Su Jin found that there is a pain in being a man, that is, he said clearly in his heart that it is not possible, this is a trap, but the body just disagrees, and he is lucky.

After all, who is the other party? Foreign mm!

This is the point. Su Jin can hold back Sister Qin’s hot spring charm, but it does not mean that she can resist the sturdy behavior of living with a foreign girl. So Irene slowly retracted her hand and said with a smile: Sturdy."


Like a gust of cold wind blowing, co-author, no trouble?

Su Jin looked eagerly. He still enjoyed the taste of the stunning beauty touching her chest with his fingers. He thought she had to take the next step. It seemed that the other party didn't mean it.

"Let's go, godfather said, let me take you out for a walk." Irene said with a little bit of abuse in her eyes.

Su Jin caught her teasing her wink, and suddenly felt upset.

He stood up, Irene was in front, reached out his hand and slapped a loud slap on the leg! His hands are numb, and he has never beaten a woman so hard.

" hurts." Irene turned her head, her white face was ruddy.

Su Jin looked at her triumphantly, as if saying, just ask if you are afraid!

"Humph." Irene wasn't angry. After staring at Su Jin for a while, she twisted and walked out.

I'm still not angry yet, it seems that this girl has a strong taste, but what does it mean to blush? Is it that they are bit people, and they are not allowed to have the behavior of married couples before marriage? If this is the case, then he really has to take it well.

Here, there are mountains, waters, and beauties!

Therefore, no man dislikes this place. Although most of them are arranged artificially, if you want to see this kind of rich and powerful park in Qincheng, it is estimated that no more than a slap of people, even Zhou Lan, buy Su Jin's house is also incomparable, but she admires Su Jin's arrogance as a beach.

Xiaoqin is not there. It seems that Su Tianlong just took her away. To be honest, Su Jin really doesn’t understand what Su Tianlong thinks. He must know that his women are all big beauties, so he is not very interested in women of his own race. Is this the fact? No, although foreigners are good, they are just like seafood. After all, they cannot be eaten often, which will cause problems. In comparison, he still prefers home-cooked dishes, so that there is a taste of home, right?

Su Jin looked at Irene's unnatural movement and couldn't help but smiled and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Irene actually bit her lip very locally, glared at him, and said angrily: "It hurts."

Su Jin snorted in his heart, the pain is right, this is the end of your teasing brother.

"It's a bit heavier to start." Although Su Jin thought that way, there was still a smile on his mouth. "It looks like it has swollen. Would you like to see a doctor?"


"Then you are not suitable for walking, where do you live, I will take you back to your room."

"After returning to the room, do you have ulterior motives?"

"If you think so, then you just walk back." Su Jin inserted his trouser pocket and said.

Seeing Irene not talking, Su Jin took out a cigarette and took a cigarette. After lighting it, he blew a sip in her face, as if she was telling her not to play hooligans with her brother, otherwise it would be difficult to end.

Irene coughed twice, Qiong Bi and Liu brows frowned, "I told you, I'm angry, so you can play by yourself."

After finishing speaking, he walked in another direction without slowing down.

Su Jin was startled, the facts did not match what I thought, shouldn't he give her away? What is this now? Do you want to keep up?

Grandma's, hasn't this girl figured out the situation? You were given to yourself by Su Tianlong, you still pretend! Moreover, just for him to belittle the Chinese man's unhealthy development, he felt more and more wanting to show her a good look on behalf of the Chinese man, anyway, Xiaoqin and Susan are not there now.

Su Tianlong is only for profit, and he has said such a heavy promise, how could this girl let her slip away?

Thinking of this, Su Jin followed carefully. He swears that he has never done anything like this before, even when he was in trouble. In the past few years, he has been with the old guys, and the lower limit has been lowered. Quite a lot.

After waiting for a while, Su Jin felt a little different.

Susan lived in the best place here. Although Irene lived well, she was still a little worse in grade. It might be her choice, in case she liked it.

