My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1215: Bombing

At this moment, Su Jin's face was flat.

The look in his eyes seemed to see through the various forms of life in the world, a little indifferent and a little confused.

Princess Chi Luo watched as Su Jin lifted the Netherworld Dragon Umbrella, and slowly rubbed his hands on the handle of the umbrella, and slowly, the Netherworld Dragon Umbrella floated up.

The nine dragon souls suddenly became active, and the nine dragons' roars rang through the world, and the body of each dragon soul was about thirty feet wide, rising into the air in a mysterious position!

Su Jin had never been so frustrated before, and he was able to kill other people with a wave of Sword Eleven, so he couldn't use the Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana because it took time. Now that he is worried about nothing, why can't he let it go?

Although Jian Eleven was controlled by the powerful force in his body, he couldn't help but change his face right now, raising his head to look at the nine dragons that wandered for nine days.

"Su Jin, do you really think you can kill me?" Jian eleven's mood was trembling, he felt that he was strong enough, and now he did not expect to have the power to make him tremble.

On top of the nine black dragons snaking, black storms appeared on the entire Senluo battlefield. Chuluo County advocated a small mouth, and it was no longer close!

Perhaps the origin of tornadoes?

Not only that, as the nine dragons continued to build momentum, suddenly the dragon body turned into nothingness, and the fiery red bright spots like fireflies were scattered all over the sky, and then one red bright spot crashed into another bright spot, producing red lightning in the storm. , Illuminates this world.

The momentum is so great!

Su Jin was seriously injured, but he couldn't take care of it, and he was so excited. Although this power came from the power in the seal of the small umbrella, it was also the strength he was yearning for. As early as before the sword eleven, Xiao Umbrella felt that the situation was serious. In addition, this sword eleven was too arrogant, and no one could look at it. It immediately decided to open the umbrella once and kill the original. The chance of the princess came to Jian eleven.

"What did you do!" Jian Eleven's face changed wildly. He found that although he had absorbed 60% of the power of the demon's mighty arm, now he even had a heavy feeling of being dragged by someone when he pulled out his leg, he subconsciously I panicked, but I also knew in a flash that it was the aura of that terrifying'umbrella treasure' that caused this situation.

At this time, the lightning storm that was still silent can no longer bear it-


Constantly releasing energy, unexpectedly began to bombard the earth. Every bombardment caused the earth to tremble, and the surroundings suddenly looked like the end of the world, unimaginable.

The lightning storm turned into by the nine dragons has illuminated the gloomy Senluo battlefield at this moment. The entire battlefield has turned into a bright red color, and the nine lightning storms have gathered from the surrounding areas. If there is a fly now, all It is impossible to fly out alive!

"The Notes of Huangquan!" Su Jin raised his hand and grabbed the void. The Emperor's Treasure "Notes of Huangquan" hovered above his head, sprinkling circles of dim energy.

In the next second, Su Jin slammed into the immobile Princess Su Luo, who seemed to be in a quagmire.

Princess Cura was desperate in her heart. Everyone had a scale in her heart, but she couldn’t hide her. She thought that she would be annihilated in the storm, with no bones left, but now a powerful body hit her in one step and directly crushed her. Turn to the ground.

Su Jin now has a feeling of two heavens--

One was seriously injured, and the other was Princess Cura, who was originally a goddess and had no time to enjoy it. It was the first time that Su Jin touched her body. When he touched her, the powerful impact made Young Master Su instinctively hug Princess Sutulu, and kept rolling sideways on the ground.

When the force of the collision stopped, Princess Chi Luo looked up at the "handsome face" that was close at hand above, and was dazed in the deafening storm. Finally, she lowered her head and watched Su Jin holding her on the ground. Suddenly a strange feeling appeared in her heart, this strange feeling made her a little at a loss.

Nine clusters of red lightning storms isolated this small area. When a lightning storm passed by Su Jin, the emperor's treasure'Huangquan Notes' trembled slightly, swaying more dim energy, completely shutting the two of them. Protect.

Jian eleven panicked, he panicked!

Now Jian Eleven finds that his ability to move his fingers is difficult to achieve! I can only watch the lightning storm continue to gather towards him.

"No!" Jian Eleven's eyes became a sea of ​​red lightning.

Above Jian Eleven's head, the Dragon Umbrella of Jixi uttered a panic, and the real dragon's whistle even covered the deafening lightning storm.

But when I saw that the small black umbrella was fully opened in the sky, a thick black beam of light instantly blasted on Jian eleven surrounded by lightning storms!

Only for a moment, a moment can see the process of Jian Eleven from being intact to standing with a whole white bone, and then turning into a smear of black smoke. Under this blow, he was wiped out!

Su Jin felt that the sword eleven vitality was extinct, and the pressure in his heart was relieved, and his eyes became more and more blurred. His last collision just now was his last bit of strength, and now he and Princess Sutal are alive and well. Calculated purpose is achieved.

The breeze goes, the storm clears, everything is so real.

"Hey—" Princess Suluo uttered a word in a hurry, but still couldn't stop it.

Su Jin closed his eyes and lay his head on the side of Princess Su Luo's cheek, and passed out into a coma.

Princess Su Luo is very embarrassed now. Although Su Jin is not light, she is not unbearable, but now he is so light...

No one has ever dared to do this!

Very innocent, Princess Tsutalo looked at the sky with strange eyes, and the black Senluo battlefield immediately recovered its tranquility.

Moreover, after Jian eleven died, the imprisonment on Princess Chu Luo disappeared automatically, and it was obviously lifted.

After the two held this posture for about ten minutes, Princess Su Jin gently pushed Su Jin aside, and Meimu glanced at the hand of Young Master Su, who even held a dagger in his hand.

Isn't "Liying" what?

Princess Tsutalo instantly understood that this was Su Jin's intention to prevent accidents. After all, in the state just now, if she shot Su Jin, Su Jin could still have a fight, but she felt that the official Su overestimated it. Own, otherwise it wouldn't be like this now.

Gently taking the dagger in Su Jin's hand, Princess Su Luo stared at Young Master Su who was in a coma, and his face began to change.

This time is the easiest to kill Su Jin.

If he were to be killed, Princess Chu Luo could put the blame on Jian eleven so as not to hurt himself at all. After all, the few people who escaped knew the power of Jian eleven, so no one would suspect that it was him, those old men. Youkai didn't need to worry at all.

And when she thought that Su Jin actually took a fancy to herself and wanted to make herself the scene of his stove, Princess Suluo's eyes were extremely cold, and she began to pick up the dagger and look at Su Jin's neck...

She raised her hand holding "Liying"...

Princess Su Luo had only one thought in his mind at this moment, killing Su Jin!

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