My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1219: The kind of handsome and explosive!

Meet again, slightly awkward.

Su Jin's face was thick, but he didn't feel anything. He didn't guess the intention of Princess Su Luo.

"My master is going to see you in the stone building." Princess Suluo has a very good temperament, and her cold and frosty expression made people feel chills. After saying this, she turned and walked away, regardless of Su Jin's return. Do not respond.

Su Jin lost his temper.

The grace of stepping on a horse for life-saving came to treat each other with coldness. The girls from outside the region know how to herd sheep. They are both indifferent and ruthless masters. Su Jin and Xia Yuyan looked at each other, and then spread their hands.

"Go, it's going to be dark soon, what do you want to eat at night? I'll go prepare it for you now." Xia Yuyan said softly without any thoughts on her face.

After drinking the red jujube porridge, I was really hungry, Su Jin nodded, said ‘good’, and then walked towards the stone building.

"Is the Umbrella here?" Su Jin silently communicated with the Dragon Umbrella.

"It takes so much energy, it takes a lot of young people to make up for it, I need to rest, don't disturb me if you are fine." Xiao Umbrella replied.

Su Jin:...

That's it? Have you even gotten hurt by riding a horse?

"Yesterday I was in a coma on the battlefield of Senluo, what happened after that..." Su Jin did not finish.

"Do you feel that your body is recovering a bit faster?" Xiao Umbrella asked instead without answering his question.

"That's right." Su Jin didn't feel fast, but felt fast.

"Yesterday the girl took a pill to feed you. Seeing that your mouth can’t be opened, it took a long time for your mouth to have ink stains before helping you pry open your teeth. That pill should be a high-grade spirit pill. I’ll eat it for you. It's a bit wasteful." Xiao Umbrella didn't know much about the personal relationship between human beings, and looked insensible.

Second Olympics!

Su Jin felt a loud noise in his mind, and his mind was blank. He thought that Xiao Umbrella would not lie to him, but how did it feel so strange? Isn't this girl Princess Suluo the kind of person who doesn't get in and vowed to kill him? How could you feed yourself the pill for recovery with a kiss?

I really can't figure it out, make sense, and don't understand.

Su Jin was thinking about this when he finished the journey beyond the stone building, and in the end he could only attribute himself to being too handsome!

That's right, handsome and explosive, handsome who can change a person's personality, and the most handsome in the world.

Yes, it is like that.

Su Jin figured it out, and his heart was suddenly enlightened. As for why Princess Suluo was more indifferent to him just now, it may be hiding this matter, but it is normal to be angry.

"It seems that if there is a chance in the future, it is time to help her." Su Jin muttered secretly.

When I walked into the stone building, I did not enter the underground passage. It was the place where the old guy retreats and practiced. Now the living room of the stone building is wide and bright. Su Jin didn't take a closer look when he came here before, but now I glanced a few times and found that it was really An exquisite and comfortable place with carved beams and painted buildings.

An incense burner next to the table was rising with curling sandalwood. Two people were waiting quietly. Fairy Ziyun was sitting at the table. Two cups of tea were already prepared before the table. And every time Princess Su Luo sees Su Jin, she feels ashamed.

Outside the territory, as a master in China's Great World, Fairy Ziyun has always told her to be indifferent and ruthless, to cut off the emotions and six desires, and everything is for the purpose without compromise, even those close to them must take precautions, including letting Chi Luo The princess guarded himself.

It’s indescribable that she has been cultivated in this way since she was a child. She himself has seen the barbarians slaughter the village outside the territory. When the baby was crying and killed, she did not rescue her. It shows how desperate has been, but now... Panic.

She didn't know what was panicking.

Su Jin kept smiling, and Fairy Ziyun looked at the Princess Chuluo, and Princess Chuluo naturally walked out of the stone building, only the two of them were left.

The atmosphere was a little quiet. After Su Jin sat down, Fairy Ziyun hadn't even spoken a word yet, could not help but have doubts in his eyes.

"Su Jin, what happened yesterday, if you didn't save Chi Luo, my years of hard work would have been in vain, thank you." Fairy Zi Yun was also a little scared and couldn't help but thank him from the bottom of his heart.

"You are polite, the fairy thing is mine, how can I watch the death of Xiaoyu's sister Tsutalo, and I will definitely save it." Su Jinjian raised his eyebrows, pinched the tea cup, and took a sip. .

Fairy Ziyun's eyes lit up, and after considering it in her heart, she slowly said, "Tomorrow afternoon, Chi Luo and I will leave for the outside world. If you intend to..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Jin.

Su Jin smiled and shook his head and said, "Boy, I think I don't have enough strength. I'll look for opportunities later. I am definitely going outside the territory, no matter how difficult it is."

"Your strength can be compared to those extremely conceited saints and saints outside the territories. If you decide to become a great weapon with time, but you are not here, I can't help it. If you have the fate to meet outside the territory in the future, I must thank you again, just This is the way to go outside the territory..."

Fairy Ziyun thought for a while, and said, "If you promise me not to spread it, only you will know about it, and I can tell you."

Su Jin couldn't help but frowned.

"Fairy, you come back in half a year, and it's not too late to tell me." Su Jin couldn't tell her that she already had a way to go outside the territory, so she had to postpone the time and deliberately let Fairy Zi Yun once in half a year, so she mistook her for half a year Go outside the territory with them.

The life span of a practitioner is very long, half a year is just a flash, I believe Fairy Ziyun can understand it, not too long.

"it is good!"

Fairy Ziyun was overjoyed. In fact, she wanted Su Jin to go outside the territory. Not only did she want him to help Princess Su Luo, but also because she didn't want his talent to be buried in the exhausted Chinese world. That would be a shame. Up.

Su Jin squinted slightly, and saw Fairy Ziyun filling himself with a cup of tea, and he could not help holding it to his mouth, tasting it carefully.

After chatting for about half an hour, Fairy Zi Yun said various things about the goodness of the outside world and how remarkable it was to improve the cultivation base. Su Jin could only respond in all kinds of words.

Soon afterwards, Su Jin and Fairy Ziyun left and walked out of the stone building alone. In fact, he had guessed Fairy Ziyun's intention when he came, but he was not tempted. As for thanks, he went on.

After walking out of the stone building, in the corner of Su Jin's eyes, he was sitting alone by the creek.

It seems that Princess Suluo has been sitting there since he came out of the stone building, motionless, in a daze.

Su Jin hesitated slightly, hesitated in his heart, the old girl Minuo will leave tomorrow, and she and herself will go away, I wonder if we can see each other again.

Su Jin can't figure out what she is thinking now, and she doesn't know if she steps forward now...

Yes, if you step forward, you don't agree with a word...

Will she hit me?

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