Irene lives in a relatively remote villa. There is a hot spring pool in front of the house. There are also wandering goldfish in it. The surrounding layout is also different from other places. It is quite Western. It seems that Su Tianlong is Irene's godfather paid much attention to this adopted daughter, and this time he had lost money.

Su Jin thought of this, his heart warmed a lot, after seeing Irene walk in, he quickly walked towards the villa.

Nima, did you find it? Su Jin felt that she didn't look back, she must be thinking that she was behind her. No one wanted to miss this opportunity. What made him strange was that he didn't meet a gardener along the way. , This is Su Tianlong's bureau again?

Regardless, Su Jin walked into the villa door.

This villa is not big, with two floors above and below. Judging by the sound, Irene's bedroom should be upstairs. Su Jin hesitated and walked upstairs very lightly.

Soon, something that made Su Jin stare a little bit. Irene didn't even close the door properly and was half-hidden. Didn't this tell me clearly that she was waiting for him inside?

Su Jin hesitated, although something was wrong in his mind, he still took a step involuntarily, and quickly glanced inward.


Not here.

Then Su Jin took two small steps toward the inside.

Su Jin felt his lips dry and walked over quietly.

"Nima, go a little further." Su Jin opened his eyes vigorously and adjusted the angle of his eyes to widen, but he could only see the pair of crystal clear toes.

"Beauty, don't you know, it's bad for you to do this!" Su Jin wanted to push the door angrily, and even more aggrieved to himself.

But soon, welfare came, and his mouth opened into an O shape.


Su Jin opened her mouth unbelievably, and a beautiful picture appeared. Since it was broad daylight, she had just come in again, just to test the water temperature. When he saw her faintly standing in his own eyes, he was even more amazed at the mystery of the creator. This kind of stunner, no one wanted to see him, let alone what was going to happen, at least this was his true thoughts now.

So Su Jin stabilized his mind.

Drops of water rolled off her arms, and her slender arms made movements very slowly, and the frequency was much slower than others. However, this atmosphere was also in line with her movements.

It just made Su Jin feel a pity that she soon showed an arm and a thin leg. Hands were washing on it, the scene was so quiet, the sound of water was very loud.

"Does it look good..." Irene didn't turn her head, as if she knew that Su Jin was peeking, she suddenly said.

I go!

Damn, this girl is so hung that Su Jin is not scared to death. Although he has a good psychological quality, he can't stand such a word, no one can stand it!

Su Jin's mouth is a little weird. This girl has been in China for a long time, and the impact is really not small. She will be so appetizing. Thinking of this, he simply pushed the door open.

Since it's all exposed to the sun, is he still afraid of Mao?

Irene seemed to be a little embarrassed, and turned her back to herself. After Su Jin came in, he was immersed in the special atmosphere. He didn't rush to walk to her, but behind her. , Stretched out his hand and placed it on the smooth back, he just felt Irene tremble after touching his fingers.

Su Jin felt that she was very nervous, so her hands were naturally gentle. Seeing her slowly turning her head, the tension revealed in her eyes did not hide.

The golden hair was then deeply kissed by Su Jin, a special smell of foreign luxury perfume came over her face.

Supreme, Su Jin sighed, and finally hugged her.


Immediately afterwards, Su Jin was not at all polite to Su Tianlong's gift.

"I'm afraid." Irene looked at Su Jin with horror, feeling that she no longer dared to say that the Chinese man is stunted, and just after she said it, she let out a painful sound.

Su Jin gritted his teeth, Nima is a stunner, now know that he is afraid? What did you do when you were talking about it!

At this moment, in addition to trembling or trembling!

Irene had already started begging for mercy, but Su Jin simply ignored her.


I don't know how long it took.

Su Jin put on his clothes and looked at Irene, who had entered a semi-conscious state, with a slight indifferent mouth. I don’t know why. He had opinions about Susan and her. Didn’t he soak himself well, and had a conspiracy atmosphere. , He didn't like it very much.

Irene quickly started fighting with her eyelids. She fell asleep and didn't even know when Su Jin left. However, before Su Jin left, she still carried her to the bed so that she could rest well.

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