!

"Leave the horse here." Su Jin made a please gesture, with a strong killing intent in his eyes, and he would not let this person go anyway.

"The courage is full." Jian eleven interlaced his hands in front of him, gently squeezed his fist, and the whole person took a step like the wind.

At this time, you can see the black fist strength condensed from the pair of fists from the naked eye. If you are hit by this level of power, you can imagine how painful the consequences will be.

Su Jin stepped heavily on his foot, and his whole body was nailed to the ground like steel nails. His right arm shook, and the black and red "Kirin Shield" blessed all over his body.

Zhang Yuanbao was relieved to see this.

Fortunately, Sword Eleven did not say that it could not be defended, otherwise it would be too ruthless. If you don't even give up defense, is this Sword Eleven still a person? It is so despicable that it is worse than a dog.

"I can't help it." Princess Suluo sighed, her tone was not so indifferent. She once again competed with Su Jin in front of the stone building. She could break the unicorn shield, let alone this. When the sword is eleven.

"Princess, you can give me an idea, if Brother Su can't hold it...I have to hang up?" Zhang Yuanbao asked in a whining voice.

"There is no way." Princess Suluo is not looking at Zhang Yuanbao. She can't protect herself now, so she can come up with an idea.

Zhang Yuanbao looked at girl Cuiyi, and then turned to watch the battlefield. Now girl Cuiyi doesn't know how dangerous it is. If Su Jin can't hold it, this little Cuier still wants to go out alive? It's so stupid and stupid.

At this moment, Jian Eleven's face was dark, with an evil smile on the corners of his mouth. In the process of taking a step forward, his right hand had already charged up, and with this blow he would kill Su Jin!

It was a few meters away, almost in the blink of an eye, and Sword Eleven didn't play any fancy. He appeared before and after Su Jin's eyes and punched the "Kirin Shield".

The black and red unicorn shield could not last for even a second!


It broke like glass, but it buffered most of the power!

Su Jin was hit by that piercing force and backed up a few steps. Even though he was prepared, he still felt pain in his limbs and bones. It felt like all his internal organs had been smashed and displaced. Uncomfortable!

The attack of Sword Eleven caused him to suffer a lot of injuries, which Su Jin hadn't expected. The opponent absorbed the power of the devil and could raise his strength to such a level in such a short period of time. It is really unacceptable.

"You're really amazing!" It's not surprising that Jian Eleven, with a dark smile on his face, he thought that this blow would kill Su Jin from serious injuries, but he obviously didn't do what he wanted.

"Release!" Su Jin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said lightly.

Jian Eleven waved his hand again, and the black rope on Ying'er disappeared and his freedom was restored.

"I don't believe that I can't kill you!" Jian Eleven became more and more crazy, the black energy on his body crackled and made a noise, and a trace of blue electric light was constantly produced under the collision of its power. Just now, he did not use his full strength.

Bang bang!

Two hits in a row! Almost all the power that Sword Eleven can use at this moment.

The third unicorn shield that Su Jin set up was shattered in an instant every time, and it shattered faster than before. He felt that no part of his bones was intact at this moment!

Ying'er was covering her mouth, tears streaming down her face, and she looked at the scene in disbelief.

"Why are you! Why are you still not dead!" Jian Eleven yelled like a neurosis. He didn't believe that Su Jin was just as capable of resisting it, and he used the ultimate strength! Every blow feels that Su Jin is dying, but what is the situation now?

He is not dead! Not only did he not die, but he was still holding on without falling down!

Yes, Su Jin is now holding a black umbrella with one hand, the handle of the umbrella is behind him, and the black umbrella is rolling in the air. Every dragon has a hideous expression, and it seems that it is possible to get out of the umbrella at any time.

"Release people." Su Jin closed his eyes and said two words.

With a sword eleven, he waved his hand to untie Zhang Yuanbao and Lin Yuanyuan.

Lin Yuanyuan had some apologies in her eyes. No matter what, her life was saved by Su Jin. When there was no trial outside before, she helped the chief of Suluo County kill Su Jin. For this she can only say sorry in her heart, hope Su Jin can survive.

Zhang Yuanbao was also upset, hesitating whether he would take others to escape, or stay and fight with Su Jin?

"Zhang Yuanbao!" Su Jin suddenly opened his eyes, staring at Zhang Yuanbao and shouted.

"Oh! Take care!" Zhang Yuanbao took out from his waist, took out something and crushed it, shouting loudly: "Ancestor save me!"

Almost at the moment when he crushed the ‘to a talisman seal’, a big white hand about a hundred feet long fell from the sky!

Zhang Yuanbao saw Lin Yuanyuan and Ying'er leaning on his side, he directly grabbed the shoulders of the two women and was caught by the big white hands!

Sword Eleven roared endlessly, and continuously swung out bursts of black light, like a snake, spit out scarlet letters, attacking the big white hand like lightning!

There was no damage to the big white hands, and the three of them carrying Zhang Yuanbao disappeared instantly.

"Damn! Damn!" Jian eleven grinned and looked at Su Jin fiercely. He was crazy now, and he had no intention of letting off Zhang Yuanbao's three. As a result, he was escaped by the three. knew. After all, there are so many bosses out there!

"Sword Eleven, you are very angry..." Su Jin vomited blood on the ground. His body repair speed was very fast. During this period of time, his body injury has recovered 20% to 30%, which is already considered fast. The cultivation base has reached the infant fairy stage, which is about to reach the stage of the infant fairy middle stage.

"Really? Anyway, if I want to go, no one can find me. They left, but you...?" Jian eleven suddenly calmed down, hehe sneered, and instead pointed to Princess Su Luo and said to Su Jin : "Are you sure, this last blow, to save her? She is your enemy."

"I didn't treat her as an enemy. If I treat her as an enemy, she would have been killed by me. Have you waited until now?" Su Jin laughed miserably and continued: "She is just my favorite furnace. , Haven’t become my woman yet, nothing more."

"You!" Princess Su Luo's expression changed, and he glanced at Su Jin coldly. He actually took a fancy to himself and wanted to be his own woman!

Me what me?

Su Jin smiled, and looked at Princess Chu Luo and said: "Old girl Chu Luo, this sword eleven is coming to an end, come, let me watch a gorgeous firework with you!"

Princess Su Luo couldn't help taking a breath, his eyes fixed on the black umbrella in Su Jin's hand!

Nirvana Dragon Umbrella, Umbrella Extinct!

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