My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1229: Beautiful high school students

Put it in the mezzanine somewhere on the upper body.

From this it can also be seen that Pomegranate is also a veteran. Basically, she can change cards with a little bit of means when she raises her hand, but Su Jin's means are more advanced. Fighting with him can only be beaten.

In this way, the card game could not go on, and the three of them could only chat and pass the rest of the time. Time was also fast passing by with the helicopter flying south...

At noon.

The helicopter landed accurately in the Xia's Group and finally got home. Xia Yuyan's mood obviously improved. After getting off the plane, she talked to Su Jin and the two people regardless of lunch, and trot towards the Xia's Group Building. There is so much work, it's so daunting.

The pomegranate under the sun looked at Su Jin and said hesitantly: "Mr. Su, we are going to leave. Can you tell me how you can steal cards from my little clothes?"

Su Jin immediately made a goodbye gesture, smiled and said, "When I see you next time, I will teach you."

Pomegranate’s eyes lit up. Although she kept guessing Su Jin’s technique in her heart, she never departed from her sect. It’s just that Su Jin’s skills are more advanced. Although she doesn’t say it now, she should meet again next time. She is not entangled. The woman nodded and walked quickly to the helicopter.

Su Jin looked at Pomegranate’s thin willow figure with legs under her abdomen, and sighed in her heart. This kind of beauty can have many functions. Killing can be used to charm and missions can be tracked. This figure is not only good-looking, if it breaks out. Down, the speed is definitely not low.

It's a pity that Su Jin, who has reached the "Infant Fairy Stage", can already clearly feel the gap between her and herself, and this appearance brings him some meaning.

When the helicopter rose slowly and left quickly, Su Jin turned around handsomely, with helpless eyes in his pocket.

Wife quit lunch again?

Forget it, all women like beauty. I guess she's not hungry, so let's teach her a lesson at night. Su Jin yawned and walked to the residence.



In fact, it was only two or three days away. Su Jin felt a burst of beauty in his heart. No matter what, this was a familiar home. No matter how good it was outside, he didn't stay here at ease.

"Xia Yunxi?" Su Jin walked into the living room, came to the sister-in-law's door, and knocked.

"She's not here! Just went to work!" A strange voice appeared from Su Jin and Xia Yuyan's bedroom.

Oh shit--

There is a woman in my house!

As soon as Su Jin heard the news that Xia Yunxi was absent, he immediately walked in three steps and two steps, opened his bedroom door directly, and took the scene he saw, leaving him stunned.

The beauty that appeared before him was very strange. Su Jinfa swears that he had never seen it before, and she seemed to be young, at most fifteen or six years old.

Although he looks like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old, but he is really powerful, more than 1.7 meters tall, with two pony tails tied with rubber bands. She has big watery eyes, a lovely face, and she wears a sultry pink skirt.

Su Jin gently closed the door and looked at it carefully for a long time, and the girl in front of him also let him watch, silently.

"Hu Tiantian?" Su Jin asked suspiciously.

"Hey, how did you see it?" The beautiful girl looked at Su Jin and asked with an incredible expression.

"Do you still use it? I smell it." Su Jin was ashamed.

In fact, he almost didn't see it through. This girl is too smart. If you look at it, you will feel like the high school sister next door.

Long legs and pony tail.

"How do you smell it?" Hu Tiantian blinked her eyes quickly. Recently, she secretly cultivated her cultivation base a lot, and she felt more difficult to be seen through after her transformation. In this scene, who knew that Su Jin only stayed for a short time, and she explained her true identity.

"You have a unique smell." Su Jin shrugged, walked over to the bed and sat down, lit a cigarette and asked: "Aren't you working at Luan Yan? Why did I meet you when I came back? You haven't How did you go home."

"Work? Don't mention work!" Hu Tiantian said very unhappy, and came to Su Jin, lying on the bed with a beautiful girl's body, graceful posture.

"What's the matter?" Su Jin felt something hidden inside.

"It's not all you, I blame you!" Hu Tiantian puffed her cheeks and raised her voice in dissatisfaction.

"Miss your brother?" Su Jin asked strangely.

"Who miss you! You can really forget things. A few days ago, someone came from the company. Because of her, I haven't been to work for these two days!" Hu Tiantian turned over on the bed angrily.

The long white legs were slightly hidden by the skirt, but they also attracted a lot of Su Jin's attention.

Su Jin thought for a while, and asked tentatively, "Because of Li Nianwei?"

"Yes!" Hu Tiantian said.

"Isn't Li Nianwei from the Public Relations Department? How come you are involved?" Su Jin cried out something bad.

When he asked, he felt mentally retarded. Li Nianwei dared to say five and six points to a passerby, pointing out that this shouldn't be or shouldn't be, not to mention joining a job, and Hu Tiantian rarely works, basically swimming around, or Sleeping, or learning something from Lan Yan, it must have been a conflict between the two in the process.

"How do I know, I'm so mad, I'd better stay by your side so I don't go to work." Hu Tiantian's active personality showed speechlessness, moving around in bed, after the voice fell. Su Jin had a white calf beside his leg.

"I just got off the plane, wait for a while to rest, I will go to the company with you." Su Jin put his hand on her calf and gave a comforting sound.

"I don't want to go." Hu Tiantian is obviously a little tired of working days. She is devoted to being a big star, and her mind is no longer at work.

Second Olympic...

A free labor has a tendency to get out of the control of the boss, how can you bear it as a very demanding boss of Su?

"Be obedient, you think! A beautiful president like Yan Jie, also a big star in the business world, you learn more, and I will make you famous in the future." Su Jinfa said cruelly, he felt like a fox If Tiantian keeps on going, she will have to use her family methods, and it will be easy to hit her.

"Hehe, I think about it." Hu Tiantian sat up from the bed and hugged Su Jin by his neck.

In a blink of an eye, Young Master Su was forced to be dragged onto the bed by her, and then a beautiful girl lay beside her...

Really clingy.

Su Jin smiled bitterly, and looked at Hu Tiantian and said, "Don't think about it, I can't stand your tossing like this. I'll go to the company for a while and I will make the decision for you. It will definitely satisfy you, okay?"

"Xie the emperor's grace..." Hu Tiantian was very happy, and immediately hid in Su Shao's arms.

And then, in the next scene, Su Jin couldn't help but tremble in his heart, staring blankly... Seeing the perfect interpretation of what a beautiful high school student is like fox sweet...

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