My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1237: Only one bed!

At ten o'clock in the evening.

Because he didn't know Ren Xueyan's exact address, Su Jin had to take her to a five-star hotel and pay for the presidential suite for one night.

Su Jin quietly leaned on the beige leather sofa, looking at the ‘s’-shaped bed, sleeping on her side, the white shirt, the black skirt and the brown-red bed sheet set off, it was very conspicuous.

It’s two miles away from the'City Park’ and it is the nearest five-star hotel. Su Jin wanted to send her here and left, but it’s not good to think about it. Things must be explained clearly. Don't have any more accidents with a little girl here, because Bai Xiaoli, the ghost girl, is a little bit confused.

But having said that, I didn't save this girl in vain. The tears that have dried up and the beautiful face with youthful breath really make ordinary people feel hesitant and flustered. The eyelashes on those big eyes are also original and beautiful.

Suddenly, Ren Xueyan moved, changing from lying on her side to lying on her back. The arcs on both sides of the snow-white shirt appeared. She clenched the corners of her clothes nervously, and shook her head twice.


Su Jin was silent, stepped forward, sitting on the side of the bed and watching.

"You have to go out at night? Okay, come early. If the aunt who is checking the dormitory comes early, I will help you carry it—" A picture of Bai Xiaoli was frozen and appeared in Ren Xueyan's mind.

"We are best friends. After graduation, I will find a local tyrant husband, at least 30 years less struggle..." Another gloomy black and white photo of Bai Xiaoli was once again frozen in the scene.

"Kakaka..." Ren Xueyan was tugging, watching many media who heard the wind, and then looking at the white cloth stretcher brought out from the school hospital, Bai Xiaoli's head was covered, and the experiment class had an accident! The miserable black and white photo once again freezes in Ren Xueyan's mind.

"You should be dead, not me!" Ren Xueyan was occupied by an extremely ugly face in her mind. She screamed in fright and opened her eyes sharply.

"Hey." Su Jin clutched Ren Xueyan, who had just woke up from dreaming, and comforted her.

The room was quiet.

"You are..." Ren Xueyan's forehead was dripping with sweat, and there were traces of sweat on her snow-white shirt. When she saw Su Jin, she first felt very strange.

Su Jin is ashamed, his face is so easily forgotten?

"It seems that Miss Ren is really an honorable person who has forgotten things--" Su Jin was rather helpless and blinked at Ren Xueyan.

Ren Xueyan did it lightly. Even though she knew it was impolite to point at others, she still pointed at Su Jin, and some fragments appeared in her mind, and said in surprise: "I remember, the city park..."

Su Jin didn't care about her surprise, nodded lightly and said, "That's right."

"Thank you." Ren Xueyan felt her other hand grasping Su Jin's hand tightly. After releasing it, she looked around the room.

It's really luxurious. Ren Xueyan has never stayed in such a good hotel.

"No thanks, um... you feel all right?" Su Jin asked.

"Excuse me, was Bai Xiaoli right in front of me when I was in the city park?" Ren Xueyan asked cautiously.

"Yes, her resentment was so great that she turned into a ghost, and wanted to kill you. If I hadn't passed by and saw some clues and helped me, I'm afraid you won't lie here now, you should be lying in the hospital morgue. In." Su Jin smiled.

"It's my fault." Ren Xueyan still had lingering fears, a stream of tears fell, and now she was very complicated, and she didn't know what to say.

"Don't worry... she shouldn't bother you again in the future. You will never worry about your life anymore. Let's talk. It's better to vent and vent. You can tell me some things that are hidden in your heart." Su Jin encouraged.

"She died because of me. There was a sick father in my family. He was anxious to send money back. There was an experimental textbook that was arranged for me that day. She kindly helped me, but an accident happened." Ren Xueyan was a little bit difficult. It was uncomfortable, she was very regretful, but it was no use now.

"Everyone has a fate, she is destined to die, so don't be too sad, a person is better than anything to live." Su Jin thought for a while, then said: "So now do you want to go back? Or continue to live here? Hotel?"

"I, I won't go back." Ren Xueyan's reaction was a little big, her head shaking like a rattle, as if thinking of something.

"Why?" Su Jin asked back.

"I live with her, I'm afraid." Ren Xueyan chuckled her mouth, obviously reluctant to go back after the incident just now.

"All right, you live in the dormitory with her?" Su Jin sighed.

"Yes, since her accident, no one has dared to live in that dormitory room, please, can you stay with me all night..." Ren Xueyan looked at Su Jin eagerly and said an embarrassing request.

This horse riding is very subtle-

Su Jin's heart is unwilling at this moment, after all, he has no heads.

Of course he also understands, after all, the girl is timid and extenuable, nodded and agreed: "Okay, but you are slimy and comfortable to sleep?"


Ren Xueyan blushed, with sweaty clothes, how could it be comfortable to wear?

"Also, okay." Ren Xueyan said shamefully.

"You stay in the house, I'll go buy some clothes for you, take a bath later, and get a good night's sleep." Su Jin smiled and stood up and said.

"Don't! I'll go with you." Ren Xueyan has been tortured so badly these days that she refuses to stay in the room alone anyway.

Su Jin:...

In the end, he had no choice but to agree to her request. Who made Young Master Su be charitable? As a three-good citizen, he would help to the end, although it was a little troublesome.

Turn left with Ren Xueyan and out of the hotel. The busy city in the past was a bit deserted late at night, but fortunately, after looking for a few open stores, Ren Meili finally bought the clothes she needed to change. Of course, it was Su Jin's payment, and the officials still felt that her complexion was not good. It should be because of the bad food for a few days. By the way, they bought a rabbit head and a few bottles of mineral water on the street.

After a few minutes, return to the hotel room.

Ren Xueyan is also a girl who loves cleanliness. She couldn't help it for a long time. After entering the room, she brought the clothes she bought to change and closed the bathroom. After a while, there was a pattering sound of water——

Su Jin kept his eyes on the bathroom door, and after a while he looked at the double bed in the room...

The situation was urgent at the time. He vowed that he didn't deliberately book a double bed. Now I don't know if Ren Xueyan can see anything?

So the question is, Ren Xueyan is definitely not willing to let herself leave this room, there is only one bed!

Shall we sleep together?

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