My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 124: Mo Yulin who is about to leave

When Su Jin drove away, somewhere in the Jutu Group, a pair of dark eyes was watching, and the corners of his mouth were slightly proud.

Ten minutes later, Su Jin came to'Blue Shield', where Mo Yulin worked.

He took the time to come. It’s getting late now. He actually played with Irene for two hours. Now it’s more than three o’clock in the afternoon. Zhang Anna probably can’t go with him, but he must be at night. Go and see who dares to marry his woman.

Came to Mo Yulin because Su Jin had been thinking about Zhou Xiaolu’s crazy girl yesterday. If that girl is really messed up, he would still be troublesome. Therefore, first explore Mo Yulin’s tone. , The wicked can file a complaint first!

Don't blame Su Jin for being too insidious. People are in the rivers and lakes, reputation is more important than fate, and women are more important than reputation, but you have to think about how these two balances.

She was still so peaceful, watching Su Jin's arrival at this time, she also smiled and said, "You are here."

"Are you still so busy?" Su Jin felt that her job here was the easiest, and people needed very little.

"Well, we are doing the assessment form." Mo Yulin smiled.

"Thanks." Su Jin stared at her face, secretly strange, didn't Zhou Xiaolu's girl threatening to tell Mo Yulin about it? She didn't seem to know why, and after whispering inconceivable, he sat down opposite her.

"No hard work, this line is relatively simple." Mo Yulin hesitated and said, "Su Jin, I have already considered it."

"How did you think about it?" Su Jin knew she was talking about the old guy.

"The old man always came to me and asked me to worship him as a teacher. Anyway, it feels okay, and he is so powerful, saying that I have a better future than you little bastard." Mo Yulin covered his mouth and smiled very happily.

In Malgobi, Su Jin felt quite embarrassed by her saying that, but it was born in others, and the average person is really incomparable, but he is not necessarily, his talent is also born! Moreover, his current strength is quite not weak, given time, it is definitely better than the old thing, this is what he said in the same way. Although he thinks that he is fooling, he now firmly believes it.

"What about your decision?" Su Jin asked.

"I am definitely going to worship him as a teacher, but I'm going out with him for a year, and Xuejiao will take care of it too." Mo Yulin said.

Su Jin nodded, her decision was very correct, at least, around the old guy, what she doesn't understand, you can ask more, and believe that the old guy will give her something better than herself.

"You know, he told me that he is in charge of a force called Dragon Tooth. It's too powerful, and he said that Qin City will soon be in chaos and can bless my family." Mo Yulin said.

Wipe, that old **** is a scumbag, this Nima hasn't told me, he just knew it not long ago.

"What else did I tell you?" Su Jin had some expectation on his face.

"I was so annoyed and impatient by him, I said I didn't believe it, and then he said that Longya is basically the background of the highest government..." Mo Yulin looked at him and blinked, "You are his apprentice , Do you say what he said is true?"


In fact, Su Jin is dumbfounded now, this dragon tooth has government background? No wonder it's no wonder that few people dare to provoke them, and the most important thing is that he finds out that he has been caught?

He clearly remembered that the reason for entering prison was because he was suddenly arrested by the police after a conflict with a few young people. The timing was quite coincidental. After entering the prison, the old guy seemed to be waiting there. As for him, if Mo Yulin didn't say anything, he still hadn't felt that way. He was deceived, and he was still in prison for five years?

As for the question that Mo Yulin said, Su Jin felt that the old guy still wouldn’t lie. For one thing, there was no need to lie to a girl. Anyway, he was very despicable about what he did. If the old guy appeared in front of him now, He would definitely slap him to death.

"It's true." Su Jin smiled bitterly.

"What's wrong with you?" Mo Yulin asked curiously.

"Paralysis!" Su Jin uttered a foul mouth in front of Mo Yulin very indecently, and jumped off Mo Yulin.


Su Jin looked at her with some jealousy and said, "What else did he promise you?"

"It is said that the environment is many times better than here, and there are still people to practice, but it is with a few senior sisters." Mo Yulin said.

Su Jin has the urge to vomit blood. He is really better than others and maddening. He strongly protested this despicable act of contempt for human rights.

"Yes, do you know how I worshipped him as a teacher?" Su Jin gritted his teeth and said.

"What?" Mo Yulin was curious about everything about Su Jin anyway.

"I also have a room, but unlike you, I was caught in jail by him for five years." Su Jin felt a bit resentful.

"Huh?" Mo Yulin suddenly covered her small mouth and laughed out loud. After she recovered from her illness, her unprecedented good mood accompanied her every day, so she naturally restored the character of the little daughter's family, but she When facing Su Jin, he had such an instinctive feeling.

Su Jin was silent for a while. Anyway, all this was over, and the prison was not done in vain. It is probably because he was a hairy boy at the beginning and was too impulsive, so he planned to put himself in the cell to calm himself down. He nodded and said:" I think this is a very good choice for you and your small family, so do it with peace of mind."

