My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1230: Crusade against Li Nianwei

The two smooth black ponytails are combed, the bangs on the forehead are curved, and the snow-white melon seeds have big eyes and bright, lively, and this pink skirt also shows the youth and infinity, reaching the ultimate beauty.

Su Jin was obsessed with watching, and Qiong's nose and thin lips were misty, and the neat teeth could see a little while he wanted to be together. Hu Tiantian now gives the young master the most intuitive feeling. It is clean and pure.

And when Hu Tiantian's calf, which was only the thickness of an ordinary person's wrist, was placed on Su Jin's waist, Young Master Su collapsed...

Blood collapse.

"Tiantian, let's set off now. If you do this again... Brother is going to die!" Su Jin's face turned and smiled bitterly, and said to Hu Tiantian.

"What's the matter? This is my original face, don't you like it?" Hu Tiantian asked weakly with a puzzled expression.

More than just like it!

It's simply...

Su Jin looked at her expression and couldn't help but hugged her little face, kissed her little mouth a few times, and only after doing it did she grandly take her calf off her body and get up from the bed.

"Oh, you are good or bad, such a loved one..." Hu Tiantian covered her red and hot face, wondering why she had such a reaction in her heart, she blurted out her shy words.

"Get up, go to the company to ask you for justice!" Su Jin said sternly.

The current Young Master Su has a sense of justice, so Li Nianwei dared to bully even Hu Tiantian, she is innocent, don't you know that she is her own? It's unbearable.

In fact, Su Jin is quite regretful. A poem can best interpret the feelings of a great talent at this moment.

The so-called: ‘boil the beans and burn the beans, the beans are crying in the cauldron, they are all big women, why are you too anxious to cook? ’

Hu Tiantian also got out of bed almost at the same time, transformed into a one-foot-long snow-white fox, followed Su Jin wildly, and walked out of the residence.

Reaper ran away, Hu Tiantian jumped to the position of the co-pilot, and turned into a big beauty in Luan Yanshi's work clothes.

Very good, very professional.

Su Jin glanced at Hu Tiantian, feeling very satisfied with her at this moment, the young master couldn't hold back the change of her high school student, and she couldn't bear it as a man, and wanted to make mistakes.

"Go! Conquer that evil bad woman... Li Nianwei!" Hu Tiantian gave orders.

Tiantian has a backing, because the boss Su Jin is in charge of her, Tiantian is not afraid!

Su Jin was speechless, started the car and slowly drove out of the door and hit the road.

"Tiantian, calm down for a while, don't talk, let me show her some color, can you do it?" Su Jin was a little worried, and said to Hu Tiantian.

After all, Hu Tiantian is not a human being, but a mana existence. If she is not Luan Yan's boss, I don't know how much Li Nianwei has been knocked secretly by her.

This enchantress is ruthless and can absolutely do everything.

"I can't do it. I will call her to your office by then. I have all the props ready." Hu Tiantian's eyes narrowed into crescents, and she turned to look at Su Jin who was driving.

"What prop?" Su Jin whispered ‘No’ in his heart as he said.

"Rope." Hu Tiantian said.

"anything else?"

"Don't ask, there are a lot anyway! For example, candles, leather whips, tiger stools, chili water, I bought them all and put them in your office cabinet." Hu Tiantian's face was chilly, and her tone was full of hatred. .

Su Jin:...

Seeing sweat on his forehead, this is so offensive that no one can offend Fox Tiantian, this demon girl is so powerful, after hearing the name of the prop, Su Jin can already think of Li Nianwei's miserable situation.

I sighed deeply in my heart, Su Jin didn’t know whether Hu Tiantian’s must-reported personality was good or bad. Anyway, Li Nianwei had a good attitude when interviewing herself before. She had known that she would not be allowed to pass the interview, and she was stunned. Dazzled and provokes the sweet big beauty like this, it won't be a bad fight for a while.


Soon, Luan Yan Media.

Because they are only in their early days, many employees are still working, some are even ordering and eating, and there are also employees who continue to join the company.

"Good afternoon, boss."

People kept saying hello to Su Jin, but some people were a little weird when they saw Hu Tiantian's eyes.

Before passing Lan Yan's office, Su Jin took two steps backwards, turned and looked at Hu Tiantian and said, "Li Nianwei should still be in the company, do you know where she is?"

"I know!" Hu Tiantian gritted her teeth and nodded.

"Okay, you go and call her to my office. I'll see Sister Yan first." After Su Jin finished speaking, he knocked on the door of Lan Yan's office.

Hu Tiantian got the order and started to call Li Nianwei, and Su Jin also got Lan Yan's response in the office and opened the door and walked in.

"Boss..." Lan Yan raised her head and couldn't help standing up.

Su Jin raised her hand to indicate that she sat down.

"Sister Yan, did Tiantian cause trouble in the company? Why did she have a conflict with Li Nianwei?" Su Jin asked quietly, sitting not far from Lan Yan.

"Fortunately, the sweetheart is not mature yet, it is normal to be naughty, it should be a little contradictory." Lan Yan said with a smile.

Originally, Hu Tiantian had been following her, but most of the time she slept in Su Jin's office. In addition to learning management knowledge from her, she would also cause a little trouble.

"Naughty? What's the situation? Tell the truth." Su Jin is often away from the company, so naturally he has to understand clearly. Anyway, he will not listen to Fox's sweet words, and he must be part of the responsibility of the enchantress.

"In short, for example, last week, in the bathroom passage, because a male colleague saw her beautiful and said something admiring, and the male colleague secretly smoked a cigarette, but didn’t know what was going on. She lit the trousers of her male colleague. Fortunately, she found out in time. What can be done about this?" Lan Yan said helplessly.

Lan Yan's meaning is because Hu Tiantian is the boss's...

Su Jin is also very speechless, analyzing from what Yan sister said, because of Hu Tiantian's spoof, Li Nianwei's careless and nosy, the two are really wrong, and it's good not to fight.

"I'll take care of this. Is the company okay these days?" Su Jin asked.

"Overall it is developing rapidly. Many partners have re-signed agreements with us, and some financing companies have also negotiated smoothly." Lan Yan mentioned this with a happy expression on his face.

"Very good, I know that Sister Yan has this ability." Su Jin felt very relieved, and it was a great blessing to be able to be such a helper as a shopkeeper.

"It's all the boss's credit." Lan Yan said quickly. She really didn't dare to take credit anyway. If it hadn't been for Su Jin's series of digging moves to sign Park Yoona and the others, it would never have gone so smoothly now.

Su Jin smiled, just about to talk, the door was pushed open...

Turning his head to see, Su Jin's face sank a little, Hu Tiantian was so fast, only to see her coming quickly.

Immediately, Hu Tiantian said triumphantly:

"Brother! I caught that bitch!"

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