My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1218: Fertilizer does not flow out of the field

Want to go to heaven?

Xia Yuyan was shocked for an instant, and there were two blushes on her cheeks. She really didn't expect Su Jin to be so badly injured that she could still think about that.

She couldn't hide Su Jin's eyes, a bit domineering and a bit sharp, as if piercing the weakest part of her heart, and the air in her body seemed to be pulled out, tender and tender, but fortunately she was supported by that solid arm. ,do not worry.

From the perspective of Young Master Su, Xia Yuyan’s fashionable dress with one-collar temperament is even more like adding gunpowder to the body. This pale yellow color Su Jin likes it very much, representing freshness and refinement, and this Yingyingyi The grip on the waist feels so good that no one can compare it.

"You just want to go to heaven, let me go..." Xia Yuyan's eyelashes trembled slightly, looked up at Su Jin's face, and said softly.

"Don't let go, what should you do if you disappear? The ancestors are good religious guides, cherish what is in front of you, you must always seize the opportunity, try hard, it doesn't matter if you don't succeed." Su Jin arrogantly commented on the other hand.

"My body doesn't hurt anymore, right?"

Xia Yuyan gently punched Su Jin's chest twice, "Everyone cares about you, and people come from time to time, so don't be a gangster for the time being, okay? What if you get hit by someone..."

Su Jin rarely sees the wife who is the female president of Frost, who can show the shy expression she is now, with her hands slightly upwards and her head slightly lowered, the thin collar fabric can be clearly seen, and she is close to her eyes. Immediately, the young master instinctively moved his mouth to the two thin and thin mouths.

Xia Yuyan almost wanted to dodge, but in this position, she had no room to dodge. After the big mouth touched slightly, she had to close her eyes shyly.

Three minutes passed after a kiss.

It wasn't until Su Jin felt that Xia Yuyan's breathing was a little uncomfortable, and nudged him, that she let her go. Then Young Master Su widened his coat and looked at President Xia Da with pride.

Su Jin asked immediately: "Wife, who has come to me during this period?"

The awkward atmosphere disappeared with Su Jin's words instantly, but it was not a big deal.

"Ying'er, Zhang Yuanbao, and your master and them." Xia Yuyan thought for a while, and then said: "Is there another princess called? She followed Fairy Ziyun."


When other people came to see him, Su Jin's mind was as calm as water, but why did Princess Su Luo follow him? This girl is a little weird.

Su Jin didn't want to think more, nodded and said: "I know, after I understand something clearly, I will return to Qincheng tomorrow."

"Okay, but are you really okay? Are there any discomforts on your body?" Xia Yuyan asked worriedly, not sure about Su Jin's current state.

"It's still a little painful, but it's okay, just go back and rest for a few days." Su Jin moved his shoulders, and there were still some pains in the body, but it was all trivial.

"That's good." Xia Yuyan was completely relieved.

Su Jin took Xia Yuyan's small hand and motioned: "Go, go for a walk."

Xia Yuyan was fine. The responsibility was to take good care of him. She would be anxious when staying in a strange place. She didn't refuse Su Jin's proposal, but showed an expression of willingness to agree.

Go down and out of the villa together.

"By the way, the last time you went to Ningjiang, what happened to the gold mine?" Xia Yuyan asked softly.

"The situation is naturally very good. Just before the mountain blasting, some workers picked up the gold before it entered, and the purity is not bad." Su Jin nodded and said.

"So powerful?" Xia Yuyan was very surprised, a little unbelievable.

"Of course! Don't look at who is the boss." Su Jin must be proud of this. From the beginning to the present, although he has always been a hands-off shopkeeper, nothing can be done without him. He plans to make the “Golden Dragon Head Up” gold mine bigger and stronger. He will first earn back the initial investment. It will not take long before the smelting facilities in Huishan have been established, and the gold will not be shipped continuously. come out? He is looking forward to that day.

"How much investment do you need in the future, please tell me." Xia Yuyan said with a smile.

Su Jin:...

The money is so easy to do serious things, Su Jin curled his lips, and couldn't deny Xia Yuyan's attitude.

"I will make the finished product first. The capital demand may be great in the later stage. After all, the further processing is far more profitable than the gold bricks produced." Su Jin pondered.

"Why do you suddenly become so business-minded?" Xia Yuyan felt that when Su Jin and the original scornful scorn, they seemed to have completely changed themselves.

"It's very simple. To be a gold mine owner is to get rich from the ground. I don't know if I'm lucky. Anyway, I don't feel very good. I will smelt the gold, do jewelry deep processing, and be a jewelry master, which is much more than the identity of the'miner'. "Su Jin hummed.

Xia Yuyan:...

Although Su Jin's explanation made Xia Yuyan a little bit dumbfounded, there are some reasons in it. The deep processing of precious metals must be fortune, and the materials are all made by themselves. It is impossible to do it.

"I believe in your ability. Would you like to cooperate? Cooperate with your family and share the benefits." Xia Yuyan said with a smile.

"Okay, who is with whom, yours is mine, and mine is yours? When the time comes, I will be behind the scenes in the jewelry industry. A series of operations, including hiring designers, will be done by our Xia Group. Let's talk about it when it is divided, anyway, the fertilizer will not flow to outsiders' fields." Su Jin turned to climb Xia Yuyan's shoulder and smiled slightly.

Xia Yuyan was very satisfied with Su Jin's reply. In fact, she had always had a dream. Back then, her father Xia Honghai made the Xia Group the largest consortium in Qincheng, but then something went wrong.

Now that she is in her hands, how can she regain the number one position, but if we rely on the status quo, it is difficult to return to the past, and we can only rely on new areas. Now she is sure, but the premise is that only when Su Jin has the raw materials, can she make the Xia Group rush to the top.

"Someone is coming." Xia Yuyan reminded in a low voice.

Without Xia Yuyan's reminder, Su Jin naturally found the visitor. There was a plain white wrap skirt, with long legs hidden in the skirt, a pair of simple leather boots inlaid on the calf, and a few headdresses inserted above the long silver-gray hair with hanging shoulders, which was quite beautiful.

It's Princess Chura.

What is she doing here?

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