"Well, when I heard you, I felt the same way." Mo Yulin said.

"Right." Su Jin hesitated: "Do you know Zhou Xiaolu?"

Mo Yulin was shocked after hearing the words Zhou Xiaolu.

"She, she..." Mo Yulin blushed, nodded and said, "Yes."

"Strange, how can you guys know each other?"

"It's not surprising, she has a personality problem." Mo Yulin reminded him and said: "Three years ago, when I was sick, she said... said... she wanted to marry me, and she didn't care. My illness."

Su Jin has the urge to vomit. Of course, girls and girls are more acceptable to him, but he feels uncomfortable.

"Then how did you get back?" Su Jin asked.

"Where can I agree? It's BT, good or bad, and I was seriously ill at the beginning, and I didn't have the thought of talking about my boyfriend, let alone her..." Mo Yulin shook his head.

Hearing what she said, Su Jin couldn't help but feel relieved, co-authoring is not only self-rejection, it is estimated that normal people would not be willing.

"Brother Su, how did you know her?" Mo Yulin asked.

Su Jin's eyes quickly rolled twice, "A chance, but he and I are both brothers."

"Oh." Mo Yulin nodded slowly.

"When will the old guy take you away?" Su Jin felt that he had to turn this topic away.

"I don't know. I only promised him yesterday. I shouldn't be here today, right? I probably came to talk to me at this time."

"That's good." Su Jin thought to himself, whether he left, Zhou Xiaolu, who was interrogating, would be entangled in an endless stream, and would not reveal her relationship with herself, so there would be no way to threaten her.

Mo Yulin looked at Su Jin blankly. She had always had a special feeling for this man who was the most significant in her life. If it weren't for him, her illness would definitely not be good now, and she would not even know when she would die. Because there was not much time left, but now? Not only did she not die, but her quality of life was exceptionally high. This is what she is most happy about. She is afraid of death, really afraid. People who have never had a serious illness can't imagine the atmosphere of death every day. terror.

Su Jin squeezed her face, "You can rest assured, I will visit you later when I have time."

"Really?" Mo Yulin opened his eyes wide.

"Of course it's true, I'm the old guy's successor, what do you lie to! We will have a lot of time to meet in the future." Su Jinle, he naturally knew that Mo Yulin liked himself from the moment he saved her. , But the two of them have never said this kind of sentiment clearly, and he feels that this is also good.

"Okay, it's a deal, you can visit me more if you have a chance!"

"Well, but, if you leave, the security company my brother opened will take away your business. Don't cry when you come back." Su Jin joked.

"It's nothing, my family's money is enough for us to eat for a few lifetimes. Besides, this part is just a small business of ours. If it weren't for making a fortune with it back then, maybe my dad would not be willing to do this, right? , I have never told you, have you been free lately, my dad always wanted to thank you, but I was afraid that you were too busy, so I didn't bother you, now I'm leaving soon, so hurry up." Mo Yulin said.

"Hurry up? So what are you doing..." Su Jin gave a dry smile, "Okay, I'll talk about it later."

"Are there today?" Mo Yulin asked.

"Not today." Su Jin shook his head helplessly.

Today he has to pk that Zhang Anna’s fiance, where would he have time to go back with her, besides, he didn’t plan to see her parents, he saved it, because he didn’t want to see a beautiful girl like Mo Yulin suffer that kind of torture. It also has its own considerations.

Mo Yulin's eyes were disappointed, but she also understood.

For two short hours, the two had been communicating with each other in a knowing manner. Su Jin came here, and it was considered to have resolved this worry.

Afterwards, Su Jin left under Mo Yulin's unwilling gaze. He understood that what Mo Yulin had been paying attention to was his illness. As far as feelings are concerned, she had never thought about it, and she could be considered a rush. The first man to enter her heart is probably the last one, because once he is liked by a girl with this personality, it is easy for him to take the initiative, but the time is not right now, and he also understands that waiting for her a year later Come back, let her make a better choice at that time.

In the evening, Su Jin knew that Zhang Anna was off work. This former sister next door had now become part of his daily habits. It was absolutely impossible for anyone to take her away, even her parents.

So he came.

Zhang Anna just made two calls because it was not convenient for him to answer because Mo Yulin was there.

Su Jin got off the car, and then went to the door of Zhang Anna's house in the small high-rise building.

But as soon as he came, he heard a strong quarrel erupting inside, and he could also think of this situation.

"Mom, I said, I don't like him, I don't like it!" Zhang Anna, a calm person, was forced to be a little anxious at this time, arguing with a bloated woman.

On the sofa in the room, there are two men. One is Zhang Anna’s father Zhang Mingyou. The young one is a silent young man. The long one is quite sturdy. The most eye-catching is the few gold rings on his hand. It proved that his family is indeed very rich.

"Anna, why are you so disobedient? What's wrong with Zhao Peng? The others are good, and your family background is also very good. You are almost 30. If you continue to mess around like this, who wants you!" Zhang's mother couldn't help but argue with her daughter.

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